Ah ok. Another question, does a script in storage rather than t6r affect how it is given out to players? Like in custom game for example because I found that if I put a script in storage rather than t6r everyone sees it not just me.

Difference between storage/t6 and gameserver/t6r/data/maps/mp -
Difference between storage/t6 and gameserver/t6r/data/maps/mpWhat is the difference between putting scripts inside of Local/Plutonium/storage/t6/scripts/zm and putting scripts inside of t6r/data/maps/mp/gametypes_zm or /zombies because some people tell me to put the gsc scripts inside of one folder while others tell me to put the scripts in the other folder.
When hosting server can't open plutoniumSorex Ok thanks that solved my problem.
When hosting server can't open plutoniumWhen I start my server then I try go on plutonium launcher and launch WaW the plutonium launcher closes and tries to open the game as normal but then nothing opens but the server still works for people except I can't actually open my game.
Nothing happens when I connect to my friendwhambamsuperslam if he port forwarded 4976 manually or with UPnP and it still doesn't work then tell him to check his firewall if the port connection is blocked since the same thing happened with me and my friend, he couldn't join me but I could join him. Else you could just be typing in the command wrong.
Cant join friends gamewe are both in online
Cant join friends gameHe didnt change difficulty but it seems like I couldnt join him or he couldnt join me because i have project iconic mod menu on. Why is that?
Cant join friends gameWhen i try to join my friends custom game in zombies it pops up with an error.
Game doesn't open and gives an errorWhen I launch MW3 it pops up with the commandline and doesn't open the game at all. After a few minutes it pops up with an error that looks like this.
Are mod menus allowed in zombies?Chase but the thing is I have to be host to have mods.
Are mod menus allowed in zombies?Dss0 When he does it I can join but when he tries to join me then he cant.
Are mod menus allowed in zombies?Dss0 Yea I have started the match and he still cant join he's doing the workaround rn.
Are mod menus allowed in zombies?Dss0 My friend and I have upnp enabled yet when he trys to join me it shows joining game session and then it goes away and does nothing.
Are mod menus allowed in zombies?Dss0 Oh ok aswell this might be a stupid question but my friend has upnp disabled and he doesn't know how to enable it, how do you enable it?
Are mod menus allowed in zombies?Are mod menus allowed in zombies custom games?
Game doesnt openI kind of fixed it now by restarting my pc and making the game windows full screen. I'll tell you if it happens again.
Game doesnt openWhen I open up black ops 2 zombies it just shows the commandline and the game but when i click on the game it flickers black for a second and goes back to my desktop.
When I try go to the task bar and open bo2 is just flickers and does nothing.