Hello, I don't know if the topic is about sliding in bo2 I have this code taken from chatGPT, in order to be able to slide in bo2, if there is any expert in GCS code, you can compile the code or something like that. I use Google translator. this is the code:
// Declare the "isSliding" variable before the "playerSlide()" function
int isSliding;
// Define the function "playerSlide()"
if ( isButtonPressed( "goprone_button" ) && self.velocity[2] < 0.1 )
isSliding = true;
self setplayerstance( "prone" );
self setOrigin( self.origin + ( 0, 0, -20 ) );
self setVelocity( ( anglestoforward( self.angles ) * 350 ) );
else if ( isSliding )
isSliding = false;
self setplayerstance( "stand" );
self setOrigin( self.origin + ( 0, 0, 20 ) );
self setVelocity( ( anglestoforward( self.angles ) * 200 ) );
Thank you for your time.)