I've found two bugs that appear to be from this script, both of which being on MOTD. Firstly, when in afterlife I can no longer teleport the zombies away by shocking them. Secondly, when you leave the bridge after pack-a-punching your gun the AAT goes away, leaving you with a normal packed gun back at the prison. These issues could be specific to me because of the other scripts I'm running but after testing they only occurred when this script was active.
![Killerbro Killerbro](/assets/uploads/profile/uid-52181/52181-profileavatar.png)
[Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 2 Alternative Ammo Types -
A Simple Pause Script for BO2 ZombiesI found a couple bugs that occurred when "p" was entered again in chat before a "u" was sent. Occasionally it crashed my pluto and other times it just left the "Game Paused" in the middle of my screen.
I changed the script slightly to avoid this issue for anybody who is like me and too dumb to not put "p" in twice before "u." Once the "p" is sent it will only trigger again once "u" is sent.
watchchatpause() { level endon("end_game"); self endon("disconnect"); for(;;) { level waittill("say", message, player); if (message == "p") { self EnableInvulnerability(); self iprintln("Game Paused "); self.ignoreme = 1; self freezeControls(true); level.gamestate = createServerFontString("hudsmall" , 31); level.gamestate setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", "CENTER", 190); level.gamestate setText("Game Paused"); level waittill("say", message1, player); chatPauseFix(message1); } wait 0.05; } } chatPauseFix(m) { if(m == "u") { self iprintln("Game UnPaused "); self freezeControls(false); level.gamestate destroy(); self DisableInvulnerability(); self.ignoreme = 0; } else { level waittill("say", chat, player); chatPauseFix(chat); } }
As far as I know this won't cause any bugs but who knows at this point.
[ZM] Attempting to change box weapon checksSo before the latest update I used a script that replaced _zm_magicbox.gsc (forum.plutonium.pw/topic/2648/release-zombies-no-weapon-limits-for-mystery-box), but after the update that obviously won't work anymore. I attempted a fix myself using my limited gsc knowledge by replacing the classes in _zm_magicbox.gsc with the slightly edited versions from the earlier script.
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_stats; #include maps/mp/_demo; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_audio; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_score; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_pers_upgrades_functions; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_audio_announcer; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_unitrigger; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_weapons; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility; #include maps/mp/_utility; #include common_scripts/utility; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_magicbox_lock; init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); level.treasure_chest_canplayerreceiveweapon = scripts/zm/boxRNG::boxRNG; level.treasure_chest_chooseweightedrandomweapon = scripts/zm/boxRNG::chestTest; } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); } } boxRNG( player, weapon, pap_triggers ) { if ( !get_is_in_box( weapon ) ) { return 0; } return 1; } chestTest( player ) { keys = array_randomize( getarraykeys( level.zombie_weapons ) ); if ( isDefined( level.customrandomweaponweights ) ) { keys = player [[ level.customrandomweaponweights ]]( keys ); } /* /# forced_weapon = getDvar( "scr_force_weapon" ); if ( forced_weapon != "" && isDefined( level.zombie_weapons[ forced_weapon ] ) ) { arrayinsert( keys, forced_weapon, 0 ); #/ } */ pap_triggers = getentarray( "specialty_weapupgrade", "script_noteworthy" ); for ( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ ) { if ( treasure_chest_canplayerreceiveweapon( player, keys[ i ], pap_triggers ) ) { return keys[ i ]; } } return keys[ 0 ]; }
If it's clear that this is definitely incorrect, please say so lol. I'd appreciate any and all advice here.
Can't open the game while my server is up.This isn't a large issue but whenever my server is running the actual game refuses to launch. I've tried a reinstall and having two separate installs but neither worked. To play on the server I've had to launch Plutonium first, then open the server afterwards. The only problem I have with this is that I'm forced to restart the server if I crash and want to play again. If anyone else has had this problem I would appreciate some help.
What other .gsc's can be used for custom scripts?JezuzLizard Ah ok. Thank you for your help!
What other .gsc's can be used for custom scripts?I know that _clientids.gsc can be overwritten but i'm wondering if other .gsc's can be replaced as easily. If it matters i'm specifically looking at zombies.