@Snoopy__ thanks man! uh the gloves i downloaded a while ago and are not mine but they were "Paw" gloves after the csgo awp skin so just look up Paw gloves on the forum and im sure you will find them

Kitchen Gun
"Blunt" Force Camo MP -
[Release] [ZM] (UPDATE 15/03/22) Bleed-out Bar V2.0Nathan3197 Is it possible to set this up into a non dedicated server such as a server that needs hamachi to be connected to? I have set up different scripts such as a Cold War Overhaul, zombie counter etc. I get the same error as someone else that people get put into spectator instantly when downed.
CoD BO1JezuzLizard This would be awesome, mainly because, it would open up a bunch of opportunities for people to create maps for bo1, there are ONLY a few maps out there.
Black Ops 1 M14It seems as that the Dropbox was deleted.
Friends can't connect to my server.Dss0 ah alright thanks dude!
Friends can't connect to my server.Dss0
i believe this is it
Friends can't connect to my server.Im using my internal ip to play zombies with some plugins with my friends but when i host it everything checks out it says heartbeat successful and i can join but when my friend attempts to they get joining game session and then nothing, we have tried both my internal and external ip's
Allowing weapon challenge progression (bug?)cpt_obvs Yeah usually when your in the main menu in the map selection screen and custom loadout screen then you usually do it.
Allowing weapon challenge progression (bug?)cpt_obvs I would assume you would just do xpartygo in the console by pressing ` (the tilde key)
hm whats this :)Yo_Angelo Ah ok
hm whats this :)Probably not however
hm whats this :)Not sure if its because i already own WaW on steam.
hm whats this :)I was just browsing my %localappdata% folders and found this, pretty cool.
A couple of reasons why AW should get a clientHeres just a few reasons, Hopefully one day ill make a list but heres a few for now. (ofc you guys are doing WaW just think of this as a possible project after WaW)
It will be the first Pluto Client that will have some form of Spec Ops Survival, which is really fun, (I believe that the peak amount of players was 12,649 according to Steam Charts https://steamcharts.com/app/209650
However Advanced Warfare Multiplayer, if it includes Exo Survival had a peak of 35,017 players according to steam charts
https://steamcharts.com/app/209660) -
Exo Zombies will be a pretty unique experience for new and returning players that previously have played aw, or any other cod client looking for more.
Advanced Warfare is the first "Futuristic Jump" for cod, why not relive it! (excluding supply drops ofc xd)
Back to the Exo Survival case, it has a pretty interesting storyline which connects so exo zombies, as completing all the missions will give you access to the "zombies" in exo Survival.
If you have more ideas please tell me. This is what i can come up with on the spot.
A map i will probably release for T4ty im actually gonna change this map quite a bit maybe ill release a fully done box map a couple days after T4 if im not done by then
Private Zombie PartyTheJusDePomme if hamachi doesnt work try Radmin, its basically the same process
Private Zombie PartyOk so. Basically download hamachi at vpn.net, download it make a account and tell your friends to download it and make a account. Then make a network, tell your friends to join, tell them to join once youve fully loaded into the match and thats about it.
I have a tutorial on how to do this with video demonstration on yt but im not too sure if i can post it so better safe than sorry. Hopefully this helped you.
A map i will probably release for T4In preparations for the upcoming T4 release i decided to get into mapping and i created a small map with pack a punch box and soon to be perks, heres a sneak peek (its not really great just a map i made to be hard)
[Release] Haisa's Skin Pack V3 + TutorialThis is amazing
Pinky Camo (Very Bright Pink)Hey. This camo was something i was experimenting with and used the afterlife camo as a base and added a flower pattern to it, it then became a pink glowy camo by accident and i went with it
Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/h6gztmrw8752h3d/Pinky_Camo.rar/file
(replaces afterlife)Images:
Hope you like it!