I was looking into camos for zombies while making my prestige shop for my servers. To found out zombies do have the MP camo index and even some of the texture loaded into some maps.
But going through the camo index to see what camos get applied to the gun to only to find out there are only 7 camos that work for zombies.
(Also not every camo will get applied to all weapons. notability ones that work are the none base game weapons (ones found in MP))
Camos index numbers that work in zombies
39 - OG PAP camo (works on all maps)
40 - MOB PAP camo (Only works on Mob, buried and Origins)
41 - MP Aqua camo (Only works on Origins)
42 - MP Breach camo (Only works on Origins)
43 - MP Coyte camo (Only works on Origins)
44 - MP Glam camo (Only works on Origins)
45 - Origins PAP camo (Only works on Origins)
if you want to apply camo to a weapon. Just use this in your GSC script self giveweapon(Weapon_name, 0, camo_index_num);
It sucks that most of the camos found in MP don't work in ZM. This makes me wish that custom camo support (not from texture replacing) will be a thing one day.