SandinXx No problem my friend I hoped that you have search that up on Youtube tutorial. Or whatever platform you use.

can you use a ps4 controller on bo2 plutanium -
can you use a ps4 controller on bo2 plutaniumSandinXx DS4 windows.
Cute Victis hands🌷GhostRider0125 I only use the default 65 FOV
Cute Victis hands🌷The high FOV!
Add me :)Alright.
Do I need to own black ops 2 to play it on plutonium?ballmaster9 Plutonium no longer supported piracy just buy the game I can't tell you cause I don't want to get canceled.
What is the most popular bo2 server?G0LD3N 4RM Yes! GP is the best vanilla server for grief.
What is the most popular bo2 server?Mr_drip Best Vanilla server in my opinion is server name Nacho for grief it's GP
Y'all I wonder what does DLC does for Black Ops 2 zombies?Resxt Thanks!
Anyone wanna do the super easter egg?alex167g Post from 2020
Y'all I wonder what does DLC does for Black Ops 2 zombies?Sweetcolt764403 Other than that? It is only Die Rise and Buried? For the maps of course.
Y'all I wonder what does DLC does for Black Ops 2 zombies?What do DLC do in Black Ops 2 zombies? (You don't need to tell me how to get DLC's)
🌸Cute PRIMIS hands for origins🌺High FOV makes me go dizzy
My Custom BO1 pack (Animated camos)🤩Cool! Since you're the best texture maker out there!
Plutonium zombie mapsY6star I can tell you how to download DLC's but I can't I'll get canceled for doing that and I ain't got a death wish.
[Release] BO2 Zombie HitmarkersArttyom77 You finally
started talking in English nicee for me only. -
[Release][ZM] Replaced Nazi SymbolsNice work
Panzer soldat uwuKingGojo Alright I guess
[Release][ZM] Any Player Easter Egg ModsHadi77KSA Ahh okay