est ce que il y a un nouveau lien mega pour telecharger le jeux bo2 ? -
Black ops Zombies 1 bugjaurisk hi, for your fov, just enter "cg_fov 90" in console. For playing with your friends, just join a server in server browser. But i think some server is not available.
[Resource] Recompileable GSCs for BO2luigismansion44 hi, after an certain update of plutonium, without change my scrip, the shader of electric cherry appears correctly with this name : "specialty_electric_cherry_zombie"
Banque zombie bo2JarLNeoZ le système de banque ne fonctionne pas étant donné que plutonium n'est pas connecté avec les serveurs de treyarch. Il n'y a que sur certains serveurs où un script a été ajouté pour simuler la banque et avoir les points souhaité.
bo1 map bugZevibi c'est normal si tu ne l'as pas ^^ je te laisse te rendre sur ce lien pour télécharger les dlcs :
lis bien et fais les étapes qui te sont nécessaire. Je pense que au vu de ta demande, tu as déjà le jeu avec steam et il te manque juste les DLCs. -
[Release] [Zombies] Share Mystery box & Perks in Mysterybox@dontknowletsplay i use some scripts of zombie++ , so i think its a problem with extra perk (stamin-up for exemple) and its on my private server, no private match.
[Release] [Zombies] Share Mystery box & Perks in MysteryboxIts a very cool mod, thanks for sharing this. But with perks version, on mob of the dead, at starting game, if i revive me, game crash. But i don't have this problem with no perks version
[Release] Set Money For Late People JoiningRay0189 at line 41 delete " setlatepoints() "
Game don't start after launching serverHi, i see a little problem on plutonium with dedicated serv. If i start my server before my game, the game don't start. Its a big problem if my game crash in game. Example : I play with friends or others players and we got on round 15 or + and my game crash, its impossible for me to re join my serv because my serv is already on and my game don't start.
[Release] [ZM] ZOMBIES++Cahz why not, but stamin up is necessary on this map. Is just a bug with afterlife because if i die by zombies and i go revive me on afterlife, server don't crash. Only if i active manually afterlife.
[Release] [ZM] ZOMBIES++Cahz Hi, on mob of the dead, if I buy stamin-up and use afterlife mode, when I try to revive myself, the server crashes.
Problem with Print on dedicated serverXerxes
At the first launch of my server, all the texts are displayed correctly. But if I restart my server, and I reconnect, the texts are not displayed anymore (the one in the red square for example). I didn't have this problem in the previous versions of plutonium (before the addition of world at war). -
Problem with Print on dedicated serverHi, i see on my private dedicated server all prints are disable/don't see if i restart server. Example, i start my game, i start my serv and im connect to my serv. First connection and first starting serv, all prints are enable and i see all. But if i restart my serv without close my game, if i re join my serv, all prints don't show / disable. For re enable this, im obligate to close and restart my game and server.
Sorry for bad English, Im French... -
[Resource] Recompileable GSCs for BO2JezuzLizard patch_zm/maps/mp/zombies/_zm_perk_electric_cherry.gsc on function electic_cherry_precache() is precacheshader( "specialty_fastreload_zombies" ); but is the shader for speed cola and i don't know what is the name for electric cherry. I test with "specialty_electric_cherry_zombies" and "specialty_grenadepulldeath_zombies" but not works and result with grey case. I test on Origin an MoTD maps.
Je n'arrive pas a jouer avec mon amisX32gamer j'ai réussi à faire en sorte que mes amis puisse me rejoindre. Pour ce faire, j'ai crée un serveur dédier et j'ai mis un mot de passe pour éviter que tout le monde rejoint. Ensuite pour se connecter dessus une fois lancé, toi et tes amis marquent dans la console du jeu si tu as mis un mot de passe "password (ton mot de passe)" exemple "password 8794" puis tu valide (rien ne ce passe c'est normal), si tu n'as pas mis de mot de passe, toi et tes amis on juste à marquer dans la console "connect (ip de ton serveur) : (port de ton serveur)" exemple "connect" puis tu valide et normalement c'est bon. A savoir qu'il me semble que par défaut le port est 4976 ou 4977.
[FR][ENG] My friends can't connect to my private serverI found how to play with my friends, i make a fix IP for my network setting on ipv4 and i go to my router settings for active DMZ on my fix IP. Now my server can see on server list.
[FR][ENG] My friends can't connect to my private serverDss0 and without hamachi, is possible ? because i follow the steps on this link : but doesn't works (my friend can't connect).
[FR][ENG] My friends can't connect to my private server[ENG] Before the update for add friend list, my server works and my friends can connect him, but now, i can join my server but my friends can't connect (i use hamachi, i use just 1 pc for play and create server).
[FR] Avant la mise à jour de l'ajout de liste d'amis, mon serveur fonctionnait et mes amis pouvaient se connecter, mais maintenant, je peux rejoindre mon serveur mais mes amis ne peuvent se connecter (j'utilise hamachi, j'utilise juste 1 pc pour jouer et créer le serveur).
[Release] [ZM] Highest Round Tracker (UPDATED 3/13/2020)Nice release, now, i go tryhard for world record ^^
What is a name for shader of electric cherry ?Cahz Ok but im on Origins and MOTD for test and i have always this problem