i found a link to their github if anyone is interested in any of the mods, here is the link: https://github.com/whydoesanyonecare?tab=repositories
What happened to dontknowletspl? -
What happened to dontknowletspl?I was looking at a list of great mods to try on custom games and a lot of them are by this person with the username dontknowletspl All of their posts are deleted so now I can't download the mods. Does anyone have any of their mods that they can post? it would be much appreciated. Mods that I'm trying to get include: Alternate ammo types, Custom perk power up, and Chaos mode
Best mods?I want some suggestions for modded custom games with my friend, i already got the custom perks mod.
[Release] [Zombies] Share Mystery box & Perks in MysteryboxGhostRider0125 the post is deleted, can you send me the mod?
[Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 2 Alternative Ammo TypesRexburg wondering the same, chaos mode and a lot of other mods are deleted too
[Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 2 Chaos Modewas this deleted? where do i download?
Can I get achievements?SavageJimbob just use steam achievement manager, aka S.A.M. (steam confirmed it isn't against their terms so you don't have to worry about that) I would advise against doing it though, because clicking a button to get the achievements takes all the fun and meaning out of it.