Cuddlefluffs said in "linux builds are broken for now":
Where are you keeping the dockerfile?
I'd love to contribute to making it and using it when it is made.
either gitlab or github. Since there is no linux compatibility anymore i'd have to setup linux as the docker guest and within that qemu+kvm(windows guest) and have that run the actual server.
The alternative is kinda hard to automate at the moment because to use wine to host a server you need to have a desktop envirment setup, which is nearly the same amount of overhead.
The server I self-host doesn't really have the overhead to run windows in addition the the services i'm already running on it (Nextcloud, mumble, webhosting, seedbox etc)
So until linux build are working again i'm not really motivated to figure out how to automate all of that.
If I do i'll make sure to post a link to the repo in this thread.