Hey, you need the BO1 mod tools as well as this program to make things much easier: https://www.ugx-mods.com/forum/applications-and-tools/36/app-ugx-weaponseditorplusplus-v1-0-0/1535/
My knowledge is very limited on modding, but this is the method I used to get it to work, based off a tutorial from like 5 years ago:
Go to Your game folder/raw/weapons/sp and copy + paste any weapons you want to edit into : Your game folder/mods/YOURMODNAME/weapons/sp -- NOT your plutonium mod directory.
Then simply drag any guns you want to edit from your mod folder into the UGX Weapons Editor. Adjust anything you like and click save. Make sure to save after editing each individual gun.
Run the mod tools. Click on converter on the leftmost pane under the BO icon. You only have to do this the first time you run the mod tools.
Make sure your mod is selected in the dropdown menu and in the large box on the right (IWD File List), check the box next to weapons. That should mark all the guns in your mods folder that you edited.
Click on Link Fastfile and Build IWD, and afterwards click build mod.
Open the generated YOURMODNAME.files inside your mod's folder and copy everything there into mod.csv, changing the format from i.e:
weapons\sp\famas_zm to weapon,sp\famas
Click build mod again.
Copy everything in your mod folder into plutonium/storage/t5/mods/YOURMOD
Make a copy of mod.ff and paste it into plutonium/storage/t5/mods/YOURMOD/zone/common and rename it to zombie_patch_common.ff
Run the game and launch the mod from the main menu. You can test it out by using the "give" command