risky line
You can cheat with commands You can cheat with GSC scripts You can have mod menus with GSC scripts Cheats enabled doesn't mean "anticheat disabled, you can now use a cheat software" We have an anticheat doc that explains what you can and cannot do in details We cannot allow the use of software when you don't disable online functionalities because otherwise it would allow all kind of client side cheats. We only allow scripting/modding. Software are what's used by actual cheaters to modify the game's memory so we cannot allow it while you're on the online version. Just switch to LAN mode if for some reason you want to use software or just use one of the GSC scripts/mod menus availableGSC files are just text files and you not even knowing what it is shows that you didn't even try anything you just used a software although you were told not to (or to go in LAN mode)
You didn't respect the rules twice and/or didn't read them and yes your ban makes perfect sense. You just don't understand how an anticheat works and no you won't be unbanned with that attitude why would we even look into it?