Resxt That surprisingly seems to be the issue, was hosting Origins and he didnt have it installed and I didnt know.
Not showing in serverlist and Friend joins but gets error -
Not showing in serverlist and Friend joins but gets errorXerxes Okay good to know its on the server list, but why cant he join? As I mentioned previously he gets the loading screen but then is kicked out with a random error as occured and then he stays in my server console for about 5mins until he times out.
Not showing in serverlist and Friend joins but gets errorFriend runs join command "connect <ip>:4977" and shows in console but does not join and he gets an error while also staying in console for like 5 mins before timing out. When he tries to join again while still in console he shows as "already in server" although he isnt. The server also doesnt show on serverlist even with Successful heartbeat and it is showing in plutools and on the API. Server is running on the same machine as my game and runs fine when I connect with localhost. The server console also shows the "net_ip" is "localhost"
Things ive tried:
updating plutonium, the server files and the iw4m admin plugin.
allowing the plugin through the firewall
portforwarding 4976 and 4977 (server running on 4977) UDPanything im doing wrong?
Can't Host games even with Upnp and port forwardingDss0 Ah okay a misunderstanding, from what I thought it was you could just invite friends to your party through pluto servers and just start a custom game. Didnt know it was UPNP
how to track hours on steam while using plutoniumPotatoNoob1000 That guide is outdated as stated in the main title. It may not work anymore due to whatever reason.
Can't Host games even with Upnp and port forwardinglllBaraalll You say "Host Games" in your message but your also mention UPNP and Port Forwarding, neither of these two are required to host a game with friends. All of the internet traffic in routed through plutonium so you can just invite a friend to your party and start a custom game.
If your creating a dedicated server then you must create a UDP port forward for the port specified in your "!start_zm_server.bat" file. Ensure your router and machine are both capable of port forwarding before doing so.
Problems with NATBlancoTorres16 The NAT as in this?
Most of the time this doesn't need to be changed but if your hosting a server you would have to open the UDP port that you specified in the "!start_zm_server.bat" file.