fuzo the camos arent working
MW3 Dark Matter -
Intervention Camo requestHas anyone made a camo for the intervention? I'd love to have one for the sniper servers, it's kinda boring having a plain intervention
Error when joining a server with custom maps'-me_streetsigns_spec-rgb&me_s~dc056a64
A lot of people having this issue
Lula's Custom Camo Packlula download link ain't working
[Release][MP] Caramelldansen animated CamoTw_iBL_eR what happened to the download?
Controller issueRandomly while using my controller, for whatever reason I can't think of, my controller will stop working properly as in: I can't shoot/jump/move/sprint/ADS. It always feels random, and when that happens, the issue is then translated to my keyboard & mouse, where I can't do the same things with that. Some of my friends also run in the same issue. There's no errors in the console when it happens, or whatever. Reloading into a server doesn't fix it, except for reloading the game.