techboy04gaming This prints the filename of the perk in chat, for example when I buy double tap it says "specialty_rof" or something like that.

[Release] [ZM] Vanguard Perk HUD Animation -
Anyone has this Health Bar Script display on zm?diexy Wanted to say I am also looking for this mod
[Release] [ZM] IW Perk Shaders for BO2!xChloee Great mod, however where are the perk icons for certain parks like Electric Cherry and Tombstone?
[Release] [ZM] (UPDATE 15/03/22) Bleed-out Bar V2.0Nathan3197 The issue was fixed when I uninstalled another script it seems that this script in conjunction with that one just puts you into spectator when you die.
I was running the script on my PC (Non-dedicated server) -
[Release] [ZM] (UPDATE 15/03/22) Bleed-out Bar V2.0JezuzLizard mean to say i didnt try coop and in solo i went to spectator
[Release] [ZM] (UPDATE 15/03/22) Bleed-out Bar V2.0Nathan3197 I haven't tried this on solo but in COOP it puts me into spectator mode when I die.
ZM - MOTD blundergat0taku How do I get that crosshair?
[Release] [Zombies] Share Mystery box & Perks in Mysterybox@dontknowletsplay Thank you!
[Release] [Zombies] Share Mystery box & Perks in Mysterybox@dontknowletsplay
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zmI do currently use another GSC script but at the time I tried using this I wasn't.
I load into nuketown and right before the screen lights up the game crashes, I will try to get the error message.
(English) [ZM] Origins power up vocals for all mapsJezuzLizard Thanks very much!
(English) [ZM] Origins power up vocals for all maps(THIS WORKS WITHOUT PLUTONIUM)
Origins power up vocals have always been my favorite out of all of them in Zombies so today I did some very tedious and hard digging to find the audio files and successfully replaced them! Please leave a thumbs up if you like this mod.
Read "readme.txt" if you have any questions
Example of this mod in action: -
[Release] [Zombies] Share Mystery box & Perks in Mysterybox@dontknowletsplay No
[Release] [Zombies] Share Mystery box & Perks in Mysterybox@dontknowletsplay Crashes my plutonium
[Release] BO2 Zombie Hitmarkersmikey Where is the dedicated CFG?
[Release] BO2 Zombie Hitmarkersmikey What about the red hitmarkers thing?
I want to replace the PAP camos with the WaW OneCould someone send this to me?
[Release] BO2 Zombie Hitmarkersmikey Please make a video tutorial on this the instructions are confusing to me.