LastDemon99 Ok so I think I found the issue. The "IW5_ClaseReplace.gsc" script is what causes that conflict. Removing that has fixed my issue
@Z K P
[Release] IW5_BotClassRestricted -
[Release] IW5_BotClassRestrictedLastDemon99 Ok so I don't think that's the issue this is the runtime error I'm getting in my game
It happens everytime a bot spawns in
[Release] IW5_BotClassRestrictedLastDemon99 Oh I see what you're saying. I already made a dedicated server which did fix the issue though but I will try that out as well because with the new version of pluto moabs cause the game to glitch out ironically right when I want to do a funny moab with every gun challenge against mixed bots lol
[Release] IW5_BotClassRestrictedIt seems to make the game stutter and lag in a private match environment. Would this work better if it was running on a dedicated server?
MODERN WARFARE 3 UNPLAYABLE AFTER DROPPING MOABOkami Amaterasu I'm having the same issue