Black Ops 2 Tranzit Pre-Alpha.
Not Tranzit but found on Reddit, not only has the old title screen but also has the moon map "card" displaying obviously indicating Moon was to be in the game at sometime. Whether or not it was ever even past the concept phase is unknown. The thread has people saying they were placeholder but with the other maps also being present and not placeholders it makes you wonder.
Nacht and Der Riese also here.
Finally, an unused image for bus depot.
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Strange, there's alot of buzz about how Der Riese was found in game and that it was incomplete. It would make sense, The Giant was on disk for BO3 -
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Fair enough, thanks for the info.
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It's already a massive post just send what you got.
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i have a copy of the black ops 2 dev archive leaked some time ago i just have it sitting on my pc
lods of cool stuff idk if it has been shared around -
MARlOJUDAH In the first screenshot are those modes actually playable in the build?
its not even real its just a mockup but i think a build has something close to it
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I got some pre-alpha builds laying around including greenlight if u need more info my dc is Lil Poop#0999
Anyone got a way to play that tranzit map i loved the old Cod 2 zombies! I wish activison would come out with a new game for all systems that has Cod 1 and 2 and then the original modern warfare.....
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TheRealChris9499 No builds that are public today have playable zombies in em sadly i do got a bo3 pre-alpha for ps4 i have yet to check out wich presumably has zombies
when are you going to release it and how did you revert it or get the old game build please explain how you got this
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hardkiller2565 Google exists lmao