Infinite Damage Galvaknuckles
Title says what I want to achieve. So far, with almost no guidance, all I've managed to come up with is:
self waittill( "weapon_melee", weapon ); if ( weapon == "tazer_knuckles_zm" ) level.overrideplayerdamage(9999999);
self waittill( "weapon_melee", weapon ); if ( weapon == "tazer_knuckles_zm" ) eattacker.meleedamage = 999999;
I have no idea how to set the damage of the knuckles, nor if I'm even doing this right. Someone on the discord said this would be simple but it is very much complicated for me
Cool idea
so I figured it out! Using BO2 Reimagined's code as a base, I put
if (maps\mp\zombies\_zm_weapons::get_base_weapon_name(weapon, 1) == "tazer_knuckles_zm") { final_damage = level.zombie_health; }
into actor_damage_override and then I put
#include scripts\zm\replaced\_zm; main() { replaceFunc(maps\mp\zombies\_zm::actor_damage_override, scripts\zm\replaced\_zm::actor_damage_override); }
into my own script. Might release the pair of scripts (with all of BO2 Reimagined's code removed obviously).
btw all of those 5 lines took FIVE. HOURS. -
5 hours isn't that long when coding, even simple scripts can take hours.
hindercanrun it was only long imo because i didn't know anything about the language
if i knew what required what and what code went where, it would've been a lot faster. -
@smooshie cant wait for the script release
@smooshie Learning from Treyarch's scripts is a good way to start learning GSC and looking up community guides like the ones that plutonium provides.
Great, so before I was banned for modifing Treyarch Scripts and not going into LAN, I did have some potential.
@ForumMaster2009 You did it the wrong way... Doesn't even have to be in LAN. You only use LAN if your trying to inject or mess with memory, etc. There is a proper way of loading mods without getting banned. Only works for the host though. You can't use your own mods on someone else server
Did I forget to add wait...
BO2Z toolbox but I wasn't in LAN mode. I think this was the main reason for my eternal doom! Thanks for your assistance. I believe I used the BO2Z Toolbox without going into LAN mode first.
@ForumMaster2009 That's to sad you're banned.. Reading your afterlife post makes me even more sad.... I had also experienced a one month ban..But it was nothing still compared to your ban..
It sure is tough, but that's the outcome.