unknown t6mp & map_rotation errors
Hadi77KSA Thanks anyway for your help, I'll wait!
Can you please check your console.log for the rest of the output?
Hello, there is nothing more than what I sent in the console_zm.log. In the file, it suddenly stops in the middle of the last line, as shown above
I can still send what's in the console when I start the server, but I don't think that's going to help.
lapetitehanae@panel:~$ cd /opt/T6Server/Plutonium/ lapetitehanae@panel:/opt/T6Server/Plutonium$ ./T6Server.sh Remote revision: 4524 Local revision: 4524 Visit plutonium.pw | Join the Discord (plutonium) for NEWS and Updates! Server Hanae Test Server will load dedicated_zm.cfg and listen on port 4976 UDP! To shut down the server close this window first! 2024-12-06_20:54:05 Hanae Test Server server started. --- Cmd Initialization Complete --- Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_zm Built adjacency info for IPaks 0ms [STEAM] 1 calls ready, running... [STEAM] running call 1 ----- FS_Startup ----- Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/players Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/main_shared Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/main Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/main Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/players Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6// Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/raw Current language: english Build r4524 logfile opened on Fri Dec 6 20:54:21 2024 Current search path: Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/raw Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6// Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/players Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/main Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/main Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/main_shared Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/players [DW][Auth] Handling authentication request... execing default_mp.cfg execing default_statversion.cfg completed execing default_statversion.cfg execing thumbstick_default.cfg completed execing thumbstick_default.cfg execing buttons_default.cfg completed execing buttons_default.cfg completed execing default_mp.cfg execing default_mp_controls_english.cfg completed execing default_mp_controls_english.cfg r_aaSamples will be changed upon restarting. r_fullscreen will be changed upon restarting. r_monitor will be changed upon restarting. r_texFilterQuality will be changed upon restarting. execing configure.cfg r_aspectRatio will be changed upon restarting. completed execing configure.cfg '16' is not a valid value for dvar 'ai_corpseCount' Domain is any integer from 0 to 8 r_aaSamples will be changed upon restarting. r_texFilterQuality will be changed upon restarting. Loading fastfile patch_zm Loading fastfile code_post_gfx_zm Built adjacency info for IPaks 0ms [DW][Lobby] Handling hello request... execing ragdoll.cfg completed execing ragdoll.cfg execing default_zm_gamesettings.cfg execing default_mp_gamesettings.cfg execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg completed execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg execing zm/gamesettings_tdm.cfg completed execing zm/gamesettings_tdm.cfg execing default_mp_gametypes.cfg Unknown command "resetCustomGametype" completed execing default_mp_gametypes.cfg completed execing default_mp_gamesettings.cfg execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg completed execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg execing zm/gamesettings_zclassic.cfg completed execing zm/gamesettings_zclassic.cfg completed execing default_zm_gamesettings.cfg bound socket to localhost:4981 net_port will be changed upon restarting. execing buttons_default.cfg completed execing buttons_default.cfg execing buttons_default.cfg completed execing buttons_default.cfg execing thumbstick_default.cfg completed execing thumbstick_default.cfg execing buttons_default.cfg completed execing buttons_default.cfg execing buttons_default.cfg completed execing buttons_default.cfg execing thumbstick_default.cfg completed execing thumbstick_default.cfg --- Common Initialization Complete --- Unknown command "t6zm" net_port will be changed upon restarting. execing dedicated_zm.cfg Unknown command "limit" Unknown command "range" Unknown command "value" addedaddedaddedaddedcompleted execing dedicated_zm.cfg Loading fastfile patch_ui_zm Loading fastfile ui_zm Built adjacency info for IPaks 0ms Loading fastfile common_zm Loading fastfile ffotd_tu17_zm_147 Built adjacency info for IPaks 1ms Loading fastfile dlczm0_load_zm Loading fastfile dlc1_load_zm Loading fastfile dlc2_load_zm Loading fastfile dlc3_load_zm Loading fastfile dlc4_load_zm Loading fastfile dlc0dd_load_zm Loading fastfile seasonpass_load_zm map_rotate... "sv_mapRotation" is: "execgts zm_classic_transit.cfg map zm_transit" "sv_mapRotationCurrent" is: "" Executing gts cfg: zm_classic_transit.cfg. Setting map: zm_transit. execing zm_classic_transit.cfg execing gamesettings_default.cfg completed execing gamesettings_default.cfg execing gamesettings_zclassic.cfg completed execing gamesettings_zclassic.cfg g_gametype will be changed upon restarting. completed execing zm_classic_transit.cfg Built adjacency info for IPaks 0ms DB_FlushGump 0 Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent DB_FlushGump 1 Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent DB_FlushGump 2 Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent DB_FlushGump 3 Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent Unloading fastfile ui_zm Unloading fastfile patch_ui_zm Sending heartbeat... DB_FlushGump 0 Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent DB_FlushGump 1 Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent DB_FlushGump 2 Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent DB_FlushGump 3 Sys_GumpFlushed set gumpFlushedEvent ----- FS_Startup ----- Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/players Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/main_shared Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/main Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/main Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/players Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6// Searching for iwds in Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/raw Current language: english Current search path: Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/raw Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6// Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/players Z:\opt\T6Server\Plutonium\storage\t6/main Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/main Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/main_shared Z:\opt\T6Server\Server\Zombie/players Loading fastfile zm_transit_patch Loading fastfile zm_transit Loading fastfile so_zclassic_zm_transit Built adjacency info for IPaks 1ms execing buttons_default.cfg completed execing buttons_default.cfg execing buttons_default.cfg completed execing buttons_default.cfg execing thumbstick_default.cfg completed execing thumbstick_default.cfg Initializing game at 12/06/24 20:54:30 +0100 Current uptime: 00:00:23 Level time: 0 Restart: 0 ------- Game Initialization ------- gamename: PT6ZM gamedate: Dec 2 2024 '0' is not a valid value for dvar 'r_brightness' Domain is any number from 0.5 to 1.5 '0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_screenBlurBlendTime' Domain is any number from 0.001 to 10 '0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_screenBlurBlendFadeTime' Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000 '0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_viewKickPeriod' Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000 Hitch warning: 9500 msec frame time on main thread Sending heartbeat... Heartbeat successful. Sending heartbeat... Heartbeat successful. Sending heartbeat... Heartbeat successful. Sending heartbeat... Heartbeat successful. Sending heartbeat... Heartbeat successful. Sending heartbeat... Heartbeat successful. Plutonium r4524 >
Can you provide the failing config?
lapetitehanae this one seems fine to me, but it’s using a different port than the one you’ve specified. Execute
to get information regarding the port as well as information regarding whether the server is running a map or not. -
]net_port;status "net_port" is: "4981" default: "4976" latched: "4976" Domain is any integer from 0 to 65535 map: zm_transit num score bot ping guid name lastmsg address qport rate --- ----- --- ---- -------------------------------- ---------------- ------- --------------------- ------ -----
T6Server .sh :
readonly SCRIPT_PATH=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") readonly SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$SCRIPT_PATH") readonly SERVER_NAME="Hanae Test Server" readonly GAME_PATH="/opt/T6Server/Server/Zombie" readonly SERVER_KEY="" readonly CONFIG_FILE="dedicated_zm.cfg" readonly SERVER_PORT=4976 readonly MOD="" readonly GAME_MODE="t6zm" readonly INSTALL_DIR="/opt/T6Server/Plutonium" update_server() { ./plutonium-updater -d "$INSTALL_DIR" } start_server() { local timestamp printf -v timestamp '%(%F_%H:%M:%S)T' -1 echo -e '\033]2;Plutonium - '"$SERVER_NAME"' - Server restart\007' echo "Visit plutonium.pw | Join the Discord (plutonium) for NEWS and Updates!" echo "Server $SERVER_NAME will load $CONFIG_FILE and listen on port $SERVER_PORT UDP!" echo "To shut down the server close this window first!" echo "$timestamp $SERVER_NAME server started." while true; do wine .\\bin\\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe $GAME_MODE "$GAME_PATH" -dedicated +set key $SERVER_KEY +set fs_game $MOD +set net_port $SERVER_PORT +exec $CONFIG_FILE +map_rotate 2>/dev/null printf -v timestamp '%(%F_%H:%M:%S)T' -1 echo "$timestamp WARNING: $SERVER_NAME server closed or dropped... server restarting." sleep 1 done } update_server start_server
dedicated_zm.cfg :
////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PlutoT6 ZM ServerConfiguration file // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This config best view with Notepad++ OR // // other *nix compatible editors of your choice. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remove "//" in front of lines to allow the // // server to read them. // // Anything after "//" is a comment. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GENERAL SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //g_password "" // Require a password to join your server. (Use "password <yourpassword>" to set it on the client before connecting) sv_maxclients 4 // Maximum players that are allowed in your server. (1-8, default is 4) Keeping this at 1-4 is recommended to prevent game breaking bugs. //zombies_minplayers 1 // Minimum players needed to start the game (1-8, default is 1). Do NOT set this higher than sv_maxclients! //sv_minPing 0 // Minimum ping needed to the server? (NOT recommended to edit, terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!) //sv_maxPing 400 // Maximum ping allowed to the server? (NOT recommended to edit, terribly broken and inaccurate since ages!) //gts zmDifficulty 1 // Difficulty? 0 = Easy, 1 = Normal demo_enabled 1 // Record matches as demo files? 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled (Very efficient <5MB per match for a full server) sv_sayname "Console" // name server-side 'say' commands show up as sv_voice "1" // Allow Voice Chat (1 = On, 0 = Off) sv_voicequality "3" // Voice Chat Quality. (0-9) Default is 3 (= Steam/Console quality). Use 9 for the best quality. sv_allowAimAssist 1 // Allow Aim Assist on gamepads. (0 = Will lock the option on gamepad controls menu.) sv_replaceBots 1 // Try to kick a bot when a human joins a full game? (1 = On, 0 = Off) g_zm_fix_damage_overflow 1 // Fix the unkillable zombies in traps bug? (1 = On, 0 = Off) g_playerCollision 0 // Who are players colliding with? (0 = Everybody, 1 = enemies, 2 = nobody) g_playerEjection 0 // From whom are players ejected? (0 = Everybody, 1 = enemies, 2 = nobody) bullet_penetration_affected_by_team 1 // Are Team members affecting bullet penetration? (1 = On, 0 = Off) g_fixBulletDamageDupe 0 // Fixes an issue where players that are clipped inside each other receive duplicate bullet damage. g_patchRocketJumps 1 // Allow Rocket Jumps? ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //These options can also be configured individually on a map basis in each zm config in gamesettings. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //gts startRound 1 // Starting Round. Works on all maps. //gts magic 1 // Remove all supernatural assistance? Only Survival and Grief have this option! //gts headshotsonly 0 // Headshots only? Only Survival and Grief have this option! //gts allowdogs 1 // Allow Hellhounds? Only Survival has this option! //gts cleansedLoadout 1 // Allow players to choose their Loadout? Only Turned has this option! //gts teamCount 2 // Sets the number of teams 2. Set to 2 by default when loading grief. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // B3, IW4MADMIN, GAME LOG & RCON SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// g_logSync 2 // 0 only flush on game end, 1 flush when buffer full, 2 always flush after a write, 3 append to old logs. (Keep this at 2 if you plan on using a 3rd party admin tool) g_log "logs\games_zm.log" // If you choose to use this make sure the filename is unique for each server! rcon_password "" // RemoteCONtrol password. !!Do NOT skip if you plan on using a 3rd party admin tool such as B3 or IW4m-Admin!! rcon_rate_limit "500" // Rate limit RCon; limit is per IP; range is 0 to 10 000; value is in milliseconds. Lower this if you use IW4mA's Game Interface. rcon_localhost_bypass 1 // Does localhost rcon traffic bypass rate limits and whitelist checks? (1 = Yes, 0 = No) rcon_prints 0 // Show rcon activity on the server console? (1 = Yes, 0 = No) rconWhitelistAdd "" // Command used to add an IP address to the whitelist. When no IP is added all IPs can send rcon commands. rconWhitelistAdd "" // If it is set only the whitelisted IPs can send commands. rconWhitelistAdd "" // The command can be called multiple times to add more than one IP to the whitelist. rconWhitelistAdd "" // If IW4M or other third party tools are not on the same machine edit this IP address to the IP address of the machine you will use to host IW4M on. ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MOD SETTINGS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Change fs_game through the batch file // // or your launch parameters. // seta sv_wwwBaseURL "" // //The "execgts zm_<gametype>_<location>.cfg" line sets the dvars for the location and gametype for you. This .cfg applies to all following maps in the rotation like MP until another .cfg is defined. //You may modify these .cfgs in gamesettings. Make sure only one sv_maprotation line is uncommented or you may run into errors on starting or joining the server. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Maps and the matching configs // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Buried - execgts zm_classic_processing.cfg map zm_buried // // Buried Turned - execgts zm_cleansed_street.cfg map zm_buried // // Buried Grief - execgts zm_grief_street.cfg map zm_buried // // Die Rise - execgts zm_classic_rooftop.cfg map zm_highrise // // Mob of The Dead - execgts zm_classic_prison.cfg map zm_prison // // Mob of The Dead Grief - execgts zm_grief_cellblock.cfg map zm_prison // // Nuketown - execgts zm_standard_nuked.cfg map zm_nuked // // Origins - execgts zm_classic_tomb.cfg map zm_tomb // // Tranzit - execgts zm_classic_transit.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Farm Survival - execgts zm_standard_farm.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Town Survival - execgts zm_standard_town.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Bus Depot Survival - execgts zm_standard_transit.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Farm Grief - execgts zm_grief_farm.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Town Grief - execgts zm_grief_town.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Bus Depot Grief - execgts zm_grief_transit.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Diner Turned - execgts zm_cleansed_diner.cfg map zm_transit_dr // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAP SHORT NAMES ROTATION LIST // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // For reference: // // All of the sv_maprotation tokens: // // gamemodegroup <gamemodegroup> - sets ui_zm_gamemodegroup dvar // // loc <loc> - sets ui_zm_mapstartlocation dvar // // gametype <gametype> - calls set_gametype cmd // // loadmod <mod> - calls loadmod // // dsr <dsr> - calls dsr // // execgts <exec> - calls execgts // // exec <exec> - calls exec // // map <map> - calls map // // // // do note that set_gametype will reset all // // gametypesettings // // So you would want to have that to be // // the first token, and everything else, // // then finally the map token // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Classic/TranZit Maps rotation //sv_maprotation "execgts zm_classic_processing.cfg map zm_buried execgts zm_classic_rooftop.cfg map zm_highrise execgts zm_classic_prison.cfg map zm_prison execgts zm_classic_tomb.cfg map zm_tomb execgts zm_classic_transit.cfg map zm_transit" //Survival Maps rotation sv_maprotation "execgts zm_classic_transit.cfg map zm_transit" //Grief Maps rotation //sv_maprotation "execgts zm_grief_town.cfg map zm_transit execgts zm_grief_transit.cfg map zm_transit execgts zm_grief_farm.cfg map zm_transit execgts zm_grief_cellblock.cfg map zm_prison execgts zm_grief_street.cfg map zm_buried" //Turned Maps rotation //sv_maprotation "execgts zm_cleansed_diner.cfg map zm_transit_dr execgts zm_cleansed_street.cfg map zm_buried"
lapetitehanae yeah, it’s running on a different port than the one you’ve specified, but it’s running a map at least. Try connecting using that port you got from the command.
Hadi77KSA When I try to connect to the server on port 4981 it puts “Joining game session...” for 4 seconds, goes away and doesn't let me join
lapetitehanae did you make sure to allow the port through the VPS firewall and forward it on the router if necessary?
Hadi77KSA Yes 4976 and 4981 are opened !
lapetitehanae Hey bro, your script should look like this: T6Server.sh.
I fixed the r4520 breaking changes. It's already testable via the source code in the repository (T6Server). I'll probably push the release version today or tomorrow.
Minami Hey, yeah i see that on github, thank you