my game crash when i click on play help me
how can i fix it
Dss0 Plutonium Staffreplied to oetham on Nov 6, 2020, 6:22 PM last edited by Dss0 Nov 17, 2020, 6:09 AM
- Make sure your launcher is the latest version (you can check that by looking at the filesize, latest one is 4123KB), if it's not download it from here:
- Download this extract it to any location (you can delete it afterwards) and install all redist's and directx (dxsetup.exe in the directx folder).
- follow this video guide
- run the launcher as admin.
yo reinicie mi pc desistale el juego lo instale nada me deja tambien lo actualize alguna idea¿
JXXQXXN_MXNXZ the forum language is english. I already deleted all your posts in the other thread you derailed, i'd advise you not to do the same with this one.
Sorry I did not know what the page is translated but some idea blueing the launcher with your messages that you send, desist it, format the pc, restart it and nothing
JXXQXXN_MXNXZ post a screenshot of your windows defender exclusion settings. do you use any other antivirus software besides defender?
my pc uses an antivirus but it doesn't create a problem for me to download plutonium
and I do not pay it or anything, it is only there without being used it is expired -
JXXQXXN_MXNXZ and which antivirus is that?
it comes with the hp i have a gaming notebook
Dss0 Plutonium Staffreplied to JXXQXXN_MXNXZ on Nov 6, 2020, 7:29 PM last edited by Dss0 Nov 6, 2020, 9:29 PM
JXXQXXN_MXNXZ dude. i'm asking about the name of the software. Just uninstall it, if you're not paying for it it won't protect you anyways but it might still have functions enabled that interfere with pluto.
JXXQXXN_MXNXZ so it's mcaffee then, mcaffee causes issues like this one and has worse detection rate than defender. I highly recommend uninstalling it.