Mr. Android where is it
^ probably detected as a virus as it adds exclusions to your antivirus for pluto, so ensure you allow it on your device and then run it as administrator. Open it with notepad if you'd like to double check the commands.
When you've ran this, re launch plutonium.exe and try again.
when i open link it says 502 bad gateway
Mr. Android msg my discord Jhank#5538
Mr. Android Jhank
have you found a fix for this issue?
because I'm also having the same issue
I tried everything and no luck yet ..... -
RektInator I've seen about 7 people with this problem now. We may need to figure this out.
Anybody with the problem, please can you open your start menu and type winver and screenshot the window that opens? (can crop out the email address that might appear near the bottom)
Bad news is - there's no obvious cause, i've spent about 2 hours troubleshooting earlier. Now we just need to see if all the people with the problem have anything in common.
well, btw tried the same steps to run the game at different pc with same files at win 10 and worked just fine -
Mr. Android said in RUNNING IW5 DOESNT WORK:
RektInator I've seen about 7 people with this problem now. We may need to figure this out.
Anybody with the problem, please can you open your start menu and type winver and screenshot the window that opens? (can crop out the email address that might appear near the bottom)
Bad news is - there's no obvious cause, i've spent about 2 hours troubleshooting earlier. Now we just need to see if all the people with the problem have anything in common.
Most of these people seem to be running Windows 7. It might be related to that. Hosting servers on Windows Server 2008 R2 for example does also not seem to work. I tracked the issue down to OpenSSL.
For now, all I can recommend is making sure you have all updates installed. If that still doesn't fix your problem, you might need to upgrade your OS.
Cheers rekt. Nasako - upgrade to Windows 10. Windows 7 is at End Of Life and is a security risk.
RektInator i have windows 10 and same problem
Mr. Android said in RUNNING IW5 DOESNT WORK:
Cheers rekt. Nasako - upgrade to Windows 10. Windows 7 is at End Of Life and is a security risk.
I have all updates installed and this guy using Windows 10, so you can't be sure it's due to Windows 7
And even if it's due to that, you have to figure something out to solve this. If you guys want to have stable popular mw3 community, people aren't going to change to Windows 10 just to run a gameQuestion: What are the Microsoft visual c++ runtime versions this game needs exactly? OR Net Framework versions as well that some users might not have?
Mr. Android im having the same issue. i notice in the mw3 folder, steam_api.dll keeps getting deleted. only happens after launching pluto. my virus protection isnt deleting and running exclusions isnt working for me.
Nasako No - we will not support an EOL OS. End of story, we don't care if that means less players. We won't support bad security practices, the whole idea of Pluto is so you don't have to use vulnerable OS's and games to enjoy MW3 and BO2.
Plenty of people with Windows 10 also don't have the problem, one of our staff has a Windows 2008 (win 7 based) server with the same problem and upgrading to Windows server 2016 (win 8 ) or windows server 2019 f(win 10 based) fixed the problem.
OpenSLL seems to be the core problem, and on windows server they stopped updating.. because it's EOL.
Jhank I'll aim to troubleshoot OpenSLL with you either today or tomorrow.
IRYN Thats fine - we delete it as we emulate it internally instead and if it stayed there it would interfere. Are you running windows 10? If so I can troubleshoot with you and Jank in DM's in the next day or so.
Mr. Android glad to know that honestly. and yes im on windows 10. and if u could help me out tomorrow that would sweeet
IRYN I'll try my best, Jank can confirm i really do try
Mr. Android said in RUNNING IW5 DOESNT WORK:
Nasako No - we will not support an EOL OS. End of story, we don't care if that means less players. We won't support bad security practices, the whole idea of Pluto is so you don't have to use vulnerable OS's and games to enjoy MW3 and BO2.
Plenty of people with Windows 10 also don't have the problem, one of our staff has a Windows 2008 (win 7 based) server with the same problem and upgrading to Windows server 2016 (win 8 ) or windows server 2019 f(win 10 based) fixed the problem.
OpenSLL seems to be the core problem, and on windows server they stopped updating.. because it's EOL.
I understand, I narrowed down options and fixed the problem anyway,
Nasako Would you mind explaining how so others can potentially fix it too? Well done by the way. Hope you enjoy the game.
Question: What are the Microsoft visual c++ runtime versions this game needs exactly? OR Net Framework versions as well that some users might not have?
Well, the problem was obviously related to my PC/Windows files, as I tried the game on another PC with the same files and it worked.
I thought I had all my windows files updated, they were not
So updated them and worked.I don't know which one exactly might be one the net framework missing or outdated - OR this visual c++ runtime