[Release] IW5 Mapvote
birchy Ah. Thanks. That does make sense XD
You've done a great job with this mod. -
Amazing job. Putting this on RG servers.
So I had some issues not able to go down. seems like +speed_throw is the bind command? which is set on a controller???? Anyway I added some additional commands and seem to play nicely to me and other players.
self notifyonplayercommand("up", "+attack"); self notifyonplayercommand("up", "+forward"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+toggleads_throw"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+speed_throw"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+back"); self notifyonplayercommand("select", "+usereload"); self notifyonplayercommand("select", "+activate");
Unless you have a reason why you didn't use +toggleads_throw or +forward and +back?
Fry those were the bindings I have in my cfg, in hindsight should have added the others for completeness. Glad you sorted it for yourself.
Ah I see. I sent a pull request for you.
So far I tested it with scr_war_timelimit .1 bunch of times and look fine.
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how can I fix that ?
(I have installed the .dll in the plugins folder -
Read the g
Installation:- Download the .gsc file from the main repository.
- Download the .dll file from the repository it is dependant on.
- Place the .gsc file at %localappdata%/plutonium/storage/iw5/scripts.
- Place the .dll file at %localappdata%/plutonium/storage/iw5/plugins.
- Note: Create folders if they do not exist.
Read 4 and 5
Thanatos Are you trying to use this locally? This will only work for dedicated servers
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birchy it seems that there is a problem to load the plugin. How can I fix that ? I already tried to reinstall c++...
Fed needs to update his dll. right now this wont work since August.
Is there an update being worked on? This still doesn't seem to be working anymore at least for me
@lResxt doesn't work for me either
Thanatos I'm using this instead works fine https://forum.awog.at/topic/172/release-vote-manager
You can now use this without fed's gsc plugin.
executeCommand("map " + level.mapvotemaps[level.mapvoteindices[besti]]);
cmdexec("map " + level.mapvotemaps[level.mapvoteindices[besti]]);
Also birchy I have sent a pull request.
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