[Resource] Ladder Mod
Wouldn't toggle that on
since it's not player specific.
Toggle it onlevel
. -
Ox_ in my opinion, storing it as a variable for the player isn't a bad idea. The variable should be initialized in onPlayerConnect or maybe the spawn function.
I am curious though, how come you say store it in level?
homura said in Ladder Mod:
Ox_ in my opinion, storing it as a variable for the player isn't a bad idea. The variable should be initialized in onPlayerConnect or maybe the spawn function.
I am curious though, how come you say store it in level?
Changing the dvar once affects everyone in the game playing. No reason to have multiple variables toggling the same thing. If one "self" sets it to true, the mod is active for everyone in the game while the variable is still false for everyone else. Logically doesn't make any sense
homura if you toggle it on level instead of self, it only creates one instance of that variable. Let's say everyone in his game has access to toggle the dvar, it would make more sense to have it toggle as level.ladder or whatever so that way it is the same for everyone instead of having 18 separate self variable toggles when it toggles a serverwide dvar
Cahz yo cahz can help me man?
Ox_ is it such a big deal man?
Or instead of using
, just use one of the dvar's value for your if statement, e.g :if( getDvar("jump_ladderPushVel") == 128 ) { self iprintln("Ladder Mod ^1ON"); setDvar("jump_ladderPushVel", 1024); setDvar("bg_ladder_yawcap", 0); }
Sass sass my friend can you help me? I was told to paste this in my server.cfg “ gts playerNumLives 0”, but like I want the bot to have the 1 life and me unlimited because that, I don’t know how to add, can you help ?
Cahz Can i have your discord cuz i just joined plutonium and cant find any option for direct messages
I needed to talk to u abt one of your post