[Release] Add Missing PhD And Stamina To Maps
EdGotti you can do this, I believe it's in the PhD main function I use. I haven't messed with this mod in a minute so I can't tell you everything about it, but I did have a version that did this, but I made it normal. I think it's either the 2nd or 3rd function in the gsc script. I think it's called dive_to_nuke something.
AlexInVr Thank you, I am currently working in other mods right now as well, just not any for t5 at the moment, but I do have my dead ops reimagined mod I still need to push out of beta stage.
Soliderror that's awesome ! mind if I use part of your code to learn a little bit more gsc ? I've been wanting to spawn new machines in the map and try and add some logic to them but was kinda confused on how to do it. I'm a programmer but GSC is kinda niche and there isn't too much docs or tutorials to learn it, I feel like I'm learning LUA all over again lol. If I ever end up releasing something you can be sure I'll credit you for it !
Soliderror its very good but i cant get stamina up in der riese because i have remix mod pls create a version for remix mod thank you so much i was really need phd in kino and der riese
Soliderror is this compatible with steam as well? if its only with pluto, may i ask why just that? i think it should be compatible with both
FaZe Flick it should work with the steam version
AlexInVr Go ahead and use the mod to your liking and use it for you own mods and to learn. It took some work to get it all working correctly and use rather people learn how to spawn in the models as well how to add triggers to them to make them function correctly. All I ask is that if you use part of my mod, that isn't edited just give me a little credit, however if it's just the main tirggers with your code added to make your perks work the way want, then it's fine to just use. It's open source and I'm happy to be a help other great mods.
FaZe Flick I believe it should work on the steam version. It's raw gsc so it should be fine. It doesn't use anything Pluto added like replace func so it should work.
Mr.Ahmad why won't it work with that? Doesn't gsc load in mods? If not then what I would have to do is decompile the mod and add my script to it. Just need the mod tools installed.
Soliderror then i mustve done something wrong. but i swear when i installed it it only went towards pluto
Soliderror because in this mod can't open tp 3 and me cant get stamina up
Soliderror the problem is tho since it's not a draggable gsc script and it's a download on the terminal it makes it harder for me to get it on steam. It always looks like it goes towards to pluto since it's a download. You should make a version as well where people are able to drag it.
FaZe Flick Ohhh your using the installer, the script is in the Zom folder if you open that, there might be two, if there is two scripts just drag them both because they work together. But the installer only installs into Pluto, it just moves the folders where they need to go. But if you need to install to steam, just use the script that's in the Zom folder.
Mr.Ahmad what does that even mean?
Soliderror do i also still have to extract it cause i just dragged them both straight into the script folder and none of the perks were in my game without doing that
FaZe Flick Remember your on plutonium forum. Most mods were intended for plutonium, but some are compatible with steam if they don't use certain features that only work for plutonium like replaceFunc, etc. Mix matching scripts can cause issues as well. It's good to know basic GSC so you know what your doing. Then to copy and paste everything all the time and cause issues.
ik somewhat how gsc's work. i just intend it and expect it to work the way id want it to
that won’t get you far, gsc can make errors that you wouldn’t expect
FaZe Flick extract the folder, move the script to where it needs to go.
hindercanrun Just looking at the file structure this mod wouldn't be immediately usable on Steam version because there is no custom script loading like Plutonium on game_mod. game_mod lets you load scripts in the maps folder in a mod but not custom named scripts.