More Health/Health Changer Script for Zombie
ghostskull hi also looked for something like that, i couldn't find anything so i said fu** it and made my own script, im happy you like it
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Is there a way i can constantly do this in game, like upgrading armor?
i have a problem bro when I start a game I get the Max health boo2sted to 150hp but the life bar doesn't work :C i using google translator im spanish the bar doesnt appear pls can someone help me?
By life bar you mean the bar that we see in the photos ?
Because this bar is from a separate script, but i might have a script for that somewhere.
If i find it i will let you know. -
Fennecsou wow thats so cool
undeadmatrix Thank you
Fennecsou porque cuando se obtiene el juggernog, la vida no surve 100 puntos, si no que la vida limite ex 250?
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Fennecsou could u share this script?
@gabrielsparedes just download it
hindercanrun i'm actually talking about the health bar only without max health modification
@gabrielsparedes next time explain that.
u can also look around to save time/edit it -
Fennecsou Man, when get down on coop mode, i lose the "Boost
health", and it doesn't work anymore. Is there another way to get the "Boost health"? -
Gabriel Paredes Are you talking about the health bar seen in the screenshots ? Because it is not mine it's from the "Cold War Mod"
JuanMore89 Same issue as quick revive, the script doesn't reapply the health boost when getting downed, i'm going to try and fix this soon.
onPlayerRevived() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); for(;;) { self waittill( "player_revived" ); max_total_health = 150; self setmaxhealth( max_total_health ); self thread checkJugg(); } }
checkJugg() { wait 0.1; if( self hasperk("specialty_armorvest")) { max_total_health = 250; self setmaxhealth( max_total_health ); } }
chasef7 Hello, no scripting experience here, do I just add these to the original script or do I have to do something else first?
init() { level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for ( ;; ) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); player thread onplayerspawned(); player thread onPlayerRevived(); } } onplayerspawned() { level endon( "game_ended" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); for(;;) { self waittill( "spawned_player" ); self IPrintLnBold( "Max Health Boosted From 100hp to 150hp" ); self.maxhealth=150;; } } onPlayerRevived() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); for(;;) { self waittill( "player_revived" ); if( self hasperk("specialty_armorvest")) { } else { max_total_health = 150; self setmaxhealth( max_total_health ); } } }
chasef7 Ok, so I ust had to mention the extra threads...