Dll not found
I can not install the launcher because it says that the msvcp140.dll was not found, as well as the vcruntime140.dll it says. Reinstalling the program may solve the problem. i have tried to download it several times but it doesn't help i need help i want to download mw3 and bo2.
Dss0 dosn´t helped
SLOL did it display any error messages when trying to install the runtimes? Hit windows key + R and type "winver" into the run box then hit enter. Post a screenshot of the window that comes up.
SLOL if it still says msvcp140 is missing after installing this:
https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x86.exethen something is severly broken.
If you downloaded any individual dll's before delete them, other than that:- open the start menu and search for "cmd"
- run cmd as admin
- execute the following command
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
- after dism has finished repairing your system restart your pc
I check it later and what is with the Vcruntime140.dll ?
SLOL said in Dll not found:
it's part of the microsoft visual c++ redist 2015-2019, if that file is missing you have to install that runtime, downloading individual dll files is not what you should do.
Dss0 i downloaded from https://docs.microsoft.com/de-DE/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-160 the 64 bit version and started it and seleced repair but it dosn´t helped. i also did this but this also dosn´t healped
SLOL you need the x86 version, plutonium is 32 bit not 64.
Now the download goe´s thanks for the suport