[Release] Black ops II Mapvote for Zombies and Multiplayer
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The problem I had was just my own stupidity, Awesome mod great work.
Hey how can I use 5 vote slots like I saw in the suggestion post for this script?
error line 34, can help? is for zm server
- Do not paste the entire code in the post, it will not help at all
- The error is caused by your translation of everything without knowing anyhing about gsc scripting. If you don't know what something do then do not edit anything.
Sorex What's up buddy?
First of all congratulations for the brilliant work! And also sorry for my google translator english!
I don't know how to compile the file you ask. Could you help me by telling me how to do it or a tutorial where I can learn how to do it?Thank you in advance!
Sorex Really appriciate the work that was put into this! I use this for my zombie servers and it works great! Any one able to tell me if there is an easy way to increase the amount of map options? 5 or 6 map choices would be so sick!
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@CamouflageLvCat put the compiler on ur desktop
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Sorex cool ! a question ...
because changing the map changes the game mode to "free for all"? I only want "tdm" I mean war. -
Just set mv_gametypes to "war" or don't enable random gametypes -
thanks for your quick response! ..but yes ..that is what I am doing ..I have tried in different ways ..for example ..
"set mv_gametypes "war;tdm.cfg"
"set mv_gametypes "tdm.cfg"
set mv_gametypes "war"
but none of these work for me.
Always when starting a map starts "free for all"
could it be that it is badly compiled .. ?this is my map rotate ..
sv_maprotation "exec tdm.cfg map mp_nuketown_2020 map mp_hijacked map mp_raid"
and this is the config that I copied into my "dedicated.cfg"
set mv_enable 1 // Enable/Disable the mapvote
set mv_maps "mp_nuketown_2020 mp_hijacked mp_raid" // List of maps that can be voted on the mapvote, leave empty for all maps
set mv_excludedmaps "" // List of maps you don't want to show in the mapvote
set mv_time 10 // Time to vote
set mv_socialname "" // Name of the social server such as Discord, Twitter, Website, etc
set mv_sentence "" // Thankfull sentence
set mv_votecolor "5" // Color of the Vote Number
set mv_arrowcolor "white" // RGB Color of the arrows
set mv_selectcolor "lightgreen" // RGB Color when map get voted
set mv_backgroundcolor "grey" // RGB Color of map background
set mv_blur "3" // Blur effect power
set mv_gametypes "" // This dvar can be used to have multiple gametypes with different maps, with this dvar you can load gamemode cfg files -
Try set mv_gametypes "war war"
Without the mapvote screenshot i can't guess the issue. But if you want just tdm just disable randomgametypes (I forgot to add that on BO2 mapvote. IW5 have it, i'll patch it).From what i see "in your copy of dedicated.cfg" you are not event setting that dvar
Thanks for the answer.. i was busy..
the screenshot of what..?
my problem is that it starts in "freeforall", it is not visual..
I have the server in bo2MP..
the solution that you provide me _"WAR WAR" .. did not help me .. when changing the map it is set to "freeforall" .. -
Sorex !
that dvar was configured .. I just deleted it to put it here ..
I tried several configurations there ..
If start on free for all it mean that the issue is on your sv_maprotation if you execute dm.cfg it will start on ffa. The mapvote will not change the first gamemode.set the sv_maprotation to something like "exec war.cfg map mp_carriere" for exemple
Sorex hey .. thanks for your support brother .. but .. it's weird .. because I have like this .. I mean "war" .it doesn't exist .. I have "tdm" and for freforall .."dm"
this is my map rotation..
sv_maprotation "exec tdm.cfg map mp_nuketown_2020 map mp_hijacked map mp_raid" -
Then "exec tdm.cfg map mp_nuketown_2020" its fine. You don't need anything else. If the server start with another gamemode its not mapvote issue is your issue.If you keep have the issue ask on public chat on the discord or make a forum post related to that.