My launcher is not working, it's freezes if i press play button
It's my first time tryng to play on plutonium, and i have dowloaded the archives form here it is said in this page, i downloaded the ''piry.exe'' first to download the game files and then I downloaded the plutonium luncher.
I did this whole procedure with a friend, and he managed to play without errors.
to better describe what happens, i launch Plutonium, and it oppens normally, but if i press play in Bo2 multiplayer, a cmd window opens and closes in a second, and then the laucher freezes
Are you on windows 7?
yes, 64bit
That's the problem, it isn't supported anymore. Upgrade to windows 10
are you sure? my friend who downloaded it with me also has windows 7
and he is playng now -
No idea how he did it. Literally every guy on this forum who had that issue didn't make it past frozen launcher. Best if you upgrade to windows 10
I'll try it, but first I'll see exactly what my friend did, if i can run on win7 i'll be better for my old pc. thanks for the help!
Anarkio If you get it working on windows 7, please let us know so we can let other people try the fix too
SoyRA Contributorreplied to Mr. Android on Aug 18, 2020, 4:15 PM last edited by SoyRA Aug 18, 2020, 7:51 PM
- The error is given by
saying thatXInput1_4.dll
is missing.- Well, it can only give you this error if you use:
.\bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe t6mp "C:\Games\T6" -lan +set name "Example"
- Well, it can only give you this error if you use:
- In the r688 / 2.1.0 it didn't happen.
So...having Windows 7 updated and installing the game's Redist (in a VM), isn't the solution. ;-;
- The error is given by
Dont know about that, but I do have a tool for those who have the problem GPUD3D11 rendering issue. That's usually caused for players having outdated graphics card drivers which dont support dx11. The tool I have forces dx11 to load, the player can get into game and play for sometime, but crashes at random times. Can be 3 mins or 30 mins after
Mr. Android Ok, if i make it, i will let here the solution
HannesC My gpu is compatible with dx11, but you can let here this tool if anyone come searching a solution for this.
HannesC could you share the name of this tool that forces loading the Directx11 files? maybe it could be useful...
SoyRA I see a dll error when i tryed to execute one .exe in a appdata folder what the plutonium created, i have downloaded and intaled the xinput1_4.dll t6r.dll and the problem persist
Mr. Android Just to update what ive said, i Thought that my friend had win7, but he switched to win8. so for sure the problem is my operating system
Thanks you all for the attention, i will try it on win10 or 8.
I've passed the tool to staff, they're having a look at it. In the meantime, stay tuned
im on windows 10 and its still not working?
Please make your own thread, and provide a screenshot of your error
there is no error when I try to open zombies the launcher will load then everything crashes