[Release][ZM] Any Player Easter Egg Mods
I downloaded the stuff
for maxis die rise but when I get to the ball step it doesn't work (it won't let me place the ball because there is no option to do it) is there anything to fix it? -
crazy058orange1 could you provide screenshots showing (1) the script
was “loaded successfully” as shown in comment #10, (2) you have a ball by going to one of the statues and showing the “place ball” prompt, (3) where the Trample Steam is placed and that you don’t get a prompt by being close enough to it. -
crazy058orange1 this shows none of the screenshots I’ve asked for. I’ll assume that the script was loaded successfully based on where you placed it, and I’ll assume you had a ball. I still need to know where or what the symbol was that you placed the Trample Steam on.
Which symbol did you place the Trample Steam on, a lion symbol or a zombie symbol? Were you getting any sort of prompt when you’re close to the Trample Steam, such as a prompt to pick up the Trample Steam?
the lion
crazy058orange1 I don’t see why it wouldn’t let you place a ball based on what you’ve provided so far. All I can say is to try again, and provide the 3 screenshots I asked for if you face the problem again.
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is there an option to see when you flip the switch on buried where on the side it says if it is sparked or not because I keep hearing sparks and then when I go back in again, I don't know if it is sparked or not
crazy058orange1 Buried Extra provides such feature.
undefined Hadi77KSA referenced this topic on
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Does the solo richtofen tranzit extra still works? It says it's loaded when I start the game but after throwing an EMP on a lamp and then tp to another and throwing my second emp it doesn't work and I tried multiple times
Zaigons if you saw the message “Any Player EE Mod TranZit Richtofen Solo”, then it should work as long as: there’s only 1 player in the lobby by the time you throw the EMPs, you aren’t too slow (time limit is 5 seconds from the 1st detonation to the last detonation), and you have completed the previous steps successfully as indicated mainly by Richtofen’s quotes. If you’re meeting all these requirements but the step isn’t working, then I’d like to see video footage of you attempting the step while you’re playing as Stuhlinger and can hear Richtofen’s quotes to determine where the problem is exactly.
Hadi77KSA Retried it this morning and it worked, idk why it wasn't working yesterday maybe my game was bugged or something. Thanks
I downloaded the mods and I am able to load it up but the console doesn't show that the any_player_ee is loaded when I start the match. Any tips to fix this?
Texzaku refer to comment #10.
undefined RevengeGhost_ referenced this topic on
The last step on Tranzit for Richtofens side where you only need to throw 2 emps at the lamps doesnt work
Homerding refer to my message in comment #98:
if you saw the message “Any Player EE Mod TranZit Richtofen Solo”, then it should work as long as: there’s only 1 player in the lobby by the time you throw the EMPs, you aren’t too slow (time limit is 5 seconds from the 1st detonation to the last detonation), and you have completed the previous steps successfully as indicated mainly by Richtofen’s quotes. If you’re meeting all these requirements but the step isn’t working, then I’d like to see video footage of you attempting the step while you’re playing as Stuhlinger and can hear Richtofen’s quotes to determine where the problem is exactly.
Hadi77KSA when i first load in it says “Any Player EE Mod TranZit Maxis"
Homerding if that’s the only message from the mod you see, then it doesn’t sound like you have the script for solo Richtofen installed. Refer to the section “Alternative Mods With Extra Features + Other Maps” for the solo Richtofen script.
Hadi77KSA i think i fixed it! Downloaded the richtofen file and saw both messages pop up on the game start
undefined Elstrol M referenced this topic