[Release] [ZM] Highest Round Tracker (UPDATED 3/13/2020)
This version can only be used on dedicated servers because it requires a plugin.HOW TO ADD INTO YOUR SERVER
This can easily be added into your _clientids.gsc file.- Add the scripts below into your _clientids.gsc file
high_round_tracker() { thread high_round_info_giver(); gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) ); map = mapName( level.script ); if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" ) map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) ); //file handling// level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame") + "/"; path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt"; file = fopen(path, "r"); text = fread(file); fclose(file); //end file handling// highroundinfo = strToK( text, ";" ); level.HighRound = int( highroundinfo[ 0 ] ); level.HighRoundPlayers = highroundinfo[ 1 ]; for ( ;; ) { level waittill ( "end_game" ); if ( level.round_number > level.HighRound ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = ""; players = get_players(); for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if( level.HighRoundPlayers == "" ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = players[i].name; } else { level.HighRoundPlayers = level.HighRoundPlayers + "," + players[i].name; } } foreach( player in level.players ) { player tell( "New Record: ^1" + level.round_number ); player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } log_highround_record( level.round_number + ";" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } } } log_highround_record( newRecord ) { gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) ); map = mapName( level.script ); if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" ) map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) ); level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame") + "/"; path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt"; file = fopen( path, "w" ); fputs( newRecord, file ); fclose( file ); } startLocationName( location ) { if( location == "cornfield" ) return "Cornfield"; else if( location == "diner" ) return "Diner"; else if( location == "farm" ) return "Farm"; else if( location == "power" ) return "Power"; else if( location == "town" ) return "Town"; else if( location == "transit" ) return "BusDepot"; else if( location == "tunnel" ) return "Tunnel"; } mapName( map ) { if( map == "zm_buried" ) return "Buried"; else if( map == "zm_highrise" ) return "DieRise"; else if( map == "zm_prison" ) return "Motd"; else if( map == "zm_nuked" ) return "Nuketown"; else if( map == "zm_tomb" ) return "Origins"; else if( map == "zm_transit" ) return "Tranzit"; return "NA"; } gamemodeName( gamemode ) { if( gamemode == "zstandard" ) return "Standard"; else if( gamemode == "zclassic" ) return "Classic"; else if( gamemode == "zsurvival" ) return "Survival"; else if( gamemode == "zgrief" ) return "Grief"; else if( gamemode == "zcleansed" ) return "Turned"; return "NA"; } high_round_info_giver() { highroundinfo = 1; roundmultiplier = 5; level endon( "end_game" ); while( 1 ) { level waittill( "start_of_round" ); if( level.round_number == ( highroundinfo * roundmultiplier )) { highroundinfo++; foreach( player in level.players ) { player tell( "High Round Record for this map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); player tell( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } } } } high_round_info() { wait 6; self tell( "High Round Record for this map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); self tell( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); }
- Add
thread high_round_tracker();
into your init() function - Add
player thread high_round_info();
into your onPlayerConnect() function
- Download fed's t6-gsc-utils plugin and place the .dll file inside gameserver/t6r/data/plugins.
Using these steps will allow the server to track the highest round achieved on the server, and the players who were in the lobby at the time.
All high round records will be recorded in .txt files inside gameserver/t6r/data/logs and they will be updated automatically.
nice release gamer
Reviving this old release as it has been updated.
High round tracker is fully automatic now. -
Nice release, now, i go tryhard for world record ^^
Cahz Managed to get everything installed just fine, and Round Records are saving as they should, but in-game there is no on-screen prompt actually telling players what the record is, I've been at this for a couple days now with nothing. Any ideas?
Waluijay if you look at the code he provided it says in the chat to each player at the start of every round (and 6 seconds after they form a connection with the server). if you want something to be persistent you'll have to draw text on screen (or send a message to the chat intermittently).
birchy I know it says it in chat, it just isn't there for me. I'll triple check everything regarding chat messages tho
/Definitely isn't working, with every other auto chat message disabled nothing shows in chat at client connection, when a round ends or when a record is broken. The only message that works is when a record is set, not when that record is beaten.
Waluijay without seeing your project I can only assume it's either that the variable isn't defined and therefore the message can't be displayed, or that you are not actually reaching the point of displaying the message on screen.
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message; init() { level.perk_purchase_limit = 99; for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread high_round_tracker(); } } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread high_round_info(); } } high_round_tracker() { thread high_round_info_giver(); gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) ); map = mapName( level.script ); if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" ) map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) ); //file handling// level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame") + "/"; path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt"; file = fopen(path, "r"); text = fread(file); fclose(file); //end file handling// highroundinfo = strToK( text, ";" ); level.HighRound = int( highroundinfo[ 0 ] ); level.HighRoundPlayers = highroundinfo[ 1 ]; for ( ;; ) { level waittill ( "end_game" ); if ( level.round_number > level.HighRound ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = ""; players = get_players(); for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if( level.HighRoundPlayers == "" ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = players[i].name; } else { level.HighRoundPlayers = level.HighRoundPlayers + "," + players[i].name; } } foreach( player in level.players ) { player tell( "New Record: ^1" + level.round_number ); player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } log_highround_record( level.round_number + ";" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } } } log_highround_record( newRecord ) { gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) ); map = mapName( level.script ); if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" ) map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) ); level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame") + "/"; path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt"; file = fopen( path, "w" ); fputs( newRecord, file ); fclose( file ); } startLocationName( location ) { if( location == "cornfield" ) return "Cornfield"; else if( location == "diner" ) return "Diner"; else if( location == "farm" ) return "Farm"; else if( location == "power" ) return "Power"; else if( location == "town" ) return "Town"; else if( location == "transit" ) return "BusDepot"; else if( location == "tunnel" ) return "Tunnel"; } mapName( map ) { if( map == "zm_buried" ) return "Buried"; else if( map == "zm_highrise" ) return "DieRise"; else if( map == "zm_prison" ) return "Motd"; else if( map == "zm_nuked" ) return "Nuketown"; else if( map == "zm_tomb" ) return "Origins"; else if( map == "zm_transit" ) return "Tranzit"; return "NA"; } gamemodeName( gamemode ) { if( gamemode == "zstandard" ) return "Standard"; else if( gamemode == "zclassic" ) return "Classic"; else if( gamemode == "zsurvival" ) return "Survival"; else if( gamemode == "zgrief" ) return "Grief"; else if( gamemode == "zcleansed" ) return "Turned"; return "NA"; } high_round_info_giver() { highroundinfo = 1; roundmultiplier = 5; level endon( "end_game" ); while( 1 ) { level waittill( "start_of_round" ); if( level.round_number == ( highroundinfo * roundmultiplier )) { highroundinfo++; foreach( player in level.players ) { player tell( "High Round Record for this map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); player tell( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } } } } high_round_info() { wait 6; self iprintln( "High Round Record for this map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); self iprintln( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); }
It's almost identical and I have no compile errors, no startup errors. It logs everything correctly to the file it stores records in, it just doesn't run anything within itself below high_round_info_giver(), other scripts below that section run fine.
Waluijay You aren't calling
level thread onPlayerConnect();
anywhere so of course it's not going to work. You're also calling the high round tracker as a player thread, when it's not needed to thread onto each player........ If you had looked at the screenshots you'd notice this.#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message; init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); //added this function back. thread high_round_tracker(); //fixed this thread that you decided to change. } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread high_round_info(); } } high_round_tracker() { thread high_round_info_giver(); gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) ); map = mapName( level.script ); if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" ) map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) ); //file handling// level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame") + "/"; path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt"; file = fopen(path, "r"); text = fread(file); fclose(file); //end file handling// highroundinfo = strToK( text, ";" ); level.HighRound = int( highroundinfo[ 0 ] ); level.HighRoundPlayers = highroundinfo[ 1 ]; for ( ;; ) { level waittill ( "end_game" ); if ( level.round_number > level.HighRound ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = ""; players = get_players(); for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if( level.HighRoundPlayers == "" ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = players[i].name; } else { level.HighRoundPlayers = level.HighRoundPlayers + "," + players[i].name; } } foreach( player in level.players ) { player tell( "New Record: ^1" + level.round_number ); player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } log_highround_record( level.round_number + ";" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } } } log_highround_record( newRecord ) { gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) ); map = mapName( level.script ); if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" ) map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) ); level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame") + "/"; path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt"; file = fopen( path, "w" ); fputs( newRecord, file ); fclose( file ); } startLocationName( location ) { if( location == "cornfield" ) return "Cornfield"; else if( location == "diner" ) return "Diner"; else if( location == "farm" ) return "Farm"; else if( location == "power" ) return "Power"; else if( location == "town" ) return "Town"; else if( location == "transit" ) return "BusDepot"; else if( location == "tunnel" ) return "Tunnel"; } mapName( map ) { if( map == "zm_buried" ) return "Buried"; else if( map == "zm_highrise" ) return "DieRise"; else if( map == "zm_prison" ) return "Motd"; else if( map == "zm_nuked" ) return "Nuketown"; else if( map == "zm_tomb" ) return "Origins"; else if( map == "zm_transit" ) return "Tranzit"; return "NA"; } gamemodeName( gamemode ) { if( gamemode == "zstandard" ) return "Standard"; else if( gamemode == "zclassic" ) return "Classic"; else if( gamemode == "zsurvival" ) return "Survival"; else if( gamemode == "zgrief" ) return "Grief"; else if( gamemode == "zcleansed" ) return "Turned"; return "NA"; } high_round_info_giver() { highroundinfo = 1; roundmultiplier = 5; level endon( "end_game" ); while( 1 ) { level waittill( "start_of_round" ); if( level.round_number == ( highroundinfo * roundmultiplier )) { highroundinfo++; foreach( player in level.players ) { player tell( "High Round Record for this map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); player tell( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } } } } high_round_info() { wait 6; self tell( "High Round Record for this map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); self tell( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); }
Paying attention to directions can really help you figure out the problem...
I'm- I'm not exactly sure how I messed up and repeatedly missed the
at the start so thankyou, everything is working properly now. I appreciate the extra length you went for my small brain -
This post is deleted!
andresito_20 maybe this can help you
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/11302/zm-highest-round-tracker-error/10?_=1630612677354 -
Cahz Is there a way to get this to work in 2021? Created a server recently and the pathing the script uses is the old way files were laid out. Such as, gameserver/t6r/data/logs not existing anymore
looks allot like mine
btw need this plugin
put This into <bo2 folder>\t6r\data\plugins#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_ai_dogs; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_stats; #include common_scripts/utility; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_util; #include maps/mp/_utility; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_weapons; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_message; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic_score; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic_utils; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic_defaults; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_globallogic_spawn; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_perks; #include maps/mp/zm_tomb_utility; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_challenges; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_laststand; #include maps/mp/zm_tomb_ee_main; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_sidequests; #include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_weapons; #include maps/mp/zm_tomb_ee_main_step_1; #include maps/mp/_challenges; init() { thread high_round_tracker(); } get_map_name() { if (!isDefined(level.levelname)) { if (level.script == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "transit") { level.levelname = "Tranzit"; } else if (level.script == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "town") { level.levelname = "Town"; } else if (level.script == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "farm") { level.levelname = "Farm"; } else if (level.script == "zm_nuked") { level.levelname = "Nuketown"; } else if (level.script == "zm_highrise") { level.levelname = "Die Rise"; } else if (level.script == "zm_prison") { level.levelname = "Mob of the Dead"; } else if (level.script == "zm_buried") { level.levelname = "Buried"; } else if (level.script == "zm_tomb") { level.levelname = "Origins"; } else level.levelname = "Unknown Map"; } return level.levelname; } high_round_tracker() { level endon( "end_game" ); level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame"); path3 = level.basepath + get_map_name() + "_" + "Leaderboard2.txt"; //file3 = fopen(path3, "a+"); etok="-"; if(fileExists(path3)) level.theLBstr = readfile(path3); else { level.HighRoundPlayers = "^5initialized"; writestr = "THRS,3,starting from scratch-\n"; writefile(path3,writestr,1); level.theLBstr = readfile(path3); } level.HighRound = getDvarIntDefault( mapName( level.script ) + "HighRound", 3 ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); level.theLB = strtok(level.theLBstr, etok); foreach ( lbline in level.theLB ) { getlbs = strtok(lbline, ","); if(getlbs[0] == "THRS" && level.HighRound <= getlbs[1] ) { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "HighRound", getlbs[1] ); setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", "" ); for (i=2;i<=getlbs.size;i++) { if ( getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ) == "" ) { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", getlbs[i] ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); } else { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", level.HighRoundPlayers + ", " + getlbs[i] ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); } } } else if(getlbs[0] == "THRS" && level.HighRound > getlbs[1] ) { //fclose(file3); fremove(path3); //file3 = fopen(path3, "a+"); writestr = ("THRS," + level.HighRound + "," + level.HighRoundPlayers + etok); writefile(path3,writestr,1); } else if(getlbs[0] != "THRS" && level.HighRoundPlayers != "" ) { //fclose(file3); fremove(path3); //file3 = fopen(path3, "a+"); writestr = ("THRS," + level.HighRound + "," + level.HighRoundPlayers + etok); writefile(path3,writestr,1); } else { level.HighRoundPlayers = "^5initialized"; setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", level.HighRoundPlayers ); writestr = ("THRS," + level.HighRound + "," + level.HighRoundPlayers + etok); writefile(path3,writestr,1); } } level.HighRound = getDvarIntDefault( mapName( level.script ) + "HighRound", 3 ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); if ( level.HighRoundPlayers == "" ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = "^5initialized"; writestr = ("THRS,3,starting from scratch" + etok); writefile(path3,writestr,1); } //fclose(file3); istr=""; for(i=0;i<40;i+=4) istr+=i + " "; for(i=40;i<100;i+=3) istr+=i + " "; fourfactor=strtok(istr," "); for ( ;; ) { level waittill ( "end_of_round" ); players = getplayers(); foreach (player in players) player thread Ping_kick_check(player); foreach (ff in fourfactor) { if (int(ff) == level.round_number) level thread high_round_info(); } if( level.round_number == level.HighRound ) { players = getplayers(); foreach (player in players) player tell("^5you are about to over throw the ^7high round record ^5if you can pass this round. ^3Good Luck"); } if ( level.round_number > level.HighRound ) { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "HighRound", level.round_number ); setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", "" ); level.HighRound = getDvarIntDefault( mapName( level.script ) + "HighRound", 3 ); players = get_players(); for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if ( getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ) == "" ) { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", players[i].name ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); } else { setDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players", level.HighRoundPlayers + ", " + players[i].name ); level.HighRoundPlayers = getDvar( mapName( level.script ) + "Players" ); } } iprintln ( "New Record: ^1" + level.HighRound ); iprintln ( "Set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); newLBstr=""; //logprint( "Map: " + mapName( level.script ) + " Record: " + level.HighRound + " Set by: " + level.HighRoundPlayers ); path1 = level.basepath + get_map_name() + "_" + "Leaderboard2.txt"; writestr = ("THRS," + level.HighRound + "," + level.HighRoundPlayers + etok); //file1 = fopen(path1, "a+"); level.theLBstr = readfile(path1); level.theLB = strtok(level.theLBstr,etok); foreach ( lbline in level.theLB ) { getlbs = strtok(lbline,","); if(getlbs[0] == "THRS") newLBstr = writestr; else newLBstr +=lbline + etok; } //fclose(file1); fremove(path1); //file1 = fopen(path1, "a+"); writefile(path1,newLBstr,1); //fclose(file1); } } } mapName( name ) { if( name == "zm_highrise" ) return "Die Rise"; else if( name == "zm_buried" ) return "Buried"; else if( name == "zm_prison" ) return "Mob of the Dead"; else if( name == "zm_tomb" ) return "Origins"; else if( name == "zm_nuked" ) return "Nuketown"; else if( name == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "transit" ) return "Tranzit"; else if( name == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "town" ) return "Town"; else if( name == "zm_transit" && level.scr_zm_map_start_location == "farm" ) return "Farm"; } high_round_info() { wait 10; AllClientsPrint( "Highest Round for this Map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); AllClientsPrint( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } Ping_kick_check(player) { wait randomint( 20 ); } list_records( player ) { maps=[]; maps[0] = "Die Rise"; maps[maps.size] = "Buried"; maps[maps.size] = "Mob of the Dead"; maps[maps.size] = "Origins"; maps[maps.size] = "Nuketown"; maps[maps.size] = "Tranzit"; maps[maps.size] = "Town"; maps[maps.size] = "Farm"; recs=[]; level.basepath = getDvar("fs_basepath") + "/" + getDvar("fs_basegame"); for(i=0;i<maps.size;i++) { path = level.basepath + maps[i] + "_" + "Leaderboard.txt"; //file = fopen(path, "a+"); etok="-"; thisread = ""; thisread = readfile(path); if ( thisread == "" ) { thisread = "THRS,5,MrMrE-"; writefile(path,"THRS,5,MrMrE-",1); CONTINUE; } thisreadarray = strtok(thisread,etok); recs[i] = "^3 " + maps[i]; foreach(line in thisreadarray) { linearray = strtok(line,","); if(linearray[0] == "THRS") { recs[i] += ": ^1"+linearray[1]+ " ^7by "; for(j=2;isDefined(linearray[j]);j++) { if (j==2) recs[i] +="^6"+linearray[j] + " "; else recs[i] += "^7,^6"+linearray[j] + " "; } } } //fclose(file); } for(i=0;i<recs.size;i++) { self iPrintLn( recs[i] ); wait .7; } }
i get this error
2 script error(s): Unresolved external : -high_round_tracker- with 0 parameters in -example- at line 1 Unresolved external : -high_round_info- with 0 parameters in -example- at line 1 -
I fixed the script loading issue. Working with the latest version of the plugin (1.9.5). The script needs an elapsed game to save the first records, then it will display the information.
#include maps/mp/gametypes/_hud_message; #include maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_spawn; #include maps/mp/gametypes/_spectating; #include maps/mp/_tacticalinsertion; #include maps/mp/_challenges; #include maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic; #include maps/mp/gametypes/_hud_util; #include maps/mp/_utility; #include common_scripts/utility; #include maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_ui; #include maps/mp/gametypes/_persistence; init() { level thread high_round_tracker(); level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread high_round_info(); } } high_round_tracker() { thread high_round_info_giver(); gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) ); map = mapName( level.script ); if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" ) map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) ); //file handling// level.basepath = getDvar("fs_homepath") + "/"; path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt"; file = fopen(path, "r"); text = fread(file); fclose(file); //end file handling// highroundinfo = strToK( text, ";" ); level.HighRound = int( highroundinfo[ 0 ] ); level.HighRoundPlayers = highroundinfo[ 1 ]; for ( ;; ) { level waittill ( "end_game" ); if ( level.round_number > level.HighRound ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = ""; players = get_players(); for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if( level.HighRoundPlayers == "" ) { level.HighRoundPlayers = players[i].name; } else { level.HighRoundPlayers = level.HighRoundPlayers + "," + players[i].name; } } foreach( player in level.players ) { player tell( "New Record: ^1" + level.round_number ); player tell( "Set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } log_highround_record( level.round_number + ";" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } } } log_highround_record( newRecord ) { gamemode = gamemodeName( getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) ); map = mapName( level.script ); if( level.script == "zm_transit" && getDvar( "ui_gametype" ) == "zsurvival" ) map = startLocationName( getDvar( "ui_zm_mapstartlocation" ) ); level.basepath = getDvar("fs_homepath") + "/"; path = level.basepath + "/logs/" + map + gamemode + "HighRound.txt"; file = fopen( path, "w" ); fwrite( file, newRecord ); fclose( file ); } startLocationName( location ) { if( location == "cornfield" ) return "Cornfield"; else if( location == "diner" ) return "Diner"; else if( location == "farm" ) return "Farm"; else if( location == "power" ) return "Power"; else if( location == "town" ) return "Town"; else if( location == "transit" ) return "BusDepot"; else if( location == "tunnel" ) return "Tunnel"; } mapName( map ) { if( map == "zm_buried" ) return "Buried"; else if( map == "zm_highrise" ) return "DieRise"; else if( map == "zm_prison" ) return "Motd"; else if( map == "zm_nuked" ) return "Nuketown"; else if( map == "zm_tomb" ) return "Origins"; else if( map == "zm_transit" ) return "Tranzit"; return "NA"; } gamemodeName( gamemode ) { if( gamemode == "zstandard" ) return "Standard"; else if( gamemode == "zclassic" ) return "Classic"; else if( gamemode == "zsurvival" ) return "Survival"; else if( gamemode == "zgrief" ) return "Grief"; else if( gamemode == "zcleansed" ) return "Turned"; return "NA"; } high_round_info_giver() { highroundinfo = 1; roundmultiplier = 5; level endon( "end_game" ); while( 1 ) { level waittill( "start_of_round" ); if( level.round_number == ( highroundinfo * roundmultiplier )) { highroundinfo++; foreach( player in level.players ) { player tell( "High Round Record for this map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); player tell( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); } } } } high_round_info() { wait 6; self tell( "High Round Record for this map: ^1" + level.HighRound ); self tell( "Record set by: ^1" + level.HighRoundPlayers ); }
Kalitos thank you bro it works perfect
Kalitos Any idea what I have done wrong with your script? I have placed the compiled gsc to .../Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zm and when running the server I receive this message. Would realllly love to add this feature to my server!
**** 5 script error(s):
**** Unresolved external : "fopen" with 2 parameters in "High scores" at lines 1,1 ****
**** Unresolved external : "fread" with 1 parameters in "High scores" at line 1 ****
**** Unresolved external : "fclose" with 1 parameters in "High scores" at lines