[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_perks - Adding all perks to maps
GhostRider0125 I think maybe he'd have to add it to survival maps, but it's still unclear how. I dunno if there's a check for that checking if the player is on survival map or not
Cawldwink i played the gun ones they work for me but hadn't done the perks in town and such yet
maybe later -
erm, why is Who's Who not in maps other than Die Rise?
Cause the mod is not done (yet?)
idk if i did it right the extra perks arent loading in the map for me when i have the mod active
i made a mistake for the instructions thats all i figured it out
i hope you merge zm_weapons and zm_perks
add Stamin-Up to mob
phd's when you dolphin dive around a high enough round it stops working
ur doing god's work keep it up
sehteria was kind of hoping stamin up would get added to MOTD. it could really use it.
ZAPlord PHD uses the same original code as the maps which already have PHD, maybe It's just that way in BO2?
can I use this with the zm_weapons mod at the same time
Bickylotheboist He's too lazy lol
sehteria When you're going to add new perks like stamin up to MOTD and Electric cherry to all maps?
is PHD not accessible in Town? I've tried blowing down the door into bank and it won't open
sehteria when are you gonna put the perks and the weapons mod together in a same mod ?
Whiprust It's implemented within the mod. So if the mod is loaded correctly it should work.
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