I genuinely appreciate the anti-cheat system but PLEASE
You can start the game in lan mode manually, you can use the search function on the forum to find out how.
HighResolution are you talking about actual cheats or mod menus? Why would you wanna use actual cheats to make videos?
You can load mod menus without using an injector (which will get you banned): https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/6966/how-to-use-a-mod-menu-without-injecting-loading-gsc-scripts-client-sided -
Xerxes Is there an exact keyword/certain link for that guide/forum? Also can I use Hamachi to play with my friends in that way?
A good starting point would be this thread
Xerxes Do my friends need to do the same steps and add the -connect thing at the end and whatnot or can they join inside Plutonium's normal BO2 LAN Mode, also I added -dedicated in that and it didn't work, but removing it and making it only end with -lan runs BO2 normally
HighResolution HighResolution nvm i read the last part of the thread but still can my friends join using the normal client or do the .bat thing, and do they need to join using hamachi or
using my "ip:port" like normal custom matches -
Our official standpoint towards Hamachi is: Newer install that garbage and if you did re-install Windows.
Xerxes yeah i saw a lot of posts regarding that lol, what do i use then for my friends to join a LAN server?
Portforwarding + direct connect command.
Or rAdmin VPN. -
This post is deleted!
Xerxes I already port-forwarded, but I thought that was for custom matches in normal BO2? I thought this is the LAN mode in BO2, can I still make my friends connect using only the normal way? (Also how do I get 3 reputation I'm tired of waiting 10 minutes especially when I figure out something I asked)
port forward make sure windows firewall is also ported with a inbound connection of 4976 when in game go to find match custom games set it up then hit start game give your friends your public ip and make sure there also in lan mode and all they have to do is open console and type connect ip:4976 and they should be in your game its really that simple.
FragsAreUs oh wow that is simple, i still have one last question, by public ip what do you mean? like do i have to go to cmd and type "ipconfig" and copy the ipv4 adress and let my friends connect using "connect theipfromcmd:4976" or go to whatsmyip.com or other websites that give public ip adresses and use that?
the ip from your cmd window is your local ipv4 you need to use whatismyip.com or any other website that will give your public ipv4
FragsAreUs Alright, thanks a lot! Gonna try this tomorrow, any staff and admins can lock this thread now if you want.