Is there a way to freeroam around a zombies map?
The title isnt very specific, but heres what I mean:
In a single player game, is it possible to give myself like 50,000 points and a gun? So I can open up all the debris, and practice the map? (Like find where good training spots are or something around those lines) Possibly a command to Pap the gun I'm holding? And give me perks or something? This would be very helpful for me as I've wanted to learn the layouts of the maps, such as MOTD, which I cant understand very easily. -
Scrqffy yes, here is a simple script at achieving what you want.
this script will:
- gives 50k points
- gives Galil
- gives god mode
all you need to do is compile the gsc and learn how to use gsc in a private match. once you learn that, here's the code you need (copy and paste into your file before compiling)
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message; init() { level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onplayerspawned(); } } onplayerspawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); self iprintln("simple free roam by mikey"); self EnableInvulnerability(); self.points = 50000; self GiveWeapon("galil_upgraded_zm"); }
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mikey Okay, tsym. But it seems like all im doing is editing the contents of a script? What exactly does the compiler do? And do I need a loader for this? (I see a loader + compiler combo and it seems like you need to use the loader once you're in the game. Also, will this get me banned? (e.g. do I have to use it on the LAN server without anticheat)
mikey Can we talk over Discord? If so please add me Scrqffy#3259
Scrqffy This is how you load a custom script on Plutonium T6:
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JezuzLizard I've read both of those, and I get them, but something I dont understand.. When I go to t6r > data, my 'games_mp' thing is a Text document. How to I make it a gsc file after I put his Script into it?
Scrqffy Please reread the first tutorial. It very clearly explains how to load scripts for T6.
Scrqffy Don't touch the games_mp file.
The folder you need to put the compiled gsc (named: _clientids.gsc) will be put in t6r/data/maps/mp/gametypes_zm/
if maps, mp, or gametypes_zm doesn't exist, make them.
mikey Okay, thanks, I got it. I didnt understand at the moment. I thought the games_mp file was the code itself, and I had to put your code into it. I thought that because its a text document, and it would be very easy to paste it in there. I've installed a Zombies Mod Menu. 1 more thing, will it auto disable when im in a public match (aka public zombies) or do I have to move it to a different folder when I want to play publicly?
Scrqffy yes, the gsc only works whenever you are the host, aka private match. you should be good to go on not moving it.
mikey Okay, thank you so much for your help!