330CanWalk I can adjust it for you, or send you a version without timer, but I will see if I can add a menu option, or something of that sort. Add me on Discord Crybaby#6414

[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + movement speed for ALL maps except moon -
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + movement speed for ALL maps except moonfirstboxpatch Hmm, should be working, what is your monitor's resolution ? let me check if it works fine on 1080p, I might've uploaded the version for my screen by accident
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + movement speed for ALL maps except moonJiMLoRd It fixes the backwards speed to be the same as console, on pc it's at 0.7 by default, while on console it is at 1.0
[ZM][RELEASE] Timer and backspeed patch that follows ZWR rules for ALL mapsSo, I had a record for a 1000 sr on shi no that I did when there wasn't any rule on the ZWR website about patches for waw, now there is one, you aren't allowed first boxes at all, but timer, and backspeed is allowed, so I decided to make this universal patch that works with all maps.
I can't guarantee 100% that it is safe for a record, as I am not an admin of ZWR, however, if I look at ZWR's rules for waw, it says this:
- Automatic timers are ALLOWED.
- Patches are NOT ALLOWED with the exception of fixed backspeed and timer patches.
- source
My patch follows all these rules. But like I said, I am not a ZWR admin, so I cannot guarantee 100%
I had to overwrite the round_think function just to add the round_start and round_end event, so that the round timer could work correctly, nothing else was touched.
Known "problems":
Round timer only works on Shi no and Der for some reason. Nacht and Verruckt have an issue preventing the timer from working correctly, I am actively looking for a fix.
on round 1, when the round ends the round timer removes and adds 1 second until the next round begins, that's it, it just goes like -> 12.2, 12.1, 12.2, 12.1 etc.... it fixes itself the next round.
there is a 1 second delay between both timers, could probably fix it with a wait(1); but ngl I was a bit lazy, will fix later, it still works fine, 1 second won't kill you
#include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_utility; //timer by twitch.tv/AlexInZombies init() { replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode::round_think, ::custom_round_think); thread on_connect(); } on_connect() { for(;;) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); player thread on_player_spawned(); } } custom_round_think() { for( ;; ) { level.round_spawn_func = maps\_zombiemode::round_spawning; ////////////////////////////////////////// //designed by prod DT#36173 maxreward = 50 * level.round_number; if ( maxreward > 500 ) maxreward = 500; level.zombie_vars["rebuild_barrier_cap_per_round"] = maxreward; ////////////////////////////////////////// level.round_timer = level.zombie_vars["zombie_round_time"]; add_later_round_spawners(); maps\_zombiemode::chalk_one_up(); // round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_BEGIN" ); maps\_zombiemode_powerups::powerup_round_start(); players = get_players(); array_thread( players, maps\_zombiemode_blockers::rebuild_barrier_reward_reset ); level thread maps\_zombiemode::award_grenades_for_survivors(); level.round_start_time = getTime(); level thread [[level.round_spawn_func]](); level notify("start_of_round"); maps\_zombiemode::round_wait(); level.first_round = false; level notify("end_of_round"); level thread maps\_zombiemode::spectators_respawn(); // round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_END" ); level thread maps\_zombiemode::chalk_round_hint(); wait( level.zombie_vars["zombie_between_round_time"] ); // here's the difficulty increase over time area timer = level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"]; if( timer < 0.08 ) { timer = 0.08; } level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"] = timer * 0.95; // Increase the zombie move speed level.zombie_move_speed = level.round_number * 8; level.round_number++; level notify( "between_round_over" ); } } game_timer() { hud = create_simple_hud( self ); hud.foreground = true; hud.sort = 1; hud.hidewheninmenu = true; hud.alignX = "left"; hud.alignY = "top"; hud.horzAlign = "user_left"; hud.vertAlign = "user_top"; hud.x = hud.x - -700; hud.y = hud.y + 35; hud.alpha = 1; flag_wait("all_players_spawned"); hud setTimerUp(1); } round_timer() { timerHud = create_simple_hud( self ); timerHud.foreground = true; timerHud.sort = 1; timerHud.hidewheninmenu = true; timerHud.alignX = "left"; timerHud.alignY = "top"; timerHud.horzAlign = "user_left"; timerHud.vertAlign = "user_top"; timerHud.x = timerHud.x - -700; timerHud.y = timerHud.y + 45; timerHud.color = (1, 0, 0); timerHud.alpha = 1; flag_wait("all_players_spawned"); for (;;){ start_time = GetTime() / 1000; timerHud setTimerUp(0); level waittill("end_of_round"); end_time = GetTime() / 1000; time = end_time - start_time; freeze_time(timerHud, time); } } freeze_time(hud, time) { level endon("start_of_round"); time = time - 0.1; while(1) { hud settimer(time); wait(0.5); } } on_player_spawned() { self endon( "disconnect" ); for( ;; ) { level waittill( "connected", player ); self thread game_timer(); self thread round_timer(); self SetClientDvars( "player_backSpeedScale", "1", "player_strafeSpeedScale", "1"); wait 3; self IPrintLnBold("ZWR safe patch by ^1twitch.tv/^2AlexInVR"); } level waittill( "connected", player ); }
[ZM][RELEASE] Shi no numa first box + timer + movement speed patch@frost_EU I will update the post with a no first box version
[ZM][RELEASE] Shi no numa first box + timer + movement speed patchUPDATE: 2/3/2023 3:34PM
Implemented timer in a better way to make sure the game stays stable
Implemented round timer
[ZM] [RELEASE] First Box patch + timer + movement speed patch NACHT DER UNTOTENWockX you need to change the extension of the file to .gsc, in your windows explorer, click "View" then there should be an option called something like "Show file extensions" click that, you will now see your file as .txt, rename it, and rename the .txt to .gsc
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + movement speed for ALL maps except moonUPDATE 2/2/2023: Added round timer in red right under the game timer
[ZM][RELEASE] [PLUTO ONLY] First box patch for moon + timer + speed patchf0rbiddin press windows + r on your keyboard
inside the window that pops up, type in %LOCALAPPDATA%
go to the folder plutonium/Storage/t5/scripts/sp
create a new folder name zombie_moon
drop the script inside it,
(Create a new text file, and name it whatever you want, copy the code in the thread, paste it inside, then rename the extension to .gsc)
[Release] Add Missing PhD And Stamina To MapsSoliderror Don't worry bro I'd never take code from someone without giving credits, I looked at your code and you did very well man, clean written etc... Tried looking at how you did it to spawn just a random machine to start with and didn't get any results, but I'll try again another time, your code will be very useful to learn, thx alot man !
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + movement speed for ALL maps except moonFlixSZN Added raygun to five
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + movement speed for ALL maps except moonUPDATED 8/31/2022:
- Updated the mod to better arrange the box weapons
- Made the timer bigger
- Patch now stops at round 21, if you are on round 20 it will work, as soon as you reach 21 it stops.
Weapon order:
- Raygun, Tgun, monkeys, Crossbow
- Raygun, monkeys, crossbow
- Raygun, Tgun, gersh, crossbow
Call of the dead:
- Scavenger, Raygun, Russian dolls, Crossbow
Shangri la:
- Babygun, raygun, monkeys, crossbow
- Tgun, raygun, monkeys
- Raygun, monkeys, crossbow
Shi no numa:
- Raygun, waffe, monkeys
Der Riese:
- Raygun once the box moved atleast once, waffe, monkeys, crossbow
Let me know if I missed anything, working on making it so you can still box and get weapons once you're done with getting all the weapons in the box even if it's round 20, but that would make my code real shitty and I hate writing shitty code, it's already not really good code the way I wrote it, lots of if statements, will probably make a switch instead
[Release] Add Missing PhD And Stamina To MapsSoliderror that's awesome ! mind if I use part of your code to learn a little bit more gsc ? I've been wanting to spawn new machines in the map and try and add some logic to them but was kinda confused on how to do it. I'm a programmer but GSC is kinda niche and there isn't too much docs or tutorials to learn it, I feel like I'm learning LUA all over again lol. If I ever end up releasing something you can be sure I'll credit you for it !
[ZM] [Black Ops 1] Neon Perk IconsSick !!
[Release] Add Missing PhD And Stamina To MapsGreat work my guy !
censorship in VerrucktRossedout Bro this game is 14 years old lmao do you think Plutonium went out of their way to censor nazi flags lmao
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + movement speed for ALL maps except moonFlixSZN For sure, will take a look at this, it's supposed to be in there might have missed it, and yeah this is an issue with my mod where up until 19 you don't get any other box weapons that I also plan to fix, it is due to how I wrote my code, I never really had the issue since usually once you box you're good up until the trades where the patch isn't active anymore
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + movement speed for ALL maps except moonNucleye So I looked at my crossbow thingy, and the reason why the crossbow is there is that it's a required weapon for the High round strat, either in solo or coop, If you didn't know, pack a punching the crossbow makes it so every arrow is a monkey bomb
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + movement speed for ALL maps except moonscotlords Yeah so for the raygun you need to move the box atleast once