TheCrazedCap recently lost alot of shit with my main ssd dying, I will try to send you that tommorow, no promises.

[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + movement speed for ALL maps except moon -
[ZM][RELEASE][PLUTO SCRIPT] Backspeed + game and round timer patch -
[ZM][RELEASE][PLUTO SCRIPT] Backspeed + game and round timer patchHulkster you're welcome man, enjoy !
[ZM][RELEASE][PLUTO SCRIPT] Backspeed + game and round timer patchHulkster So basically the custom round think is just so I could add in the notifiers for the round timer, I basically copy pasted the regular method, and added 2 notifiers lmao
i need a bo1 zombies timerMf-a Sorry about the timer positions, my screen is ultra wide so testing in another resolution is a bit hard
[ZM][FIX] Temporary fix for CZ crashAgent_Timber I'm sorry, I won't be updating this, this isn't a correct solution and it's a dogshit patch I made in the span of 15 seconds because I was pissed my game crashed, I'll try to dm BoneCrusher so he reuploads his fix again
[ZM][RELEASE][PLUTO SCRIPT] Backspeed + game and round timer patchAfter a request on Discord, I decided to release the script for everyone to use, because a lot of patches are being gatekept or not a lot of patchers release their stuff.
It's a pluto only version but I have a steam version also that I can release, it's just harder to customize if you don't know what you are doing:
Install instructions:
Turn on file extensions in your windows explorer, see this link if you don't know how
Press windows + r, a dialog box will open
Inside it type in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts\sp
Create a folder with the name of the map you want to play
Kino: zombie_theater
Asc: zombie_cosmodrome
Shang: zombie_temple
Moon: zombie_moon
Cotd: zombie_coast
Waw maps:
Nacht: zombie_cod5_prototype
Verruckt: zombie_cod5_asylum
Shi no: zombie_cod5_sumpf
Der riese: zombie_cod5_factory
Create a new file with the name of your choice, and make its file extension .gsc (example: patch.gsc)
copy and paste the code inside your gsc file
launch your game and enjoy !
I did not include the splash texts as some people don't like that, and I can understand, I'd just appreciate if you could leave a like on the post if my patch helped you
#include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_utility; init() { if ( GetDvar( #"zombiemode" ) == "1" ) { replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode::round_think, ::custom_round_think); level thread onPlayerConnect(); } } custom_round_think() { for( ;; ) { ////////////////////////////////////////// //designed by prod DT#36173 maxreward = 50 * level.round_number; if ( maxreward > 500 ) maxreward = 500; level.zombie_vars["rebuild_barrier_cap_per_round"] = maxreward; ////////////////////////////////////////// level.pro_tips_start_time = GetTime(); level.zombie_last_run_time = GetTime(); // Resets the last time a zombie ran level thread maps\_zombiemode_audio::change_zombie_music( "round_start" ); maps\_zombiemode::chalk_one_up(); // round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_BEGIN" ); maps\_zombiemode_powerups::powerup_round_start(); players = get_players(); array_thread( players, maps\_zombiemode_blockers::rebuild_barrier_reward_reset ); //array_thread( players, maps\_zombiemode_ability::giveHardpointItems ); level thread maps\_zombiemode::award_grenades_for_survivors(); bbPrint( "zombie_rounds: round %d player_count %d", level.round_number, players.size ); level.round_start_time = GetTime(); level thread [[level.round_spawn_func]](); level notify( "start_of_round" ); [[level.round_wait_func]](); level.first_round = false; level notify( "end_of_round" ); level thread maps\_zombiemode_audio::change_zombie_music( "round_end" ); UploadStats(); if ( 1 != players.size ) { level thread maps\_zombiemode::spectators_respawn(); //level thread last_stand_revive(); } // round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_END" ); level maps\_zombiemode::chalk_round_over(); // here's the difficulty increase over time area timer = level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"]; if ( timer > 0.08 ) { level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"] = timer * 0.95; } else if ( timer < 0.08 ) { level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"] = 0.08; } // // Increase the zombie move speed level.zombie_move_speed = level.round_number * level.zombie_vars["zombie_move_speed_multiplier"]; level.round_number++; level notify( "between_round_over" ); } } game_timer() { hud = create_simple_hud( self ); hud.foreground = true; hud.sort = 1; hud.hidewheninmenu = true; hud.alignX = "left"; hud.alignY = "top"; hud.horzAlign = "user_left"; hud.vertAlign = "user_top"; hud.alpha = 1; //=======================CUSTOM SECTION============== hud.x = hud.x - -720; //This is for the position on X axis, decrease this number to move it further left, and increase it to go right. hud.y = hud.y + 35; //This is for the position on Y axis, decrease this number to move it down, and increase it to go up. hud.fontscale = 1.2; //This is for the font size, increase it by whatever you want and see what you like hud.color = (255, 255, 255); //This is for the color using RGB, use a website for that //========================================= time_text = string(GetTime() / 1000); flag_wait("all_players_spawned"); while (1){ hud setTimerUp(1); hud setTimer(time_text); } } round_timer() { timerHud = create_simple_hud( self ); timerHud.foreground = true; timerHud.sort = 1; timerHud.hidewheninmenu = true; timerHud.alignX = "left"; timerHud.alignY = "top"; timerHud.horzAlign = "user_left"; timerHud.vertAlign = "user_top"; //=======================CUSTOM SECTION============== timerHud.x = timerHud.x - -720; //This is for the position on X axis, decrease this number to move it further left, and increase it to go right. timerHud.y = timerHud.y + 45; //This is for the position on Y axis, decrease this number to move it down, and increase it to go up. timerHud.fontscale = 1.2; //This is for the font size, increase it by whatever you want and see what you like timerHud.color = (255, 0, 0); //This is for the color using RGB, use a website for that //========================================= timerHud.alpha = 1; flag_wait("all_players_spawned"); for (;;){ start_time = GetTime() / 1000; timerHud setTimerUp(0); level waittill("end_of_round"); end_time = GetTime() / 1000; time = end_time - start_time; set_time_frozen(timerHud, time); } } set_time_frozen(hud, time) { level endon("start_of_round"); time = time - 0.1; while(1) { hud settimer(time); wait(0.5); } } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill ("connecting", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); self thread game_timer(); //Thread the global timer self thread round_timer(); //Thread the round timer self SetClientDvars("player_backSpeedScale", "1", "player_strafeSpeedScale", "1"); //Patch speed to be same as console } }
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + electric trap timer + movement speed for Der RieseCxrrupt2 You're welcome man, I'm not super active these days due to some personal reasons, but I still try and update my stuff when I can. Appreciate the support
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + electric trap timer + movement speed for Der Riese**UPDATE: 2/9/2024 **
- Fixed round timer
- Added Electric trap timer (Experimental, seems to be working, but could glitch out if using multiple traps at once, needs more testing). It will show up in yellow after you use an electric trap for the first time.
- Fixed timers positions for 1080P
[ZM][FIX] Temporary fix for CZ crashBone Crusher GG, will edit the post to say to use your shit instead
new dog bug ?JezuzLizard Yeah, I was the one in the discord discussing with you guys last time. I will close the thread
[ZM] First box patch + timer + movement speed (Fix for moon)it's not too much work, you had already posted a while ago how to patch Moon for steam version, so I figured I wouldn't post it. Good job
new dog bug ?proof #2 of the bug
new dog bug ?I encountered a bug, 3 times in a row, back to back, I can probably recreate it pretty consistently,
whenever I get red screened by a dog, I have a very high chance of being permanently "Shadow Redscreened"
the redscreen sounds loop indefinitly, even after the overlay is gone (heart pounding) and even after the 8 seconds it takes on shino to regen your health after being redcsreened by the dogs, you are still a one hit to any zombie or dog. I have not tested other types of damage, but I would assume they are the same,
here's a clip of the bug, listen closely to the sounds when the red screen is gone (sorry for the raging lmao after having the same bug 3x in a row at around the same round, fair to say I was pretty pissed)
[ZM][RELEASE] Timer and backspeed patch that follows ZWR rules for ALL mapsMystic_YT Hey man, update on the round timer, so I spent a good while investigating, and figured WHY it's not working, but as to fix it, I currently have no idea lol, this game's code is a mess, and I'm not the best at GSC, for some reason, the event that is supposed to trigger the timer to end, does not trigger on 2 out of 4 maps, why this happens I truly have no idea, but if I do find a fix I'll make sure to fix it, otherwise, I am sorry to announce I am unable to fix it at the moment
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + electric trap timer + movement speed for Der RiesezrMstrez it is possible but unfortunately not the goal of this, and I would see no use of it personally so I will not make it, sorry to disapoint
[ZM][RELEASE] Timer and backspeed patch that follows ZWR rules for ALL mapsMystic_YT Will take a look at it soon when I get the time, sorry about the inconvenience !
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + electric trap timer + movement speed for Der RieseFaZe Flick I don't compile them because there is no need to, the game will compile it at runtime
[ZM][RELEASE] Shi no numa first box + timer + movement speed patchCam Out2u Open notepad, copy paste the text into Notepad, click "save as", name it patch.gsc
press windows + r on your keyboard, a box will appear, type in %LOCALAPPDATA%, search for a folder named plutonium, then you wanna go to storage ---> t4 --> raw ---> scripts ----> sp ----> and then you want to create a folder named nazi_zombie_sumpf
drop the patch.gsc file in the folder and launch your game
[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + movement speed for ALL maps except moonUPDATE 5/3/2023:
Added function that should prevent the box from not giving weapons after picking up all the weapons from the patch
Fixed weapon order on Verruckt which made it impossible to have the monkeys
Updated twitch username