[ZM][RELEASE] First box patch + timer + electric trap timer + movement speed for Der Riese
There is, the final First box patch for WAW, all 4 maps are now patched.
Create a folder named nazi_zombie_factory inside
Create a file with the name of your choice, that ends with the file extension GSC, so for example, file.gsc
Paste the code inside this file
save it
you now have a script
Drop the script inside
#include maps\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_utility; //First Box by twitch.tv/AlexInVR init() { replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode::round_think, ::custom_round_think); replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode_weapons::treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon, ::custom_treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon); replacefunc(maps\_zombiemode_weapons::treasure_chest_ChooseWeightedRandomWeapon, ::custom_treasure_chest_ChooseWeightedRandomWeapon); replacefunc(maps\nazi_zombie_factory::electric_trap_think, ::custom_electric_trap_think); thread onConnect(); } onConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); player thread OnPlayerSpawned(); } } game_timer() { hud = create_simple_hud( self ); hud.foreground = true; hud.sort = 1; hud.hidewheninmenu = true; hud.alignX = "left"; hud.alignY = "top"; hud.horzAlign = "user_left"; hud.vertAlign = "user_top"; hud.x = hud.x - -720; hud.y = hud.y + 35; hud.alpha = 1; flag_wait("all_players_spawned"); hud setTimerUp(1); } round_timer() { timerHud = create_simple_hud( self ); timerHud.foreground = true; timerHud.sort = 1; timerHud.hidewheninmenu = true; timerHud.alignX = "left"; timerHud.alignY = "top"; timerHud.horzAlign = "user_left"; timerHud.vertAlign = "user_top"; timerHud.x = timerHud.x - -720; timerHud.y = timerHud.y + 45; timerHud.color = (1, 0, 0); timerHud.alpha = 1; flag_wait("all_players_spawned"); for (;;){ start_time = GetTime() / 1000; timerHud setTimerUp(0); level waittill("end_of_round"); end_time = GetTime() / 1000; time = end_time - start_time; set_time_frozen(timerHud, time); } } set_time_frozen(hud, time) { level endon("start_of_round"); time = time - 0.1; while(1) { hud settimer(time); wait(0.5); } } trap_timer() { TtimerHud = create_simple_hud( self ); TtimerHud.foreground = true; TtimerHud.sort = 1; TtimerHud.hidewheninmenu = true; TtimerHud.alignX = "left"; TtimerHud.alignY = "top"; TtimerHud.horzAlign = "user_left"; TtimerHud.vertAlign = "user_top"; TtimerHud.x = TtimerHud.x - -720; TtimerHud.y = TtimerHud.y + 25; TtimerHud.color = (1, 1, 0); TtimerHud.alpha = 1; flag_wait("all_players_spawned"); for (;;){ level waittill("electric_trap_start"); start_time = 50; TtimerHud settimer(start_time); } } timer_til_despawn(floatHeight) { // SRS 9/3/2008: if we timed out, move the weapon back into the box instead of deleting it putBackTime = 12; self MoveTo( self.origin - ( 0, 0, floatHeight ), putBackTime, ( putBackTime * 0.5 ) ); wait( putBackTime ); if(isdefined(self)) { self Delete(); } } custom_electric_trap_think( enable_flag ) { self sethintstring(&"ZOMBIE_FLAMES_UNAVAILABLE"); self.zombie_cost = 1000; self thread maps\nazi_zombie_factory::electric_trap_dialog(); // get a list of all of the other triggers with the same name triggers = getentarray( self.targetname, "targetname" ); flag_wait( "electricity_on" ); // Get the damage trigger. This is the unifying element to let us know it's been activated. self.zombie_dmg_trig = getent(self.target,"targetname"); self.zombie_dmg_trig.in_use = 0; // Set buy string self sethintstring(&"ZOMBIE_BUTTON_NORTH_FLAMES"); // Getting the light that's related is a little esoteric, but there isn't // a better way at the moment. It uses linknames, which are really dodgy. light_name = ""; // scope declaration tswitch = getent(self.script_linkto,"script_linkname"); switch ( tswitch.script_linkname ) { case "10": // wnuen case "11": light_name = "zapper_light_wuen"; break; case "20": // warehouse case "21": light_name = "zapper_light_warehouse"; break; case "30": // Bridge case "31": light_name = "zapper_light_bridge"; break; } // The power is now on, but keep it disabled until a certain condition is met // such as opening the door it is blocking or waiting for the bridge to lower. if ( !flag( enable_flag ) ) { self trigger_off(); maps\nazi_zombie_factory::zapper_light_red( light_name ); flag_wait( enable_flag ); self trigger_on(); } // Open for business! maps\nazi_zombie_factory::zapper_light_green( light_name ); while(1) { //valve_trigs = getentarray(self.script_noteworthy ,"script_noteworthy"); //wait until someone uses the valve self waittill("trigger",who); if( who in_revive_trigger() ) { continue; } if( is_player_valid( who ) ) { if( who.score >= self.zombie_cost ) { if(!self.zombie_dmg_trig.in_use) { self.zombie_dmg_trig.in_use = 1; //turn off the valve triggers associated with this trap until available again array_thread (triggers, ::trigger_off); play_sound_at_pos( "purchase", who.origin ); self thread maps\nazi_zombie_factory::electric_trap_move_switch(self); //need to play a 'woosh' sound here, like a gas furnace starting up self waittill("switch_activated"); level notify( "electric_trap_start" ); //set the score who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( self.zombie_cost ); //this trigger detects zombies walking thru the flames self.zombie_dmg_trig trigger_on(); //play the flame FX and do the actual damage self thread maps\nazi_zombie_factory::activate_electric_trap(); //wait until done and then re-enable the valve for purchase again self waittill("elec_done"); clientnotify(self.script_string +"off"); level notify( "electric_trap_end" ); //delete any FX ents if(isDefined(self.fx_org)) { self.fx_org delete(); } if(isDefined(self.zapper_fx_org)) { self.zapper_fx_org delete(); } if(isDefined(self.zapper_fx_switch_org)) { self.zapper_fx_switch_org delete(); } //turn the damage detection trigger off until the flames are used again self.zombie_dmg_trig trigger_off(); wait(25); array_thread (triggers, ::trigger_on); //COLLIN: Play the 'alarm' sound to alert players that the traps are available again (playing on a temp ent in case the PA is already in use. //speakerA = getstruct("loudspeaker", "targetname"); //playsoundatposition("warning", speakera.origin); self notify("available"); self.zombie_dmg_trig.in_use = 0; } } } } } custom_round_think() { for( ;; ) { level.round_spawn_func = maps\_zombiemode::round_spawning; ////////////////////////////////////////// //designed by prod DT#36173 maxreward = 50 * level.round_number; if ( maxreward > 500 ) maxreward = 500; level.zombie_vars["rebuild_barrier_cap_per_round"] = maxreward; ////////////////////////////////////////// level.round_timer = level.zombie_vars["zombie_round_time"]; add_later_round_spawners(); maps\_zombiemode::chalk_one_up(); // round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_BEGIN" ); maps\_zombiemode_powerups::powerup_round_start(); players = get_players(); array_thread( players, maps\_zombiemode_blockers::rebuild_barrier_reward_reset ); level thread maps\_zombiemode::award_grenades_for_survivors(); level.round_start_time = getTime(); level thread [[level.round_spawn_func]](); level notify("start_of_round"); maps\_zombiemode::round_wait(); level.first_round = false; level notify("end_of_round"); level thread maps\_zombiemode::spectators_respawn(); // round_text( &"ZOMBIE_ROUND_END" ); level thread maps\_zombiemode::chalk_round_hint(); wait( level.zombie_vars["zombie_between_round_time"] ); // here's the difficulty increase over time area timer = level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"]; if( timer < 0.08 ) { timer = 0.08; } level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"] = timer * 0.95; // Increase the zombie move speed level.zombie_move_speed = level.round_number * 8; level.round_number++; level notify( "between_round_over" ); } } custom_treasure_chest_ChooseRandomWeapon( player ) { if (level.round_number <= 20){ if (!(player HasWeapon("tesla_gun"))){ return "tesla_gun"; } if (!(player HasWeapon("zombie_cymbal_monkey"))){ return "zombie_cymbal_monkey"; } if (!(player HasWeapon("ray_gun"))){ return "ray_gun"; } } keys = GetArrayKeys( level.zombie_weapons ); // Filter out any weapons the player already has filtered = []; for( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ ) { if( !maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_is_in_box( keys[i] ) ) { continue; } if( player maps\_zombiemode_weapons::has_weapon_or_upgrade( keys[i] ) ) { continue; } if( !IsDefined( keys[i] ) ) { continue; } filtered[filtered.size] = keys[i]; } // Filter out the limited weapons if( IsDefined( level.limited_weapons ) ) { keys2 = GetArrayKeys( level.limited_weapons ); players = get_players(); pap_triggers = GetEntArray("zombie_vending_upgrade", "targetname"); for( q = 0; q < keys2.size; q++ ) { count = 0; for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if( players[i] maps\_zombiemode_weapons::has_weapon_or_upgrade( keys2[q] ) ) { count++; } } // Check the pack a punch machines to see if they are holding what we're looking for for ( k=0; k<pap_triggers.size; k++ ) { if ( IsDefined(pap_triggers[k].current_weapon) && pap_triggers[k].current_weapon == keys2[q] ) { count++; } } if( count >= level.limited_weapons[keys2[q]] ) { filtered = array_remove( filtered, keys2[q] ); } } } return filtered[RandomInt( filtered.size )]; } custom_treasure_chest_ChooseWeightedRandomWeapon( player ) { if (level.round_number <= 20){ if (!(player HasWeapon("tesla_gun"))){ return "tesla_gun"; } if (!(player HasWeapon("zombie_cymbal_monkey"))){ return "zombie_cymbal_monkey"; } if (!(player HasWeapon("ray_gun"))){ return "ray_gun"; } } keys = GetArrayKeys( level.zombie_weapons ); // Filter out any weapons the player already has filtered = []; for( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ ) { if( !maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_is_in_box( keys[i] ) ) { continue; } if( player maps\_zombiemode_weapons::has_weapon_or_upgrade( keys[i] ) ) { continue; } if( !IsDefined( keys[i] ) ) { continue; } num_entries = [[ level.weapon_weighting_funcs[keys[i]] ]](); for( j = 0; j < num_entries; j++ ) { filtered[filtered.size] = keys[i]; } } // Filter out the limited weapons if( IsDefined( level.limited_weapons ) ) { keys2 = GetArrayKeys( level.limited_weapons ); players = get_players(); pap_triggers = GetEntArray("zombie_vending_upgrade", "targetname"); for( q = 0; q < keys2.size; q++ ) { count = 0; for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { if( players[i] maps\_zombiemode_weapons::has_weapon_or_upgrade( keys2[q] ) ) { count++; } } // Check the pack a punch machines to see if they are holding what we're looking for for ( k=0; k<pap_triggers.size; k++ ) { if ( IsDefined(pap_triggers[k].current_weapon) && pap_triggers[k].current_weapon == keys2[q] ) { count++; } } if( count >= level.limited_weapons[keys2[q]] ) { filtered = array_remove( filtered, keys2[q] ); } } } return filtered[RandomInt( filtered.size )]; } weapon_give_custom( weapon, is_upgrade ) { primaryWeapons = self GetWeaponsListPrimaries(); current_weapon = undefined; //if is not an upgraded perk purchase self play_sound_on_ent( "purchase" ); self GiveWeapon( weapon, 0 ); self GiveMaxAmmo( weapon ); self SwitchToWeapon( weapon ); maps\_zombiemode_weapons::play_weapon_vo(weapon); } power_electric_switch_custom() { trig = getent("use_power_switch","targetname"); master_switch = getent("power_switch","targetname"); master_switch notsolid(); //master_switch rotatepitch(90,1); trig sethintstring(&"ZOMBIE_ELECTRIC_SWITCH"); //turn off the buyable door triggers for electric doors // door_trigs = getentarray("electric_door","script_noteworthy"); // array_thread(door_trigs,::set_door_unusable); // array_thread(door_trigs,::play_door_dialog); cheat = false; /# if( GetDvarInt( "zombie_cheat" ) >= 3 ) { wait( 5 ); cheat = true; } #/ user = undefined; // MM - turning on the power powers the entire map // if ( IsDefined(user) ) // only send a notify if we weren't originally triggered through script // { // other_trig = getent("use_warehouse_switch","targetname"); // other_trig notify( "trigger", undefined ); // // wuen_trig = getent("use_wuen_switch", "targetname" ); // wuen_trig notify( "trigger", undefined ); // } master_switch rotateroll(-90,.3); //TO DO (TUEY) - kick off a 'switch' on client script here that operates similiarly to Berlin2 subway. master_switch playsound("switch_flip"); flag_set( "electricity_on" ); wait_network_frame(); clientnotify( "revive_on" ); wait_network_frame(); clientnotify( "fast_reload_on" ); wait_network_frame(); clientnotify( "doubletap_on" ); wait_network_frame(); clientnotify( "jugger_on" ); wait_network_frame(); level notify( "sleight_on" ); wait_network_frame(); level notify( "revive_on" ); wait_network_frame(); level notify( "doubletap_on" ); wait_network_frame(); level notify( "juggernog_on" ); wait_network_frame(); level notify( "Pack_A_Punch_on" ); wait_network_frame(); level notify( "specialty_armorvest_power_on" ); wait_network_frame(); level notify( "specialty_rof_power_on" ); wait_network_frame(); level notify( "specialty_quickrevive_power_on" ); wait_network_frame(); level notify( "specialty_fastreload_power_on" ); wait_network_frame(); // clientnotify( "power_on" ); ClientNotify( "pl1" ); // power lights on exploder(600); trig delete(); playfx(level._effect["switch_sparks"] ,getstruct("power_switch_fx","targetname").origin); // Don't want east or west to spawn when in south zone, but vice versa is okay maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager::connect_zones( "outside_east_zone", "outside_south_zone" ); maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager::connect_zones( "outside_west_zone", "outside_south_zone", true ); } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon( "disconnect" ); for( ;; ) { level waittill( "connected", player ); self thread round_timer(); self thread game_timer(); self thread trap_timer(); self SetClientDvars( "player_backSpeedScale", "1", "player_strafeSpeedScale", "1"); wait 1.5; self IPrintLnBold("First box by ^1twitch.tv/^2AlexInZombies"); } }
The way you explain this makes no sense to me. So idk what to do exactly.
Cornal_F You create a txt file anywhere and copy and paste the code into it. You then pull the file into a compiler, which changes it to a script file. You then put the file into %localappdata%/Plutonium/storage/t4/raw/scripts/sp
WolflexZ ok thank you, but I'm still confused on compiling the file?
Hey, what can I use to compile this script I don't really heavily go into waw modding.
You don't need to compile anything, the game will do that when it tries to load the file.
Cornal_F exactly what im saying lmao. he doesnt compile his scripts
FaZe Flick I don't compile them because there is no need to, the game will compile it at runtime
This post is deleted!
zrMstrez it is possible but unfortunately not the goal of this, and I would see no use of it personally so I will not make it, sorry to disapoint
**UPDATE: 2/9/2024 **
- Fixed round timer
- Added Electric trap timer (Experimental, seems to be working, but could glitch out if using multiple traps at once, needs more testing). It will show up in yellow after you use an electric trap for the first time.
- Fixed timers positions for 1080P
AlexInVr Thanks for coming a year and a half later to update your mod, really cool additions too so thanks man.
Cxrrupt2 You're welcome man, I'm not super active these days due to some personal reasons, but I still try and update my stuff when I can. Appreciate the support