Controller won't work properly -
Controller won't work properlyL0wii when you set up a ps4 controller with ds4 dont map the boutons to anything cause bo2 have native controler support. If u get stuck just tag me
Controller won't work properlyL0wii with a ps4 controller you can download a program called ds4. It emulates a xbox 360 controller so you can use the native controller support on bo2
Controller won't work properlyL0wii if you are on bo2 you dont need steam big picture controller support is built in. Mw3 on the other hand i cant help you sorry
LAN custom gamesCan lock cause answered hear
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/7/custom-games-with-friends -
Le soucis est "Failed to start launcher".Abordur votre antivirus peut bloquer le plutonium car il dit que c'est un virus mais ce n'est pas une double vérification
LAN custom gamesIf you are on the same internet can you go onto the friends list and invite your friend or do you have to port forward and do it that way
the launcher -
the launcher@IcePuffs scroll down a bit till u find the launcher download
Link below -
hackers@noxiwoxi nah there r just sweattly and good
zombies progresspotatobun like easter egg or frige in transit?
Peut on connecter une manette de PS4 à plutonium ? merci08philou07 https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/561/mapping-a-controller-to-iw5
voici comment faire fonctionner le contrôleur sur mw3 (vous pouvez également utiliser la même méthode sur bo2)
note: c'est en anglais -
Peut on connecter une manette de PS4 à plutonium ? merci -
Peut on connecter une manette de PS4 à plutonium ? merci08philou07 dépend du jeu sur lequel vous souhaitez que le contrôleur. bo2 vous pouvez télécharger ds4 mais pour mw3 il n'y a pas encore de moyen
google traduit -
AudioWhen i use discord i cant here game sound and it looks like my audio output is set right. I could be being really dumb but i dk
Will there be survival mode for plutonium mw3?DECoZ97 yes never got a chance to play it but i heard it is extremly underrated
Enable aim assist for controllers?TitanNoob this might get overlooked aswell
Enable aim assist for controllers?TitanNoob yes aim asist would be a realy nice adition, especialy on bo2 when you cant compete against the sweaty people. Aim assist in zombies would be a live saver cause in used to bo3 and bo4 zombies on ps4
can i use controllercortiyrodri @ them
can i use controllercortiyrodri sorry i cant help you further maybe ask a staff member