Zeid2005 you can find everything on this https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/13/plutot6-server-set-up-guide?_=1596825872169

Duui YT
Where is the forum for the batch files to start the server? -
any ways than using unlinki call the bind with the rocket ride script or is there a simpler way
any ways than using unlinkCahz i am using ufo and the rocket ride bind and my menu is A to select so when ppl select ufo it disconnected the ufo thing and does not work
any ways than using unlinkGerardS0406 is there a thing that is the same as unlink that can relapse and do the same thing as unlink
any ways than using unlinkis there a different way to do this and not use unlink
RocketRideBind() { for(;;) { if(self JumpButtonPressed()) { self Unlink(); wait .02; } else { wait .02; } } }
[Resource] BO2 Menu Basewhat i mean that i found some videos on YouTube about gsc and i reshaped the menu and added like the player menu that i found online and stuff like that
[Resource] BO2 Menu Baseit took me 2 weeks to make it
[Resource] BO2 Menu BaseMenu https://github.com/Duui3111/menu-v1-bo2
if you what to add scripts go to scripts
Being host replace game tag with your in game name
if(player isHost() || player.name == "Game tag")
compile it and rename it to
put in in yourblack ops 2 t6r\data\maps\mp\gametypes
to open the menu aim & knife
Game gets crash dumpsis there a way a can debug gsc
Game gets crash dumpsany menu that are small that won't make the game get crashdamps
Game gets crash dumpsi dont have that match scripts i have the Devours Superman Lobby menu the slider script, save and load, noclip, fastlast, platform, sniper only damage and streaks and the full thing is like 20 kb
Game gets crash dumpsso how can i fix the crashdamps
Game gets crash dumps -
Server advertising, promotion and introduction thread.Duui’s Trickshot server
Includes everything is free and no vip
Main stuff
rocket ride
Hunter Killer ride
and moreBot stuff
move bots to crosshair
move and freeze bot to you
freeze bots -
Can't Login On Plutonium Launcherdid you verify your email
[Support] Code for distance meter for trickshots?so i did do some research on how to use foreach. so i did it like this still the same thing
onPlayerKilled(einflictor, attacker, idamage, smeansofdeath, sweapon, vdir, shitloc, psoffsettime, deathanimduration) { foreach(player in level.players) { thread [[level.onkillscore]] (einflictor, attacker, idamage, smeansofdeath, sweapon, vdir, shitloc, psoffsettime, deathanimduration); // ^ this is here so you can still score normally player iPrintLn(int(distance(self.origin, attacker.origin) * 0.0254) + "m away"); } }
[Support] Code for distance meter for trickshots?so i did do some research on it but can't get it. so this what happens when i die it says (X m away) and not when i kill someone so when i die it says it so how can i make it not say it when i die and i did try calling it on onplayerdamge but that did not work
[Support] Code for distance meter for trickshots?Sass this is what i do as Deicide told me but it says it when someone dies not when they get a kill
onPlayerKilled(einflictor, attacker, idamage, smeansofdeath, sweapon, vdir, shitloc, psoffsettime, deathanimduration) { thread [[level.onkillscore]](einflictor, attacker, idamage, smeansofdeath, sweapon, vdir, shitloc, psoffsettime, deathanimduration); // ^ this is here so you can still score normally iPrintLn(int(distance(self.origin, attacker.origin)*0.0254) + "m away"); }
[Support] Code for distance meter for trickshots?it did not work it says it when someone dies not when they get a kill