I'm on debian, firstly I add winehq repository in my source.list.
checkout wine wiki
I am using winehq-devel (6.0-rc1 as today)
Then I created a wine prefix:
WINEPREFIX=<PATH_TO_YOURNEW_PREFIX> winebootAnd then, the hardest part, get the correct runtime working.
After a few try I end with dotnet472. Before I tried with winemono wich is a free/open reimplementation but without success.
To do that:
Be patient ! This step take a long time because there is a lot of workaround to fully install it. In fact it is sequentially installing older version with a few wine hacks.
After this, you should be able to run plutonium.exe...
But ! I had another issue, the GUI was not showing up, but it was working in background.
So I call the install command and waited for the download process to finish, and then start the dedicated server in command line... and... tAdAdA, it worked !