peximaximum I never expected anyone to use multiple maps in sv_maprotation, but being that your getting errors from doing so I would definitely have to conclude that trying to restart the map and change the map would cause errors.
Basically, you cannot change the map using map_restart I've tried it will not work. Try setting only one map in your sv_maprotation and see if it still gives errors.
![JezuzLizard JezuzLizard](/assets/uploads/profile/uid-353/353-profileavatar.png)
[Release] [Zombies] Map Restart Clientside Issues Workaround -
[Release] [Zombies] Map Restart Clientside Issues Workaroundpeximaximum Did you call the compiled script _clientids.gsc and did you place it in data/maps/mp/gametypes_zm in your server folder?
How to remove or add weapons to the mystery box in zombie. ! Help GSCKalitos Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Just so you know setting include_weapon() to not include something in the box doesn't always work, I tried it with emps before and they would still appear in the box.
How to remove or add weapons to the mystery box in zombie. ! Help GSCKalitos What you do is tweak the value of
include_weapon( "weaponname", 1 )
and set it to 0 this will remove it from the box.
Also I had forgotten if the value is not defined it is included by default actually.
How to remove or add weapons to the mystery box in zombie. ! Help GSCKalitos Each map has its own weapons built in to the map so your limited to whats actually in the map to put in the box.
Each map has its own map script called zm_"mapname".gsc in maps/mp its where a ton of the map specific stuff is determined.
If you want to change what weapons are included in the map you would use this function override:level._zombie_custom_add_weapons = ::custom_add_weapons;
and include all the add_zombie_weapon() from the map .gsc inside of it.
if you change the function slightly you can include paped weapons in the map for box purposes like this:
Normal.add_zombie_weapon( "m1911_zm", "m1911_upgraded_zm", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_M1911", 50, "", "", undefined );
add_zombie_weapon( "m1911_upgraded_zm", "undefined", &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_M1911", 50, "", "", undefined );
Now the actual function that includes the weapon in the box is this function:
include_weapon( "m1911_upgraded_zm", 1 );
Setting the 1 to a 0 or not defining its value will change its box status. If its 1 its included, 0 or undefined not included.
[Release] [Zombies] Map Restart Clientside Issues WorkaroundSend me your script source on discord JezuzLizard#7864. I'll review it and see if its a common problem since this isn't the first time this script doesn't work when compiled with another script.
[Release] [Zombies] Map Restart Clientside Issues Workaroundadriango Did you compile it as _clientids.gsc in maps/mp/gametypes_zm?
Did you merge it with any other scripts? -
[Release] GSC Mapvote - Mapvote for all maps with nice designSorex This is how you would change the map in zombies using sv_maprotation dvar:
setdvar( "sv_maprotation", "gametype " + "zclassic " + "loc " + "prison " + "map " + "zm_prison" );
I do remember testing this and it would kick everyone out at the end of the game and then rotate to the map indicated.
I tried to see if there was a way to keep clients in after map_rotation but it seems to not be possible
[Release] [Zombies] Configuration Mod for dedicated serversKalitos I forgot to try and compile the mod since it seemed all good. Guess I was wrong, now I'm going to have to add more features as punishment oof.
[Release] [GSC] Zombies Custom Powerup | Unlimited AmmoKnight I believe you'll have to modify _zm_powerups.gsc itself to manually set conditions for drops. Its possible since fire sale is an example of one such powerup. I have a _zm_powerups.gsc that compiles but will have errors with custom powerups you'll have to fix it if you want it to work with your powerup but it shouldn't be that difficult.
If you do manage to figure out why the function custom_powerup_grab doesn't run make a pull request, otherwise I'll probably fix it later today after I finish working on _zm.gsc.Oh yeah I guess I should also explain how you make use of recompileable .gscs. Just compile it as _zm_powerups.gsc and place it maps/mp/zombies. The game will run this version of _zm_powerups.gsc instead of the base version allowing for total customization of the base powerups.
[Release] [Zombies] Configuration Mod for dedicated serversKalitos Those dvars are built into the game already so they didn't need to be defined. I'll add those to the readme in my next update so people know they exist. I will also add some new features for even more dvars soon.
[Release] [Zombies] Configuration Mod for dedicated serversSource: Mod
Full description of each dvar is also included in the code itself.Full List of Features:
Equipment Dvars
Set the shields hitpoints
:::Level Dvars
Set the round number to any value between 1-255 WARNING: players do not get a similar bonus to starting points like gts startRound would give
Disable the end game check so the game doesn't end if everyone dies
Disable solo mode so players don't have 3 afterlifes on MoTD
Change the time it takes before the game over screen ends
Change the wait time between rounds
Enable a counter that delays the game starting for time specified
Disable spectator respawning
:::Perk Dvars
Set the amount of health granted by juggernog and perma jugg
Set Phd's min and max damage as well as its damage radius
Set double taps fire rate
Set speed colas reload rate
Set deadshots accuracy modifier
:::Player Dvars
Set all players starting points WARNING: overrides gts startRound starting points
Set the player perk purchase limit
Set the default laststand weapon for coop and solo
Set the starting weapon for all players
Set all players max health WARNING: buying jugg will override this value
Set the amount of points players lose when a teammate bleeds out
Set the amount of points a player loses when they go down
Set the amount of points a player loses when they bleedout
Set the players starting lives
//these dvars values contribute to the drop increment
Set the amount of points players gain depending on how many players are in the lobby for a kill
Set the amount of points given for light and normal attacks
Set the bonus granted for each kind of kill
Enable players turning into the zombie when they bleedout WARNING: very buggy
Set the revive trigger radius
Set the player laststand bleedout time
:::Powerup Dvars
Disable powerup drops
Set the max drops per round
Set the drop increment value which determines guaranteed drops this value uses points earned by players for its calculations
Set whether every zombie should drop a powerup
//these dvars require the modded _zm_powerups.gsc to be installed
Set the random drop chance
Set the time powerups last in the field before starting to blink
Set the duration of fire sale, double points, and insta kill
Set the double points point scalar
Set the points granted by a carpenter and nuke
Set whether nukes should instantly kill zombies
Set the min and max time a nuke takes to kill zombies
Set whether max ammo affects downed players
:::Team Dvars
Set the points scalar for each team axis and allies
:::Weapon Dvars
Set emps perk off time
Set emps perk off radius NOTE: if you set this to 1 emps will do nothing when thrown
:::Zombie Dvars
Set the max amount of zombies that can out at once NOTE: maximum value is 32
Set the max amount of zombies and zombie corpses that the game will allow
Set whether hellhounds will spawn midround on tranzit survival maps
Set the zombies move speed value won't stop the game from increasing it
Lock the zombies move speed to a value so it won't increase past that value
Set a cap to the zombies move speed
Directly set the zombies move animation, can set the move animation to super_sprint, and chase_bus
Set the new runner interval for easy and normal
Set the movespeed multiplier for easy and normal that affects how quickly zombies speed up thru the rounds
Set the zombies in a round permanently
Set the zombies health for every round permanently
Set a health cap to the zombies
Disable walkers
Set the zombie spawn rate
Set the spawn rate multiplier used every round to increase the spawn rate
Lock the spawn rate
Set two parameter of the zombies per round formula to increase or decrease the amount of zombies there are per round per player
Change the flat health increase that happens up to round 10
Change the multiplier zombie health uses every round
Set the zombie starting health
:::If you would like a feature added or have a bug to report feel free to post or message me on discord JezuzLizard#7864.
[Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives"Vulture Aid I'm not sure the Cerberus Decompiler will decompile in any other way. What I meant was you would have to go thru each function by hand and fix the errors in it. Though remember even though we have access to .cscs I don't believe plutonium supports modding them since modding is only serverside right now. .cscs can give a good idea as to what the limit of .gsc only modding can do before you run into exe_client_field_mismatch error.
[Release] [GSC] Zombies Custom Powerup | Unlimited Ammo@colorz808 This isn't possible yet not without mod tools. The actual perks aren't on the fast file the map loads so if you do try to give say "specialty_flakjacket" which is flopper the game will crash.
Modding is currently limited to whatever is actually on the fast file, if its not on the fast file already and its not a script its not possible. It is possible to bring over scripts from other maps and use their functions in any map but with varying results.
[Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives"Vulture Aid The cerberus decompiler was made for bo3 purposes so you'll have to change the output to bo2 syntax. The cerberus decompiler is pretty good though since it can detect for loops and foreachs unlike the the dumps most people use.
[Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives"Vulture Aid Sorry if I wasn't clear enough the fastfiles are in your plutonium directory/zone/all. When you launch up the fast file explorer navigate there and select any of the ones with patch in their name. Then when it loads it up right click on any of the files inside and select export all. Select a directory thats empty and thats where the .gscs and .cscs will be as well as some other files.
[Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives"Vulture Aid Download the fastfile explorer from my google drive link: when you have it select a fast file to extract then use this decompiler to decompile the .cscs and drop a .csc or .gsc onto the Cerberus.CLI.exe and it will produce a decompiled output.
[Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives"Ox_ I checked the corresponding .csc to _zm_afterlife.gsc and it has that line too. Wouldn't it cause exe_client_field_mismatch error if the .gsc had a different value than the .csc?
[Release] [Zombies] Map Restart Clientside Issues Workaroundluigistyle I approved the pull request from Xerxes the mod shouldn't have any problems loading on nuketown and die rise. Download the latest version off the github.
[Release] [Zombies] Map Restart Clientside Issues Workaroundluigistyle I hadn't known about that bug at the time I had posted the mod but currently the best fix I have is commenting out give_team_characters() when running die rise. The same goes for give_personality_characters() when running nuketown.
I'm working on a fix so it won't be necessary to have to comment out code each time for these 2 maps. I'll update the post when I have it working.The reason this happens is die rise doesn't have its own give_team_characters(), not even a blank one. Same thing goes for nuketown there isn't a give_personality_characters() built in to the map.