Ultimateman Is there a reason why you didn't just modify the original LUI hud? You already modify existing lua files in your mod, so there shouldn't be a need to use gsc hudelems.

Tranzit Reimagined 2025 | Stable Version 2025 Jan. 30th | Warmer Days Update -
[BO2] Last Plutonium update killed my BO2 ServersPopeyeOnGamepad If you aren't in the Discord server I can see why you weren't aware of the COUNTLESS statements to server owners to prepare for the update needing changes on their end to remain compatible.
We even gave out a build 4 days in advance for server owners to update their setup before it would update globally.
There was a lot of code debt that had been building up over the years, and we decided to refactor the client for a better base to work on in the future. This also fixed innumerable long standing bugs.
If you don't want to spend the time to update to be compatible with a far more improved version of the client; that's up to you.
How do i turn on fog on servers that i can't?@Ultimate0 You can't change cheat protected dvars on servers you don't own yourself.
Server Limit between 2 Regions?https://plutonium.pw/docs/server/platform/how-many-servers-can-i-host/#how-many-server-can-i-host
You can only have 10 T6MP/15 T6ZM servers in TOTAL.
The IP address limit is to prevent server owners from running too many servers on a single machine.You can therefore host 10 T4MP, 10 T5MP, 10 T6MP, 10 IW5MP, 15 T4SP, 15 T5SP, and 15 T6ZM servers at most.
Otherwise someone could just bypass the server limit by just hosting with different IPs which kind of defeats the purpose of having server limits at all.
Bo1 Zombie Behaviour Mod for Bo2 and Bo3zombieinject What is BO1 behavior?
[ZM] - Is this even possible?Wattsuappu Like I said in the image Xerxes posted its a high effort process for a low quality production.
You get a new map to kill zombies on, but its not a map designed with zombies in mind so there will be a lot of things preventing it from being fun for classic zombies(which I assume is what you were thinking of).If you want to make you're own gamemode that doesn't adhere to standard zombies tropes it could be interesting.
But if you wanted classic zombies like all the existing actual zombie maps you'd have to do the following:
- MP maps don't have zombie trarversals, and you can't add them without recompiling the bsp.
This means that there are always going to be places where the zombies can't get you on some maps. - There aren't any zone volumes which zombies heavily relies upon to tell what spawns to activate, and what the playable area is.
You can manually model them, and spawn them in manually now though. - Add zombie spawns, player spawns, wall buy locations, perk locations, mystery boxes, packapunch etc.
- Some things like the mystery boxes need to manually have collisions spawned since the normal maps use the level geometry as collision.
There's definitely more I didn't think of, but you probably get the gist of it. Its basically just making a custom map, except the level geometry is set in stone.
- MP maps don't have zombie trarversals, and you can't add them without recompiling the bsp.
Theater mode crashing T6 Zombiesfearfil You'll have to wait until the next update where it will be possible to watch longer than normal demos.
Server Crash at Round 26-27 Due to 'Exceeded Maximum Number of Script Variables' Error (Plutonium T4)CuPcAkE_CU Unfortunately most modders didn't write proper scripts for their mods/maps, and a result there may be many bugs, and crashes due to this.
You'll figure out the cause of the error yourself, and patch it by modifying the map's scripts.
How to avoid crashes? (string overflow, etc)cowboymode A BO2 overflow fix should still be applicable.
I've personally never needed to use an overflow fix, so I don't have an example on hand unfortunately.
How to avoid crashes? (string overflow, etc)cowboymode Whenever settext() or .label is used it caches that string on the server forever.
Its an optimization the developers did to save bandwidth by making it so if the string was reused it wouldn't need to be sent over the network.So you cannot use settext with unique strings, unless you use an overflow fix gsc system.
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapsfardboi Upload the crashdump here.
How do I fix these errors? Can't load any of the base zombies maps.Jack Dempsey Do you have the mod tools installed? Plutonium allows the gscs to load from raw from the raw folder which would result in the latest versions being used from their when the map's use an older version.
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to maps@Kusanagi_Z If all players have the mod installed, and loaded you can still play together.
[RELEASE][ZM] [BETA] New bo2 hud systemdontknowletspl I don't understand why you didn't even test for more than 11 minutes, and 6 seconds since the crash is deterministic. Posting an obfuscated script that causes the game to crash creates more work for developers to investigate to know whether the cause of the crash exists under normal circumstances. Since we can't control the output of an unknown fork of the old compiler we won't bother fixing issues relating to it.
I recommend not posting obfuscated scripts anymore as the obfuscation makes investigation into actual legitimate issues harder.
[RELEASE][ZM] [BETA] New bo2 hud systemdontknowletspl Hi, I noticed that your script is obfuscated using a modified version of the Irony compiler. This obfuscation was causing crashes due to erroneous application of your obfuscation methodology.
We do not appreciate posting poor quality scripts, especially if they cannot be fixed by their users. As such I have decompiled the script such that it can be compiled using our gsc-tool compiler integrated into Plutonium. As gsc-tool is a quality compiler that produces correct output the likelihood that users will experience crashes due to bad modding practices is minimal.
Here is the decompiled script that will compile from raw in the same path as OP provided:
https://mega.nz/file/hlYCTKLR#y17ghZa0Tp8rOKJmvIWimq0MaKltUM5coM2Chhysnyk -
BO2 ZM Overflow (488)zelimpinho You'll have to find better mods, because that mod is compiled, and I'm not bothering to decompile it to see what's wrong with it.
Remove Zombie Dying by Himself -
Remove Zombie Dying by HimselfIvobardolf You need to use getfunction if you want to do it in one file. Otherwise you'll get unresolved externals when loading on a map that doesn't have the functions you reference.
Mystery Box ScriptsJuliebas There is no weighting system in BO2. All weapons except the Ray Gun Mark II have equal chance of being picked. RGM2 just has a 66% chance on being rolled to reroll for a different gun instead.
I have a weird "bug" on BO2 *loading* when I enter the gameOreokid Do you have custom images installed?