[Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives"
Ox_ I checked the corresponding .csc to _zm_afterlife.gsc and it has that line too. Wouldn't it cause exe_client_field_mismatch error if the .gsc had a different value than the .csc?
JezuzLizard said in [Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives":
Ox_ I checked the corresponding .csc to _zm_afterlife.gsc and it has that line too. Wouldn't it cause exe_client_field_mismatch error if the .gsc had a different value than the .csc?
You're probably correct, didn't even think of that.
Didn't try it or anything, so dunno. -
Ox_ Fuck me, I knew there was something about that function that I couldn't wrap my head around.
Also, silly me, it isn't line 61, it's actually line 74, theself setclientfieldtoplayer( "player_lives", self.lives );
Ox_ what are CSC files?
homura said in [Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives":
Ox_ what are CSC files?
GSC is server side, CSC is client side.
Same syntax in both. -
Ox_ said in [Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives":
homura said in [Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives":
Ox_ what are CSC files?
GSC is server side, CSC is client side.
Same syntax in both.Where can you access them?
Vulture Aid said in [Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives":
Ox_ said in [Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives":
homura said in [Release] Mob of the Dead Mod: "A cat has 9 lives":
Ox_ what are CSC files?
GSC is server side, CSC is client side.
Same syntax in both.Where can you access them?
You can find a dump for them somewhere I guess.
I don't really have one, at least a good one (I know there's some ancient one on CraigChrist's Se7enSins BO2 Tesseract release thread), maybe JezuzLizard has one he could share.
But anyway, I don't know how you'd go on about loading custom CSC on Plutonium and what would happen even if you managed to do it.
Maybe asking the Plutonium devs could be worth a try? -
Vulture Aid Download the fastfile explorer from my google drive link:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Nwv3uGFwpopIMMXDVcZdG0iq2vQAVHc-Then when you have it select a fast file to extract then use this decompiler to decompile the .cscs
https://github.com/Scobalula/Cerberus-RepoDrag and drop a .csc or .gsc onto the Cerberus.CLI.exe and it will produce a decompiled output.
JezuzLizard I don't have a fast file I could decompile with, I don't even have the csc files to begin with
Vulture Aid Sorry if I wasn't clear enough the fastfiles are in your plutonium directory/zone/all. When you launch up the fast file explorer navigate there and select any of the ones with patch in their name. Then when it loads it up right click on any of the files inside and select export all. Select a directory thats empty and thats where the .gscs and .cscs will be as well as some other files.
JezuzLizard Thank you
JezuzLizard One more thing, is there a way to decompile without using BO3 gsc? The syntax is different from BO2's gsc
Vulture Aid The cerberus decompiler was made for bo3 purposes so you'll have to change the output to bo2 syntax. The cerberus decompiler is pretty good though since it can detect for loops and foreachs unlike the the dumps most people use.
JezuzLizard How can I change the output? Do I have to change the csc file manually to bo2's scripting?
Vulture Aid I'm not sure the Cerberus Decompiler will decompile in any other way. What I meant was you would have to go thru each function by hand and fix the errors in it. Though remember even though we have access to .cscs I don't believe plutonium supports modding them since modding is only serverside right now. .cscs can give a good idea as to what the limit of .gsc only modding can do before you run into exe_client_field_mismatch error.
i followed the instructions but i have always 3 afterlife in co-op server.
Please help me, can you explain me how to set it to a differnt value?
Tank you. -
rtyhts if by "co-op server" you mean custom games, then no I will not help you
This mod was made for dedicated servers only
This post is deleted!
Vulture Aid DO ANYONE KNOW HOW to install more than one mod?
Vulture Aid pog