It worky!!! Thank you!~

An infinite ammo command/script that doesn't give me an endless mag. -
An infinite ammo command/script that doesn't give me an endless mag.O! Amazing! I'll do that then! Danke!~
How do I host my own public 24/7 bot lobby?Oh, Danke schön.
An infinite ammo command/script that doesn't give me an endless mag.I'm a little dumb... How do? Or could someone do up a GSC (or whatever I need) for it in MP and Zombies?
An infinite ammo command/script that doesn't give me an endless mag.I like having to reload, but I don't like running out of ammo. That's about it, so it'd be a neat QoL thingy for me specifically I guess. How would I do this or does one already exist?
How do I host my own public 24/7 bot lobby?So, I dislike the active bot lobbies, the ping is awful and they use some sort of custom bot thing that makes them drop shot and jump a whole lot. When all I want is an actual vanilla experience. Despite some servers claiming vanilla, that ain't vanilla bot behavior. And I just want to host an AU server so people like me can play on a bot server without a ping of 250 to 400 and get kicked for "too high ping" all the time. Please don't be mean, I'm 100% serious when I say I just want normal-ass bots on my own dedicated server.
It feels like I have mouse acceleration even when it's disabled. How do I fix this?I noticed a weird "over-speed" effect when I turn instead of my sensitivity being consistent. I'm a little dumb but it feels like mouse acceleration despite it being disabled. How do I fix this issue?
Obscure issue where I cannot aim down sights.As it says on the box. I cannot use the ADS function despite the option being bound...
Is ReShade allowed?Cool, short and simple answers. Thank you.
Is ReShade allowed?I haven't touched it out of fear but is ReShade allowed in T6 or any other game?
Would there be a way to change client team colors?I was looking and couldn't find anything myself. So I'm deciding to ask. Would there be a way to change the visible team color for players? Like, enemies' names being pink instead of red, allies being yellow kind of thing, a bit like Cold War. No harm in asking, right?
Also sorry if this is in the wrong category... -
Temp-banned for having a high ping.RedxSkull There are servers near me but none that are "versus bots" which I prefer because I suck.
I will just make my own local server instead. Thanks for the guide link. -
Temp-banned for having a high ping.Resxt I never said any of the servers were shit...
Temp-banned for having a high ping.My main grievance is being kicked from a server where the enemy team is only bots. But the high ping issue makes a little more sense, it still sucks that there are no players vs bots servers with a ping lower than 200 given my location...
Temp-banned for having a high ping.I don't know if the hosts are able to set that as an option but it just sucks. I can't just change what country I live in...
Freezing when applying settings and low fps for no reason.The game itself runs poorly (even after trying the fixes listed in "Low FPS? Read this." Any attempts to change any setting causes the game to freeze upon applying the setting. It doesn't crash, it just stays frozen.
[MP] Solitary - Mod MenuThis seems to give me an error that reads "G_FindConfigstringIndex: overflow (488):" followed by an option, it's not always the same option, sometimes it's teleport, or change appearance and at one point it just said that without an element to blame.
Mod menu online?Resxt may I ask how I would get a mod menu to work with the new system? I've tried a couple of times and received errors.
Mod menu online?JezuzLizard I mean, I kind of get what the guide says. But what's wrong with using t6r if it was/is still functional?
I have had mod menus (in LAN) load through those folders. At this point I'm simply curious...Editing to reply:
I'll try to get a mod menu working in the new system then. Sorry for any attitude I displayed, are there any guides for the mod menu thing? I don't really know where I'd put a mod menu in terms of script folder. -
Mod menu online?hindercanrun so I can use stuff in the "t6r" folder in the game directory?
EDIT: I can't post for 600 seconds for some stupid reason.
I was using t6r to load a mod menu in LAN mode literally a minute ago.