DirkRockface ho fuck yes ! that work now ! thx u DirkRockface , Resxt and Hadi77KSA
But now, all that's left is to find where the DLC maps are.
![libertaMX_ libertaMX_](/assets/uploads/system/avatar-default.png)
T6zm create server -
T6zm create serverDirkRockface okay but my server isn't in the server list
T6zm create serverHadi77KSA yes, I have test whis new key and I have this now
( I hate my life
T6zm create serverResxt ho okay, thas better, but now I have this
T6zm create serverHadi77KSA no, but in dedicated file, I don't have select any map idk why se server try all time load buried
T6zm create server -
T6zm create serverDirkRockface Here is what is written in the command console when I launch the start_zm.bat
Bound DW addr to
Bound DW port to 3074
--- Cmd Initialization Complete ---
Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_zm
Built adjacency info for IPaks 0ms
[STEAM] 1 calls ready, running...
[STEAM] running call 1
----- FS_Startup -----
Searching for iwds in C:\gameserver/players
Searching for iwds in C:\gameserver/main_shared
Searching for iwds in C:\gameserver/main
Searching for iwds in C:\Users\kayak\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6/main
Searching for iwds in C:\Users\kayak\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6/players
Searching for iwds in C:\Users\kayak\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6//
Searching for iwds in C:\Users\kayak\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6/raw
Current language: english
Build r4526
logfile opened on Tue Dec 17 17:23:26 2024
Current search path:
execing default_mp.cfg
execing default_statversion.cfg
completed execing default_statversion.cfg
execing thumbstick_default.cfg
completed execing thumbstick_default.cfg
execing buttons_default.cfg
completed execing buttons_default.cfg
completed execing default_mp.cfg
execing default_mp_controls_english.cfg
completed execing default_mp_controls_english.cfg
[DW][Auth] Handling authentication request...
'120' is not a valid value for dvar 'cg_fov_default'
Domain is any number from 65 to 90
r_aaSamples will be changed upon restarting.
r_fullscreen will be changed upon restarting.
r_monitor will be changed upon restarting.
r_texFilterQuality will be changed upon restarting.
Loading fastfile patch_zm
Loading fastfile code_post_gfx_zm
Built adjacency info for IPaks 6ms
fs_game is write protected
[DW][Lobby] Handling hello request...
execing ragdoll.cfg
completed execing ragdoll.cfg
execing default_zm_gamesettings.cfg
execing default_mp_gamesettings.cfg
execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg
completed execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg
execing zm/gamesettings_tdm.cfg
completed execing zm/gamesettings_tdm.cfg
execing default_mp_gametypes.cfg
Unknown command "resetCustomGametype"
completed execing default_mp_gametypes.cfg
completed execing default_mp_gamesettings.cfg
execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg
completed execing zm/gamesettings_default.cfg
execing zm/gamesettings_zclassic.cfg
completed execing zm/gamesettings_zclassic.cfg
completed execing default_zm_gamesettings.cfg
bound socket to localhost:4976
fs_game is write protected
net_port will be changed upon restarting.
execing buttons_default.cfg
completed execing buttons_default.cfg
execing buttons_default.cfg
completed execing buttons_default.cfg
execing thumbstick_default.cfg
completed execing thumbstick_default.cfg
execing buttons_default.cfg
completed execing buttons_default.cfg
execing buttons_default.cfg
completed execing buttons_default.cfg
execing thumbstick_default.cfg
completed execing thumbstick_default.cfg
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
Unknown command "t6zm"
fs_game is write protected
net_port will be changed upon restarting.
execing dedicated_zm.cfg
Unknown command "sv_host"
Unknown command "limit"
Unknown command "range"
Unknown command "value"
addedaddedaddedaddedcompleted execing dedicated_zm.cfg
Loading fastfile patch_ui_zm
Loading fastfile ui_zm
Built adjacency info for IPaks 4ms
Loading fastfile common_zm
Loading fastfile ffotd_tu17_zm_147
Built adjacency info for IPaks 5ms
Loading fastfile dlczm0_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc1_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc2_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc3_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc4_load_zm
Loading fastfile dlc0dd_load_zm
Loading fastfile seasonpass_load_zm
Built adjacency info for IPaks 4ms
"sv_mapRotation" is: "execgts zm_classic_processing.cfg map zm_buried execgts zm_classic_rooftop.cfg map zm_highrise execgts zm_classic_prison.cfg map zm_prison execgts zm_classic_tomb.cfg map zm_tomb execgts zm_classic_transit.cfg map zm_transit"
"sv_mapRotationCurrent" is: ""
Executing gts cfg: zm_classic_processing.cfg.
Setting map: zm_buried.
execing zm_classic_processing.cfg
execing gamesettings_default.cfg
completed execing gamesettings_default.cfg
execing gamesettings_zclassic.cfg
completed execing gamesettings_zclassic.cfg
g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
completed execing zm_classic_processing.cfgAnd the server does not start and wxhrite an error on red.
T6zm create serverGood evening, even by following the steps to create a server, it absolutely does not work for me.
Server key creation problemHadi77KSA omg thx u !
Server key creation problemI cannot create a server key; here is the message it shows me.,