He messaged me and i got him sorted, hes good to go
Server Hosting Support
If you're looking for help with an issue related to hosting a server on Plutonium, post here!
BO2 Server Hosting Support
Request support for the Plutonium T6 servers, please wait at-least 1 day for a reply, it can get busy. The community is free to try to help in any thread.
BO1 Server Hosting Support
Request support for the Plutonium T5 servers, please wait at-least 1 day for a reply, it can get busy. The community is free to try to help in any thread.
MW3 Server Hosting Support
Request support for the Plutonium IW5 servers, please wait at-least 1 day for a reply, it can get busy. The community is free to try to help in any thread.
WAW Server Hosting Support
Request support for the Plutonium T4 servers, please wait at-least 1 day for a reply, it can get busy. The community is free to try to help in any thread.