100 times better to own your own pc, or limit what your "little brother" can do (if it's true). Btw, first ban is not permanent, wait until it expires.

Help -
WINDOWS 7 gamersWindows 11 behind the corner and people want still to remain on windows 7.
CrashesError: The code execution cannot proceed because D3DCompiler_47.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
Fix: Download this https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1gG_DXaZfAUETfXaYJzCP36ImvE_bO_x9&export=download extract it to any location (you can delete it afterwards) and install directx (dxsetup.exe in the directx folder). -
Unable to open plutonium.exeBOOMER0641 i highly think you need windows 10 to run Plutonium.
I open the game my screens go black then nothing I'm back on the home screen but I hear the in musicType
r_fullscreen 0
into the bootstrapper cmd window. -
Unable to open bo2 (zombies and multiplayer)When you open BO2 usally the focus is on the prompt window, but if you see closely there's two tabs under the bootstrapper icon. Tryna do an alt + tab when you see the prompt. If you continue to see nothing, can you at least hear the music?
30fps on batteryProTricker He's talkinga bout you power advanced settings. I can't show you exactly since i'm on desktop, but if you click on change plan settings, and then go into advanced, there should be an option to change the behaviour of your GPU menagement.
Not able to see BO2 folder to load the setupHave you downloaded it?
NetflixnChill role signup thread.Maverick_ #9636
Low FPS issuesLMPJones If you got decent hardware but still have low fps:
Go to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Plutonium\bin (you may have to enable "show hidden files and folders" in the windows explorer options to see the "AppData" folder)
right click plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe -> properties -> compatibility -> tick the "disable fullscreen optimizations" box. -
where i get the foldersHave you tried to idk, like, searching on the forum?
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/8262/how-to-install-plutonium-iw5 -
dude i get ban 34097425 days for i play hack in bo2 zom but i swear i play privte !!!!!You have to launch the game in LAN mode, not going into private lobby.
Modern Warfare 2?There's already a MW2 client, not on plutonium, but it exist.
bo1 confirmationNothing official has been said. Plus, there's already a bo1 client.
Launcher Errorbastxness don't you think he may be sleeping? be a good person and wait.
IW6XIW6X is not supported by plutonium, but by XLabs.
issue with wireless headphonesEven if you're gonna resolve this bug, bt headphones has delay, and it will destroy your brain in a FPS game like cod. Trust ne, go wired.
Does plutonium support 144hz?Yes, as i tested you can go up to 120 hz with 120 fps, just unlock the fps and use the freesync (or g sync)
MessagesHave you tried pressing "t" or "y"?