What is your discord, you have my old wallbang everything dll, im down to give you the updated one, just join mine in my forum bio and add me on cord and ill reply, i rarely use this site someone lmk you mentioned me and thats how i found this

[RELEASE] Wallbang everything [GSC & PLUGIN] -
How to play with bots ?Resxt true true
How to play with bots ?Daishinkan96 Like Resxt said, take the maps folder from bot warfare but I have an addon for you to try with it, this goes in
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; init() { thread manageBots(); level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); if(!player is_bot()) { //kick a bot everytime a real player joins the server player kickBot(); } } } manageBots() { level endon("game_ended"); print(va("*****Manage Bots FFA Func Started*****")); CHECK_INTERVAL = 2; BOT_MAX = 12; BOT_MIN = 2; PLAYERS_LIMIT = 16; for(;;){ botsCount = countBots(); if( (level.players.size > PLAYERS_LIMIT && botsCount > BOT_MIN) || botsCount > BOT_MAX) kickBot2(); else if( (level.players.size < PLAYERS_LIMIT && botsCount < BOT_MAX) || botsCount < BOT_MIN) setdvar("bots_manage_add", 1); wait CHECK_INTERVAL; } } countBots(){ botsCount = 0; for ( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ ) { if(level.players[i] is_bot()) botsCount++; } return botsCount; } kickBot() { players = level.players; for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { player = players[i]; if(player is_bot()) { kick(player getEntityNumber(),"EXE_PLAYERKICKED"); break; } } wait .5; } kickBot2(){ players = level.players; for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { player = players[i]; if(player is_bot() && !player isHost()) return kick(player getEntityNumber()); } }
Image names for controller buttons@lxxxve thank u so much!
Image names for controller buttonsanyone know the image names or location for the xbox controller button icons? i have the ones for black ops 2 but could only find this for BO1
[ZM] [Release] Sativial's Zombies PaP camo pack@Sativial sick release man!
[Resource] [MP/ZM] Black Ops 2: Weapons List, Attachments, Button Codes & More!linhable it’s not in multiplayer on black ops 2
[Resource] [MP/ZM] Black Ops 2: Weapons List, Attachments, Button Codes & More!I just finished organizing an entire weapons list for myself so I figured I might as well throw it on the forums to help out anyone that may need it as a resource. Enjoy!
Here is a download link if you would like to keep a copy for later use: GitHub
//SMG: mp7_mp pdw57_mp vector_mp insas_mp qcw05_mp evoskorpion_mp peacekeeper_mp //Assault Rifle: tar21_mp type95_mp sig556_mp sa58_mp hk416_mp scar_mp saritch_mp xm8_mp an94_mp //Shotgun: 870mcs_mp saiga12_mp ksg_mp srm1216_mp //LMG: mk48_mp qbb95_mp lsat_mp hamr_mp //SNIPER: svu_mp dsr50_mp ballista_mp as50_mp //PISTOL: kard_dw_mp fnp45_dw_mp fiveseven_dw_mp judge_dw_mp beretta93r_dw_mp fiveseven_mp fnp45_mp beretta93r_mp judge_mp kard_mp //LAUNCHER: m32_mp smaw_mp fhj18_mp usrpg_mp //SPECIAL: knife_mp knife_held_mp minigun_mp riotshield_mp crossbow_mp knife_ballistic_mp //BOMB: briefcase_bomb_mp briefcase_bomb_defuse_mp //MAP SPECIFIC: vcs_controller_mp //NukeTown 2025 //NADES & EQUIPMENT: //lethal: frag_grenade_mp sticky_grenade_mp hatchet_mp bouncingbetty_mp satchel_charge_mp claymore_mp //tactical: concussion_grenade_mp willy_pete_mp sensor_grenade_mp emp_grenade_mp proximity_grenade_aoe_mp proximity_grenade_mp pda_hack_mp flash_grenade_mp trophy_system_mp tactical_insertion_mp //MISC: none defaultweapon_mp scavenger_item_mp scavenger_item_hack_mp explosive_bolt_mp smoke_center_mp destructible_car_mp explodable_barrel_mp dogs_mp dog_bite_mp //KILLSTREAKS: cobra_20mm_mp inventory_supplydrop_mp supplydrop_mp ai_tank_drone_rocket_mp ai_tank_drone_gun_mp killstreak_ai_tank_mp inventory_ai_tank_drop_mp ai_tank_drop_mp radar_mp counteruav_mp radardirection_mp emp_mp cobra_20mm_comlink_mp heli_gunner_rockets_mp littlebird_guard_minigun_mp helicopter_comlink_mp helicopter_guard_mp helicopter_player_gunner_mp chopper_minigun_mp inventory_minigun_mp inventory_m32_mp missile_drone_projectile_mp inventory_missile_drone_mp missile_drone_mp missile_swarm_projectile_mp missile_swarm_mp planemortar_mp rc_car_weapon_mp rcbomb_mp remote_missile_missile_mp remote_missile_bomblet_mp remote_missile_mp remote_mortar_missile_mp remote_mortar_mp qrdrone_turret_mp killstreak_qrdrone_mp straferun_gun_mp straferun_rockets_mp straferun_mp auto_gun_turret_mp microwave_turret_mp killstreak_remote_turret_mp autoturret_mp turret_drop_mp microwaveturret_mp microwaveturret_drop_mp //PERKS: self clearperks(); self setperk("specialty_additionalprimaryweapon"); self setperk("specialty_armorpiercing"); self setperk("specialty_armorvest"); self setperk("specialty_bulletaccuracy"); self setperk("specialty_bulletdamage"); self setperk("specialty_bulletflinch"); self setperk("specialty_bulletpenetration"); self setperk("specialty_deadshot"); self setperk("specialty_delayexplosive"); self setperk("specialty_detectexplosive"); self setperk("specialty_disarmexplosive"); self setperk("specialty_earnmoremomentum"); self setperk("specialty_explosivedamage"); self setperk("specialty_extraammo"); self setperk("specialty_fallheight"); self setperk("specialty_fastads"); self setperk("specialty_fastequipmentuse"); self setperk("specialty_fastladderclimb"); self setperk("specialty_fastmantle"); self setperk("specialty_fastmeleerecovery"); self setperk("specialty_fastreload"); self setperk("specialty_fasttoss"); self setperk("specialty_fastweaponswitch"); self setperk("specialty_finalstand"); self setperk("specialty_fireproof"); self setperk("specialty_flakjacket"); self setperk("specialty_flashprotection"); self setperk("specialty_gpsjammer"); self setperk("specialty_grenadepulldeath"); self setperk("specialty_healthregen"); self setperk("specialty_holdbreath"); self setperk("specialty_immunecounteruav"); self setperk("specialty_immuneemp"); self setperk("specialty_immunemms"); self setperk("specialty_immunenvthermal"); self setperk("specialty_immunerangefinder"); self setperk("specialty_killstreak"); self setperk("specialty_longersprint"); self setperk("specialty_loudenemies"); self setperk("specialty_marksman"); self setperk("specialty_movefaster"); self setperk("specialty_nomotionsensor"); self setperk("specialty_noname"); self setperk("specialty_nottargetedbyairsupport"); self setperk("specialty_nokillstreakreticle"); self setperk("specialty_nottargettedbysentry"); self setperk("specialty_pin_back"); self setperk("specialty_pistoldeath"); self setperk("specialty_proximityprotection"); self setperk("specialty_quickrevive"); self setperk("specialty_quieter"); self setperk("specialty_reconnaissance"); self setperk("specialty_rof"); self setperk("specialty_scavenger"); self setperk("specialty_showenemyequipment"); self setperk("specialty_stunprotection"); self setperk("specialty_shellshock"); self setperk("specialty_sprintrecovery"); self setperk("specialty_showonradar"); self setperk("specialty_stalker"); self setperk("specialty_twogrenades"); self setperk("specialty_twoprimaries"); self setperk("specialty_unlimitedsprint");
╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ║ B U R I E D W E A P O N S L I S T ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /*═══════════════════════ === Snipers === ═══════════════════════*/ //DSR50 dsr50_zm dsr50_upgraded_zm //BARRETT barretm82_zm barretm82_upgraded_zm //SVU svu_zm svu_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === SMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //AK74u ak74u_zm ak74u_upgraded_zm //MP5k mp5k_zm mp5k_upgraded_zm //PDW-57 pdw57_zm pdw57_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === AR=== ═══════════════════════*/ //FN FAL fnfal_zm fnfal_upgraded_zm //M14 m14_zm m14_upgraded_zm //SMR saritch_zm saritch_upgraded_zm //M16 m16_zm m16_gl_upgraded_zm //TAR-21 tar21_zm tar21_upgraded_zm //GL TAR-21 gl_tar21_zm //GALIL galil_zm galil_upgraded_zm //AN-94 an94_zm an94_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === SHOTGUN === ═══════════════════════*/ //R870-MCS 870mcs_zm 870mcs_upgraded_zm //OLYMPIA rottweil72_zm rottweil72_upgraded_zm //S-12 saiga12_zm saiga12_upgraded_zm //M1216 srm1216_zm srm1216_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //LSAT lsat_zm lsat_upgraded_zm //HAMR hamr_zm, hamr_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === PISTOLS === ═══════════════════════*/ //M1911 m1911_zm m1911_upgraded_zm //REMINGTON NEW MODEL ARMY rnma_zm rnma_upgraded_zm //EXECUTIONER judge_zm judge_upgraded_zm //KAP-40 kard_zm kard_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN fiveseven_zm fiveseven_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN DUAL-WIELD fivesevendw_zm fivesevendw_upgraded_zm //B23R beretta93r_zm beretta93r_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LAUNCHER === ═══════════════════════*/ //RPG usrpg_zm usrpg_upgraded_zm //WAR MACHINE m32_zm m32_upgraded_zm /*════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ==== SPECIALS ==== ════════════════════════════════════════════════════*/ //BALLISTIC KNIFE knife_ballistic_zm knife_ballistic_upgraded_zm //BALLISTIC BOWIE knife_ballistic_bowie_zm knife_ballistic_bowie_upgraded_zm //BALLISTIC KNIFE NO MELEE knife_ballistic_no_melee_zm knife_ballistic_no_melee_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === WONDER WEAPONS === ═══════════════════════*/ //RAY GUN ray_gun_zm ray_gun_upgraded_zm //RAY GUN MARK-II raygun_mark2_zm raygun_mark2_upgraded_zm //PARALYZER slowgun_zm slowgun_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === EQUIPMENT === ═══════════════════════*/ //MONKEY BOMBS cymbal_monkey_zm //FRAGS frag_grenade_zm //CLAYMORES claymore_zm //TIME BOMB time_bomb_zm /*═══════════════════════ === MELEE=== ═══════════════════════*/ //BOWIE KNIFE bowie_knife_zm //GALVA KNUCKLES tazer_knuckles_zm //DEFAULT KNIFE knife_zm /*═══════════════════════ === BUILDABLES=== ═══════════════════════*/ //TURBINE equip_turbine_zm //TRAMPLESTEAM equip_springpad_zm //SUBWOOFER equip_subwoofer_zm //HEADCHOPPER equip_headchopper_zm /*═══════════════════════ === PERKS === ═══════════════════════*/ //JUGGERNOG specialty_armorvest zombie_perk_bottle_jugg //QUICK REVIVE specialty_quickrevive zombie_perk_bottle_revive //SPEED COLA specialty_fastreload zombie_perk_bottle_sleight //DOUBLE TAP specialty_rof zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap //STAMINUP specialty_longersprint zombie_perk_bottle_marathon //MULE KICK specialty_additionalprimaryweapon zombie_perk_bottle_additionalprimaryweapon //VULTURE-AID specialty_nomotionsensor zombie_perk_bottle_vulture /*═══════════════════════ === MISC === ═══════════════════════*/ zombie_knuckle_crack chalk_draw_zm syrette_zm zombie_bowie_flourish zombie_tazer_flourish p6_anim_zm_magic_box ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ║ D I E R I S E W E A P O N S L I S T ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /*═══════════════════════ === Snipers === ═══════════════════════*/ //DSR50 dsr50_zm dsr50_upgraded_zm //BARRETT barretm82_zm barretm82_upgraded_zm //SVU svu_zm svu_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === SMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //CHICOM qcw05_zm qcw05_upgraded_zm //AK74u ak74u_zm ak74u_upgraded_zm //MP5k mp5k_zm mp5k_upgraded_zm //PDW-57 pdw57_zm pdw57_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === AR=== ═══════════════════════*/ //FN FAL fnfal_zm fnfal_upgraded_zm //M14 m14_zm m14_upgraded_zm //SMR saritch_zm saritch_upgraded_zm //M16 m16_zm m16_gl_upgraded_zm //TAR-21 tar21_zm tar21_upgraded_zm //GL TAR-21 gl_tar21_zm //TYPE-25 type95_zm type95_upgraded_zm //GALIL galil_zm galil_upgraded_zm //AN-94 an94_zm an94_upgraded_zm //M8A1 xm8_zm xm8_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === SHOTGUN === ═══════════════════════*/ //R870-MCS 870mcs_zm 870mcs_upgraded_zm //OLYMPIA rottweil72_zm rottweil72_upgraded_zm //S-12 saiga12_zm saiga12_upgraded_zm //M1216 srm1216_zm srm1216_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //RPD rpd_zm rpd_upgraded_zm //HAMR hamr_zm, hamr_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === PISTOLS === ═══════════════════════*/ //M1911 m1911_zm m1911_upgraded_zm //PYHTON python_zm python_upgraded_zm //EXECUTIONER judge_zm judge_upgraded_zm //KAP-40 kard_zm kard_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN fiveseven_zm fiveseven_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN DUAL-WIELD fivesevendw_zm fivesevendw_upgraded_zm //B23R beretta93r_zm beretta93r_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LAUNCHER === ═══════════════════════*/ //RPG usrpg_zm usrpg_upgraded_zm //WAR MACHINE m32_zm m32_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === SPECIAL === ═══════════════════════*/ //BALLISTIC KNIFE knife_ballistic_zm knife_ballistic_upgraded_zm //BALLISTIC BOWIE knife_ballistic_bowie_zm knife_ballistic_bowie_upgraded_zm //BALLISTIC KNIFE NO MELEE knife_ballistic_no_melee_zm knife_ballistic_no_melee_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === WONDER WEAPONS === ═══════════════════════*/ //RAY GUN ray_gun_zm ray_gun_upgraded_zm //RAY GUN MARK-II raygun_mark2_zm raygun_mark2_upgraded_zm //SLIQUIFIER slipgun_zm slipgun_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === EQUIPMENT === ═══════════════════════*/ //MONKEY BOMBS cymbal_monkey_zm //SEMTEX sticky_grenade_zm //FRAGS frag_grenade_zm //CLAYMORES claymore_zm /*═══════════════════════ === MELEE=== ═══════════════════════*/ //DEFAULT KNIFE knife_zm //BOWIE KNIFE bowie_knife_zm //GALVA KNUCKLES tazer_knuckles_zm /*═══════════════════════ === BUILDABLES=== ═══════════════════════*/ //TRAMPLESTEAM equip_springpad_zm /*═══════════════════════ === PERKS === ═══════════════════════*/ //JUGGERNOG specialty_armorvest zombie_perk_bottle_jugg //QUICK REVIVE specialty_quickrevive zombie_perk_bottle_revive //SPEED COLA specialty_fastreload zombie_perk_bottle_sleight //DOUBLE TAP specialty_rof zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap //STAMINUP specialty_longersprint zombie_perk_bottle_marathon //MULE KICK specialty_additionalprimaryweapon zombie_perk_bottle_additionalprimaryweapon //WHO'S WHO? specialty_finalstand zombie_perk_bottle_whoswho /*═══════════════════════ === MISC === ═══════════════════════*/ zombie_knuckle_crack zombie_bowie_flourish zombie_tazer_flourish syrette_zm p6_anim_zm_magic_box ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ║ M O B O F T H E D E A D W E A P O N S L I S T ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /*═══════════════════════ === Snipers === ═══════════════════════*/ //DSR50 dsr50_zm dsr50_upgraded_zm //BARRETT barretm82_zm barretm82_upgraded_zm //SVU svu_zm svu_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === SMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //THOMPSON thompson_zm thompson_upgraded_zm //MP5k mp5k_zm mp5k_upgraded_zm //PDW-57 pdw57_zm pdw57_upgraded_zm //UZI uzi_zm uzi_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === AR=== ═══════════════════════*/ //FN FAL fnfal_zm fnfal_upgraded_zm //M14 m14_zm m14_upgraded_zm //TAR-21 tar21_zm tar21_upgraded_zm //GL TAR-21 gl_tar21_zm //GALIL galil_zm galil_upgraded_zm //AK-47 ak47_zm ak47_upgraded_zm /*════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ==== SHOTGUNS ==== ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════*/ //R870-MCS 870mcs_zm 870mcs_upgraded_zm //OLYMPIA rottweil72_zm rottweil72_upgraded_zm //S-12 saiga12_zm saiga12_upgraded_zm //M1216 srm1216_zm srm1216_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //LSAT lsat_zm lsat_upgraded_zm //DEATH MACHINE minigun_alcatraz_zm minigun_alcatraz_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === PISTOLS === ═══════════════════════*/ //M1911 m1911_zm m1911_upgraded_zm //EXECUTIONER judge_zm judge_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN fiveseven_zm fiveseven_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN DUAL-WIELD fivesevendw_zm fivesevendw_upgraded_zm //B23R beretta93r_zm beretta93r_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LAUNCHER === ═══════════════════════*/ //RPG usrpg_zm usrpg_upgraded_zm //WAR MACHINE m32_zm m32_upgraded_zm /*════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ==== SPECIALS ==== ════════════════════════════════════════════════════*/ //BALLISTIC KNIFE knife_ballistic_zm knife_ballistic_upgraded_zm //BALLISTIC BOWIE knife_ballistic_bowie_zm knife_ballistic_bowie_upgraded_zm //BALLISTIC KNIFE NO MELEE knife_ballistic_no_melee_zm knife_ballistic_no_melee_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === WONDER WEAPONS === ═══════════════════════*/ //RAY GUN ray_gun_zm ray_gun_upgraded_zm //RAY GUN MARK-II raygun_mark2_zm raygun_mark2_upgraded_zm //BLUNDERGAT blundergat_zm blundergat_upgraded_zm //ACIDGAT blundersplat_zm blundersplat_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === EQUIPMENT === ═══════════════════════*/ //SMOKES willy_pete_zm //SEMTEX sticky_grenade_zm //FRAGS frag_grenade_zm //CLAYMORES claymore_zm //TOMAHAWK bouncing_tomahawk_zm upgraded_tomahawk_zm /*═══════════════════════ === MELEE=== ═══════════════════════*/ //DEFAULT KNIFE knife_zm knife_zm_alcatraz //SPOON spoon_zm_alcatraz //SPORK spork_zm_alcatraz /*═══════════════════════ === BUILDABLES=== ═══════════════════════*/ //RIOT SHIELD alcatraz_shield_zm /*═══════════════════════ === PERKS === ═══════════════════════*/ //JUGGERNOG specialty_armorvest zombie_perk_bottle_jugg //SPEED COLA specialty_fastreload zombie_perk_bottle_sleight //DOUBLE TAP specialty_rof zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap //ELECTRIC CHERRY specialty_grenadepulldeath zombie_perk_bottle_cherry //DEADSHOT specialty_ads_zombies zombie_perk_bottle_deadshot /*═══════════════════════ === MISC === ═══════════════════════*/ zombie_knuckle_crack falling_hands_zm lightning_hands_zm syrette_zm syrette_afterlife_zm p6_anim_zm_magic_box tower_trap_zm tower_trap_upgraded_zm zombie_tomahawk_flourish ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ║ T R A N S I T W E A P O N S L I S T ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /*═══════════════════════ === Snipers === ═══════════════════════*/ //DSR50 dsr50_zm dsr50_upgraded_zm //BARRETT barretm82_zm barretm82_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === SMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //CHICOM qcw05_zm qcw05_upgraded_zm //AK74u ak74u_zm ak74u_upgraded_zm //MP5k mp5k_zm mp5k_upgraded_zm //PDW-57 pdw57_zm pdw57_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === AR=== ═══════════════════════*/ //FN FAL fnfal_zm fnfal_upgraded_zm //M14 m14_zm m14_upgraded_zm //SMR saritch_zm saritch_upgraded_zm //M16 m16_zm m16_gl_upgraded_zm //TAR-21 tar21_zm tar21_upgraded_zm //GL TAR-21 gl_tar21_zm //TYPE-25 type95_zm type95_upgraded_zm //GALIL galil_zm galil_upgraded_zm //M8A1 xm8_zm xm8_upgraded_zm /*════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ==== SHOTGUNS ==== ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════*/ //R870-MCS 870mcs_zm 870mcs_upgraded_zm //OLYMPIA rottweil72_zm rottweil72_upgraded_zm //S-12 saiga12_zm saiga12_upgraded_zm //M1216 srm1216_zm srm1216_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //RPD rpd_zm rpd_upgraded_zm //HAMR hamr_zm, hamr_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === PISTOLS === ═══════════════════════*/ //M1911 m1911_zm m1911_upgraded_zm //PYHTON python_zm python_upgraded_zm //EXECUTIONER judge_zm judge_upgraded_zm //KAP-40 kard_zm kard_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN fiveseven_zm fiveseven_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN DUAL-WIELD fivesevendw_zm fivesevendw_upgraded_zm //B23R beretta93r_zm beretta93r_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LAUNCHER === ═══════════════════════*/ //RPG usrpg_zm usrpg_upgraded_zm //WAR MACHINE m32_zm m32_upgraded_zm /*════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ==== SPECIALS ==== ════════════════════════════════════════════════════*/ //BALLISTIC KNIFE knife_ballistic_zm knife_ballistic_upgraded_zm //BALLISTIC BOWIE knife_ballistic_bowie_zm knife_ballistic_bowie_upgraded_zm //BALLISTIC KNIFE NO MELEE knife_ballistic_no_melee_zm knife_ballistic_no_melee_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === WONDER WEAPONS === ═══════════════════════*/ //RAY GUN ray_gun_zm ray_gun_upgraded_zm //RAY GUN MARK-II raygun_mark2_zm raygun_mark2_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === EQUIPMENT === ═══════════════════════*/ //MONKEY BOMBS cymbal_monkey_zm //SEMTEX sticky_grenade_zm //FRAGS frag_grenade_zm //CLAYMORES claymore_zm //EMPs emp_grenade_zm /*═══════════════════════ === MELEE=== ═══════════════════════*/ //DEFAULT KNIFE knife_zm //BOWIE KNIFE bowie_knife_zm //GALVA KNUCKLES tazer_knuckles_zm /*═══════════════════════ === BUILDABLES=== ═══════════════════════*/ //TURBINE equip_turbine_zm //RIOT SHIELD riotshield_zm //JETGUN jetgun_zm //ELECTRIC TRAP equip_electrictrap_zm //TURRET? equip_turret_zm /*═══════════════════════ === PERKS === ═══════════════════════*/ //JUGGERNOG specialty_armorvest zombie_perk_bottle_jugg //QUICK REVIVE specialty_quickrevive zombie_perk_bottle_revive //SPEED COLA specialty_fastreload zombie_perk_bottle_sleight //DOUBLE TAP specialty_rof zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap //STAMINUP specialty_longersprint zombie_perk_bottle_marathon //TOMBSTONE specialty_scavenger zombie_perk_bottle_tombstone /*═══════════════════════ === MISC === ═══════════════════════*/ zombie_knuckle_crack zombie_bowie_flourish zombie_tazer_flourish screecher_arms_zm syrette_zm p6_anim_zm_magic_box ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ║ O R I G I N S W E A P O N S L I S T ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /*═══════════════════════ === Snipers === ═══════════════════════*/ //DSR50 dsr50_zm dsr50_upgraded_zm //BALLISTA ballista_zm ballista_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === SMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //CHICOM qcw05_zm qcw05_upgraded_zm //THOMPSON thompson_zm thompson_upgraded_zm //AK74u ak74u_zm ak74u_upgraded_zm ak74u_extclip_zm ak74u_extclip_upgraded_zm //PDW-57 pdw57_zm pdw57_upgraded_zm //MP-40 mp40_zm mp40_upgraded_zm mp40_stalker_zm mp40_stalker_upgraded_zm //SKORPION evoskorpion_zm evoskorpion_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === AR=== ═══════════════════════*/ //FN FAL fnfal_zm fnfal_upgraded_zm //M14 m14_zm m14_upgraded_zm //MP-44 mp44_zm mp44_upgraded_zm //TYPE-25 type95_zm type95_upgraded_zm //GALIL galil_zm galil_upgraded_zm //SCAR-H scar_zm scar_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === SHOTGUN === ═══════════════════════*/ //R870-MCS 870mcs_zm 870mcs_upgraded_zm //KSG ksg_zm ksg_upgraded_zm //M1216 srm1216_zm srm1216_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //MG-08 mg08_zm mg08_upgraded_zm //HAMR hamr_zm, hamr_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === PISTOLS === ═══════════════════════*/ //MAUSER c96_zm c96_upgraded_zm //PYHTON python_zm python_upgraded_zm //KAP-40 kard_zm kard_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN fiveseven_zm fiveseven_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN DUAL-WIELD fivesevendw_zm fivesevendw_upgraded_zm //B23R beretta93r_zm beretta93r_upgraded_zm beretta93r_extclip_zm beretta93r_extclip_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LAUNCHER === ═══════════════════════*/ //WAR MACHINE m32_zm m32_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === WONDER WEAPONS === ═══════════════════════*/ //RAY GUN ray_gun_zm ray_gun_upgraded_zm //RAY GUN MARK-II raygun_mark2_zm raygun_mark2_upgraded_zm //FIRE STAFF staff_fire_zm staff_fire_upgraded_zm //ICE STAFF staff_water_zm staff_water_upgraded_zm staff_water_zm_cheap //WIND STAFF staff_air_zm staff_air_upgraded_zm //LIGHTNING STAFF staff_lightning_zm staff_lightning_upgraded_zm //STAFF REVIVE staff_revive_zm /*═══════════════════════ === EQUIPMENT === ═══════════════════════*/ //MONKEY BOMBS cymbal_monkey_zm //G-STRIKES beacon_zm //SEMTEX sticky_grenade_zm //FRAGS frag_grenade_zm //CLAYMORES claymore_zm //EMPs emp_grenade_zm /*═══════════════════════ === MELEE=== ═══════════════════════*/ //DEFAULT KNIFE knife_zm //ONE INCH PUNCH one_inch_punch_zm one_inch_punch_upgraded_zm one_inch_punch_fire_zm one_inch_punch_air_zm one_inch_punch_ice_zm one_inch_punch_lightning_zm /*═══════════════════════ === BUILDABLES=== ═══════════════════════*/ //MAXIS DRONE equip_dieseldrone_zm //RIOT SHIELD tomb_shield_zm /*═══════════════════════ === PERKS === ═══════════════════════*/ //JUGGERNOG specialty_armorvest zombie_perk_bottle_jugg //QUICK REVIVE specialty_quickrevive zombie_perk_bottle_revive //SPEED COLA specialty_fastreload zombie_perk_bottle_sleight //DOUBLE TAP specialty_rof zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap //STAMINUP specialty_longersprint zombie_perk_bottle_marathon //MULE KICK specialty_additionalprimaryweapon zombie_perk_bottle_additionalprimaryweapon //ELECTRIC CHERRY specialty_grenadepulldeath zombie_perk_bottle_cherry //DEADSHOT specialty_ads_zombies zombie_perk_bottle_deadshot //PHD FLOPPER specialty_flakjacket zombie_perk_bottle_nuke /*════════════════════════════════════════════════════ === RANDOM STUFF === ════════════════════════════════════════════════════*/ zombie_knuckle_crack falling_hands_zm syrette_zm p6_anim_zm_magic_box zombie_one_inch_punch_flourish ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ║ ║ N U K E T O W N W E A P O N S L I S T ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ /*═══════════════════════ === Snipers === ═══════════════════════*/ //DSR50 dsr50_zm dsr50_upgraded_zm //BARRETT barretm82_zm barretm82_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === SMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //CHICOM qcw05_zm qcw05_upgraded_zm //AK74u ak74u_zm ak74u_upgraded_zm //MP5k mp5k_zm mp5k_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === AR=== ═══════════════════════*/ //FN FAL fnfal_zm fnfal_upgraded_zm //M14 m14_zm m14_upgraded_zm //SMR saritch_zm saritch_upgraded_zm //M16 m16_zm m16_gl_upgraded_zm //TAR-21 tar21_zm tar21_upgraded_zm //GL TAR-21 gl_tar21_zm //TYPE-25 type95_zm type95_upgraded_zm //GALIL galil_zm galil_upgraded_zm //M8A1 xm8_zm xm8_upgraded_zm //M27 hk416_zm hk416_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === SHOTGUN === ═══════════════════════*/ //R870-MCS 870mcs_zm 870mcs_upgraded_zm //OLYMPIA rottweil72_zm rottweil72_upgraded_zm //S-12 saiga12_zm saiga12_upgraded_zm //M1216 srm1216_zm srm1216_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LMG === ═══════════════════════*/ //RPD rpd_zm rpd_upgraded_zm //HAMR hamr_zm, hamr_upgraded_zm //LSAT lsat_zm lsat_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ==== PISTOLS ==== ════════════════════════════════════════════════════*/ //M1911 m1911_zm m1911_upgraded_zm //PYHTON python_zm python_upgraded_zm //EXECUTIONER judge_zm judge_upgraded_zm //KAP-40 kard_zm kard_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN fiveseven_zm fiveseven_upgraded_zm //FIVE-SEVEN DUAL-WIELD fivesevendw_zm fivesevendw_upgraded_zm //B23R beretta93r_zm beretta93r_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === LAUNCHER === ═══════════════════════*/ //RPG usrpg_zm usrpg_upgraded_zm //WAR MACHINE m32_zm m32_upgraded_zm /*════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ==== SPECIALS ==== ════════════════════════════════════════════════════*/ //BALLISTIC KNIFE knife_ballistic_zm knife_ballistic_upgraded_zm //BALLISTIC BOWIE knife_ballistic_bowie_zm knife_ballistic_bowie_upgraded_zm //BALLISTIC KNIFE NO MELEE knife_ballistic_no_melee_zm knife_ballistic_no_melee_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === WONDER WEAPONS === ═══════════════════════*/ //RAY GUN ray_gun_zm ray_gun_upgraded_zm //RAY GUN MARK-II raygun_mark2_zm raygun_mark2_upgraded_zm /*═══════════════════════ === EQUIPMENT === ═══════════════════════*/ //MONKEY BOMBS cymbal_monkey_zm //SEMTEX sticky_grenade_zm //FRAGS frag_grenade_zm //CLAYMORES claymore_zm /*═══════════════════════ === MELEE=== ═══════════════════════*/ //DEFAULT KNIFE knife_zm //BOWIE KNIFE bowie_knife_zm //GALVA KNUCKLES tazer_knuckles_zm /*═══════════════════════ === PERKS === ═══════════════════════*/ //JUGGERNOG specialty_armorvest zombie_perk_bottle_jugg //QUICK REVIVE specialty_quickrevive zombie_perk_bottle_revive //SPEED COLA specialty_fastreload zombie_perk_bottle_sleight //DOUBLE TAP specialty_rof zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap /*════════════════════════════════════════════════════ === RANDOM STUFF === ════════════════════════════════════════════════════*/ zombie_knuckle_crack zombie_bowie_flourish zombie_tazer_flourish syrette_zm p6_anim_zm_magic_box
if(self sprintbuttonpressed()) self iprintln("SPRINT"); if(self inventorybuttonpressed()) self iprintln("INVENTORY"); if(self secondaryoffhandbuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+smoke}]"); if(self fragbuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+frag}]"); if(self stancebuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+stance}]"); if(self jumpbuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+gostand}]"); if(self meleebuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+melee}]"); if(self adsbuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+speed_throw}]"); if(self actionslotfourbuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+actionslot 4}]"); if(self actionslotthreebuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+actionslot 3}]"); if(self actionslottwobuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+actionslot 2}]"); if(self actionslotonebuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+actionslot 1}]"); if(self attackbuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+attack}]"); if(self changeseatbuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+switchseat}]"); if(self usebuttonpressed()) self iprintln("[{+usereload}]");
FMJ = +fmj Dual Band = +ir Laser = +steadyaim Long Barrel = +extbarrel Suppressor = +silencer Select Fire = +sf Tactical Knife = +tacknife Dual Wield = +dw Fast Mags = +dualclip Extended Mags = +extclip Grenade Launcher = +gl Iron Sights = +is Reflex = +reflex EOTech = +holo Rapid Fire = +rf Ballistic CPU = +swayreduc Tri Bolt = +stackfire Quickdraw = +fastads Grip = +grip Stock = +stalker Acog = +acog Zoom = +vzoom Target Finder = +rangefinder Hybrid Optic= +dualoptic MMS = +mms
self takeallweapons(); self getcurrentweapon(); self getcurrentweaponaltweapon(); self getcurrentoffhand(); self isusingoffhand(); self hasweapon("weapon_name"); self giveWeapon("weapon_name");
My Take on AutoSpawnBots & Sniper Only Damage (w/ almost hit & distance meter) [Trickshotting GSC]Sorex added the missing function thanks, did this while sleep deprived
My Take on AutoSpawnBots & Sniper Only Damage (w/ almost hit & distance meter) [Trickshotting GSC]Just a simple post for people who struggle with damage setups like myself [I have very very bad ADD & ADHD as well as developing signs of Dyslexia, so reading a big jumble of code can be tough at times]
In my version, I made it so bots don't absolutely sh*t on you while trying to trickshot (which is what normally happens when they are allowed to use snipers or reg guns) - While simultaneously preventing them all from bunching up, causing it to become harder to hit shots.
Alongside this, the bots scores will be reset after every single kill they get.
This should get you set up with a decent start for a trickshotting server, Cheers!
If you would like to download the entire thing rather then using parts of it:
GitHub DownloadDependancies
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); level thread autoBotSpawnFunctioning(); level.onkillscore = level.onplayerkilled; level.onplayerkilled = ::overwriteKilled; level.callDamage = level.callbackPlayerDamage; level.callbackPlayerDamage = ::overwriteDamage; }
onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); if(player is_bot()) { player thread botCantWin(); // by DoktorSAS } else { if(!player is_bot()) { player thread kickbot(); } player thread almostHitMessage(); player thread trackstats(); } } }
onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); if (self is_bot()) { self clearPerks(); self takeAllWeapons(); self giveweapon("knife_ballistic_mp"); self switchToWeapon("knife_ballistic_mp"); self setSpawnWeapon("knife_ballistic_mp"); } else { self thread botcmd(); //cmd to add one bot self thread consolekick(); //cmd to kick one bot /*===== First Official Spawn =====*/ if(isFirstSpawn) { self thread onFirstSpawn(); self freezecontrols (false); isFirstSpawn = false; } } } }
onFirstSpawn() { self iPrintLnBold("^1Test!"); wait 3; self iPrintLnBold("^2You can add a welcome message here!"); }
overwriteDamage( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset, boneIndex ) { if(!eAttacker is_bot()){ if( sMeansofDeath != "MOD_FALLING" && sMeansofDeath != "MOD_TRIGGER_HURT" && sMeansofDeath != "MOD_SUICIDE" ) { if ( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_MELEE" || !isDamageWeapon( sWeapon ) ) { eAttacker iprintln("^7Weapon does not deal damage!"); return; } if(eAttacker isOnGround() && eAttacker isOnLast() && sMeansOfDeath != "MOD_MELEE" ) { eAttacker iprintln("^1You landed!"); return; } if(int(distance(self.origin, attacker.origin)*0.0254) < 15 && eAttacker isOnLast()) { eAttacker iprintln("^1You are too close!"); return; } iDamage = 9999; } [[level.callDamage]]( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset, boneIndex ); } else if(eAttacker is_bot()){ if ( sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_MELEE" || !isBotWeapon( sWeapon ) ) { iDamage = 9999; } [[level.callDamage]]( eInflictor, eAttacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, timeOffset, boneIndex ); } } isBotWeapon( weapon ) { if ( !isDefined ( weapon ) ) return false; switch( weapon ) { case "knife_ballistic_mp": //Allows Ballistic Knife Damage for Bots (when shooting - melee is taken care of above) return true; default: return false; } } isDamageWeapon( weapon ) { if ( !isDefined ( weapon ) ) return false; weapon_class = getweaponclass( weapon ); if ( weapon_class == "weapon_sniper" || isSubStr( weapon , "sa58_" ) ) //Allows all snipers and FAL damage return true; switch( weapon ) { case "hatchet_mp": //Allows Tomahawk Damage return true; default: return false; } } overwriteKilled(einflictor, attacker, idamage, smeansofdeath, sweapon, vdir, shitloc, psoffsettime, deathanimduration) { thread [[level.onkillscore]](einflictor, attacker, idamage, smeansofdeath, sweapon, vdir, shitloc, psoffsettime, deathanimduration); if(attacker isOnLast()) { if (self != attacker && smeansofdeath != "MOD_TRIGGER_HURT" && smeansofdeath != "MOD_FALLING" && smeansofdeath != "MOD_SUICIDE" && smeansofdeath != "MOD_EXPLOSIVE") { sendMessagetoServer("^3discord.gg/plutonium"); //Discord Promotion on End Game sendMessagetoServer( attacker getPlayerName() + " killed ^1" + self.name + " ^7[^1" + int(distance(self.origin, attacker.origin)*0.0254) + "m^7]"); } } } sendMessagetoServer(msg) { foreach(player in level.players) player iprinln(msg); } isOnLast() { return self.pers["kills"] == (level.scorelimit-1); } getPlayerName() { name = getSubStr(self.name, 0, self.name.size); for(i = 0; i < name.size; i++) { if(name[i]=="]") break; } if(name.size != i) name = getSubStr(name, i + 1, name.size); return name; }
Almost Hit System
almostHitMessage() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { self waittill("weapon_fired"); if(self.pers["kills"] != level.scorelimit - 1) { // player kills != 4 continue; } start = self getTagOrigin("tag_eye"); end = anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()) * 1000000; impact = BulletTrace(start, end, true, self)["position"]; nearestDist = 150; // Higher nearestDist means bigger detection radius. If you change it, change it below too. foreach(player in level.players) { dist = distance(player.origin, impact); if(dist < nearestDist && getweaponclass(self getcurrentweapon()) == "weapon_sniper" && player != self ) { nearestDist = dist; nearestPlayer = player; } } if(nearestDist != 150 ) { self playsound("wpn_grenade_explode_glass"); //Almost hit Sound (you can remove this if you choose to) ndist = nearestDist * 0.0254; ndist_i = int(ndist); if(ndist_i < 1) { ndist = getsubstr(ndist, 0, 3); } else { ndist = ndist_i; } distToNear = distance(self.origin, nearestPlayer.origin) * 0.0254; // Meters from attacker to nearest distToNear_i = int(distToNear); // Round dist to int if(distToNear_i < 1) distToNear = getsubstr(distToNear, 0, 3); else distToNear = distToNear_i; self iprintln("Nearly hit^1" + nearestplayer.name + "^7 (" + ndist + "m) from ^7" + disttonear + "m"); nearestplayer iprintln(self.name + " ^1almost hit you from " + ndist + "m away"); if( !isDefined(self.ahcount) ) self.ahcount= 1; else self.ahcount+= 1; } } }
Amount of Almost Hits this Game
trackstats() { self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "statsdisplayed" ); level waittill("game_ended"); for(;;) { wait .12; if(!isDefined(self.biller)) { if(isDefined(self.ahcount)) { wait .5; if(self.ahcount== 1) self iprintln("You almost hit ^1"+self.ahcount+" ^7time this game!"); else self iprintln("You almost hit ^1"+self.ahcount+" ^7times this game!"); self notify( "statsdisplayed" ); } } wait 0.05; self notify( "statsdisplayed" ); } }
botCantWin() // by DoktorSAS { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); self.status = "BOT"; for(;;) { wait 0.25; if(self.pers["pointstowin"] >= level.scorelimit - 4) { self.pointstowin = 0; self.pers["pointstowin"] = self.pointstowin; self.score = 0; self.pers["score"] = self.score; self.kills = 0; self.deaths = 0; self.headshots = 0; self.pers["kills"] = self.kills; self.pers["deaths"] = self.deaths; self.pers["headshots"] = self.headshots; } } } // Bots if Empty // botcmd() { self notifyonplayercommand( "bot_notify", "bot" ); for(;;) { self waittill( "bot_notify" ); self thread quikksterspawnbot(); } } quikksterspawnbot() { if(level.players.size > 16) { self iprintln("^1Max amount of bots!"); return; } if(self.pers["team"] == "axis") maps/mp/bots/_bot::spawn_bot("allies"); else maps/mp/bots/_bot::spawn_bot("axis"); } kickBot() { foreach(player in level.players) { if(player is_bot()) { kick(player getEntityNumber()); break; } } } botspawnauto( ammount ) { i = 0; if( ammount != 0 ) { while( i < ammount ) { quikksterspawnbot(); i++; } } } autobotspawnfunctioning() { wait 20; serversize = level.players.size; serverlimit = 16; if( serversize <= serverlimit ) { botspawnauto( serverlimit - serversize ); } } consoleBots(a) { for(;;) { self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "spawnnotify", "spawn_bot" ); self waittill( "spawnnotify" ); for(i = 0; i < a; i++){ self thread maps\mp\bots\_bot::spawn_bot("autoassign"); wait 3; } } } consolekick() { for(;;) { self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "kicknotify", "kickbot" ); self waittill( "kicknotify" ); foreach(player in level.players){ if(isDefined(player.pers["isBot"])&& player.pers["isBot"]) { kick(player getEntityNumber(),"EXE_PLAYERKICKED"); break; } } } }
"Could not send heartbeat to nix! Error was: ip limit exceeded"thank you
"Could not send heartbeat to nix! Error was: ip limit exceeded"Simple post, just don't know why I keep getting this error (happens on MW3 and BO2 as well)
Could not send heartbeat to nix! Error was: ip limit exceeded
Sign ups for Server-Owners channel - DiscordMr. Android Re: Sign ups for Server-Owners channel - Discord
Quikkster#3200 (for whatever reason this one got banned a while back on the discord)
QuikksServers#0001 (im in the cord on this one, but if i could be able to access it on my main again that would be amazing haha)I run many servers across BO2, MW3, iW4x, WaWT4 and RektT5 all under the alias "QuikksServers" & "QKSTR" mainly hosting Trickshotting servers but I also host Sniper-Only, Zombies, Sniper 1v1s, Vanilla / All Guns, Infected, Gun Game, Cranked, the list goes on.
This list is not fully up to date, but I have not discontinued any of these, just added more then you see here!
(I may have double replied by mistake, but it looked like the first one never posted or ended up posting in the wrong section)
All BO2 Original Files (Organized) (Images+Sounds+.OBJ) + Death Machine SkinVolkzzzzz repost? Dead link
Sniper Only Damage for MW3Sorex thanks
Sniper Only Damage for MW3I am currently wrapping up my code for my MW3 servers and all I am really struggling with right now is sniper only damage. I have tried many variations of it and even my MW2/BO1/BO2 versions out of sheer curiosity of if it would work (it didn't LOL)
But anyways if anybody could kindly help me out or give me a basic template of it that would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Is It Possible To Host 24/7 Zombielandmikey would you be willing to revive this idea? I have actually gotten a lot of requests to make a zombieland server recently
[Release] ClanTagRankCountry BUMP
having the same issue