Resxt Hello, I have issues with it on VPS too. I bought the VPS specially for the server. I've made the inbound rule from firewall and allowed the Bootstrapper too. But It doesnt show me the server inside the game while it says "heartbeat successful"
Server not on server list -
Server not on server listiDontEnvy make an inbound rule inside windows firewall.
server hosting helpResxt Hello, I've resolved the issue with another solution. I wanna host my server in a VPS. I did host plus the server console also shows "Heartbeat Successful" but the server is not being shown inside the game on the server browser. Do you have any idea about it?
ZM - Script usefullThe inspect wpn button is literally same as alt fire button, if you press that button on origins with having upgraded staff, you cannot access the powerful reviver weapon...
ZM - Script usefullsend the source code.
NSM (Node Server Manager) SyntaxErroriHarrow i sent invite
NSM (Node Server Manager) SyntaxErroriHarrow can you help?
server hosting helpKalitos Hey, can you help me with adding node server manager to my server?
server hosting helpjdhruv tell me your discord, i'll help you with screenshare.
server hosting helpResxt I tried something else. I changed the name of plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe to plutonium-bootstrapper2-win32.exe and then changed its directory. I opened up the server starter config and then changed the directory of plutobootstrapper to the new one that I made, In this way, I am not getting errors plus the file is not getting deleted
server hosting helpjdhruv We're both getting the issues, asking them to fix it.
server hosting helpKalitos Hey, I'm having issues. When I open the server, my game launcher doesnt open. It tried to open the same file as server opens and then my launcher says "access the path ____ is denied why? and one more thing, it deletes the 2nd oopy of plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe.
server hosting helpjdhruv Eh what, that's wrong.
server hosting helpjdhruv call me by my name, I'm not your sir. And yeah that one!
server hosting helpjdhruv edit the file from where you start the server.
server hosting helpKalitos Thanks that's very nice of you because my game sometime crash while playing on my server with my friends and i wasn't quite able to join them.
server hosting helpResxt is it somehow possible that we can open server, then game?
Is this legal?Jeyyssii They mean to say that files will be downloaded from steam ig
Where to get .w all and .d all commands for my own server?Resxt there is nothing except of installation of node js -
Where to get .w all and .d all commands for my own server?Resxt Can you explain me how i can load that application for the plugin because i am unable to understand what fed said on his github channel.