shaqtinafoo22 Make sure in cfg like that
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Maps and the matching configs // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Buried - exec zm_classic_processing.cfg map zm_buried // // Buried Turned - exec zm_cleansed_street.cfg map zm_buried // // Buried Grief - exec zm_grief_street.cfg map zm_buried // // Die Rise - exec zm_classic_rooftop.cfg map zm_highrise // // Mob of The Dead - exec zm_classic_prison.cfg map zm_prison // // Mob of The Dead Grief - exec zm_grief_cellblock.cfg map zm_prison // // Nuketown - exec zm_standard_nuked.cfg map zm_nuked // // Origins - exec zm_classic_tomb.cfg map zm_tomb // // Tranzit - exec zm_classic_transit.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Farm Survival - exec zm_standard_farm.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Town Survival - exec zm_standard_town.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Bus Depot Survival - exec zm_standard_transit.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Farm Grief - exec zm_grief_farm.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Town Grief - exec zm_grief_town.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Bus Depot Grief - exec zm_grief_transit.cfg map zm_transit // // Tranzit Diner Turned - exec zm_cleansed_diner.cfg map zm_transit_dr // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Notes: // Town/Tranzit servers will not natively spawn in tombstone since servers launch the maps in solo. // --> // Grief requires a fix otherwise teams won't balance resulting in clients crashing when a 5th player joins. // --> //Classic/TranZit Maps rotation sv_maprotation "Here put your map" //Survival Maps rotation //sv_maprotation "exec zm_standard_town.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_standard_transit.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_standard_farm.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_standard_nuked.cfg map zm_nuked" //Grief Maps rotation //sv_maprotation "exec zm_grief_town.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_grief_transit.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_grief_farm.cfg map zm_transit exec zm_grief_cellblock.cfg map zm_prison exec zm_grief_street.cfg map zm_buried" //Turned Maps rotation //sv_maprotation "exec zm_cleansed_diner.cfg map zm_transit_dr exec zm_cleansed_street.cfg map zm_buried" //Congratulations. You reached the end of this file. Leave map_rotate down below or else the server will not start after launch... map_rotate![shaqtinafoo22 shaqtinafoo22](/assets/uploads/system/avatar-default.png)