I just copy paste and compiled etc, but the mod is making my server unjoinable ''error line 1;1;1''

[Resource] Giving out Aspire bo2 sniping mod -
Sign ups for Server-Owners channel - DiscordT6 Servers : HP Sniping4All Only Sniper
discord : Shyzu#8607 -
[Resource] Giving out Aspire bo2 sniping modHello ColouRz, do you have the mod to put in NotePad++ to make the people spawning in the server with a ballista anyway ?
Server Hosting with a VPSDss0 omg, We did it it's working! Thank you so much, now i just need to set up the game, mod etc.. is there a tutoriol how to use IW4Admin and stuff it could help a lot ahah, Thank u again
Server Hosting with a VPSDss0 Well thank u sm, so I did connect to the RPD, so it logged me in something like it was a new laptop right ? now I've to do the setup I did before to setup my server, ? And is it normal that I feel like on the VPS Computer I feel like it's sooo slow
Server Hosting with a VPSDss0 Well, I did. Idk if I should have but I did lol, I didn't want to make u loose your time now that I have it. Can u please tell me how to setting that up make the VPS Host the server and finally be done with that lol
Server Hosting with a VPSIt seems okay ?
Server Hosting with a VPSDss0 I figured it out it's because my route port cannot be open... So I just have to use a VPS which I'm fine with it, I just don't know which one to use, so I found one https://serverhino.com that I guessed is good but it's asking me to choose between V-Uno... the pic under
and also it ask to choose VM Template, Thanku sm for helping me
Server Hosting with a VPSHello, I'd like some help, I did my server by following the steps on the plutonium's website everything is allright I even see my server on https://pluto.mxve.de/t6mp and it say ''Heartbeating Successfull'' but my server doesn't appear in server list, I think it's because of the fact that my router is blocking the port even if I did open it with the Firewall etc.. so I think using a VPS would help me to put my server online but I don't know how to at all and I don't find any goof tutorial... Please help me.
My server doesn't appear in "Server list"adriango Wouldn't it be better to have a game host like a vps
Error bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exeUpdate : I figured it out how to have the heartbeat successfull I had an issue in the config files, but the server still not appearing do you know why ?
Error bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exeDss0? Hello, I'm unfurtunatly back lol, well, when I start my WatchDog files it's sayinf that the file ''games_mp.log'' is missing, and if im right to launch the server i need to open this file (Watchdog) to verify if ''Heartbeat Succesful'' what to do please ?
Error bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exeOkay thank you for your help imma try again tomorrow bc its kinda late in my tz ty for your help imma let u know if'd work or no
Error bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exeOkay that's a problem, I saw that we need to see ''Sending Hearbeat'' but when I open the ''!start_mp_server'' it's just tellin me that :
Error bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exeHow to make sure that I do have the dlcs please ? And id you're talking about the zip? if yes then I downloaded it from the plutonium website and yes I did put the port in the connect command and I tried many times, do you think the problem is from the game settings that I didn't do ? because atm I don't know how to
Error bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exeWell, it still not working by searching it by the f10 menu but by connecting with the lan ip it's connecting but not look it's showing me that then it say ''Lost connection with the host'' do you think it's because i didn't setup the game yet ? that's maybe the whole problem. I'm sorry it's the first time I do that im used to be on PS4 lol
Error bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exeI am on the game actually, that's why I told you that I don't see the server, so you're telling me that the game is actually using the port 4976 so i should move the server to the 77 right? ty again for helping me, sorry if im kinda long to answer but I have to wait the 600 minutes to answer
Error bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exeYes I'm running it on the same pc, and I did forward this port but isn't it the port 4976 for mp and 4977 for zombie? bc I only did forward the port 4976 and it's saying just above that the port is 4976
Error bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exeOkay now the files is working it's saying that the server started but in the server I do not see it, then here is the folder, ty for helping me