Can anyone help me with a GSC Script, i try Made one script For My self but y can't find codes For Made custom wallweapons, thanks

Soldado Suarez
GSC Script custom wallweapon spawn -
WAW Mods for bo2 zombies?The waw mod can be changed for bo2? for example the crazy mods for example wall buy power ups and ray gun (no perma-perk) or custom wall guns for example (plis confirmed this can be possible)
Ammo crate/box in zombiesIS not necessary ammo crate/box can be a max ammo wallbuy
Ammo crate/box in zombiesIs possible can be found or create one mod can spawn an ammo crate/box for zombies if you can use for resupply when you need ammo or do an step for easter egg? PD: is not necessary an ammo crate/box , example buyable max ammo power up is only a metod for get ammo in any moment when you need it
for example ammo machine or mod for bo2
or wall buy max ammo -
[ZM] Claymore bug fixedhindercanrun the fixed consist in add archives necessaries to apply the skin change, or add archives this is the solution
[ZM] Claymore bug fixedhindercanrun when you try install claymore mod in the original post, you only had 2 archives this archives are useless because they dont change claymore skin bro
[ZM] Claymore bug fixedspanish: esta es una solucion alternativa al mod de SUPERBURRITO 15 creditos a EL o ELLA
english: This is an alternative solution to the SUPERBURRITO mod 15 credits to HIM or HER
this mod is not mine is made by SUPERBURRITO15link: winrar necesario/necessary install: wanted the download button press click , descomprime the archives and put all archives in t6r-data-images credits:SUPERBURRITO15
Como jugar custom Map con mi amigo en bo2vi este post e intente abrir un custom Map de la carcel pero solo me cargo a mi solo y mi amigo dice que el juego no lo dejo unirse ¿com puedo arreglar esto?
[Release] [ZM] BO1 backgrounds zombies for BO2 zombiesGhostRider0125 thanks bro
[Release] [ZM] BO1 backgrounds zombies for BO2 zombiesspanish: estos post siempre son en espanglish pero no importa ehhh nuevos fondos de pantalla con el black ops 1 zombies y pos disfruten preimagenes
english: yeah bo1 backgrounds for bo2 zombies enjoy
(recordar/remember game roof/t6r/images no forget/ no olvidar)
i love you/te amo (don't die and try survive to 2023/ no te mueras e intenta sobrevivir al 2023) adios/bye
How i do custom backgrounds and perks icons (helpe me plis)GhostRider0125 thanks but i can solutionated this problem dont worry
[ZM] Custom perks icons/icons personalizados -
[ZM] Custom perks icons/icons personalizadosEnglish: i obtained the custom perks icons y convert this is archives From bo2 plutonium preview in the archives enjoy
spanish: yo consigue los iconos de los custom perks y los convertí en archivos del bo2 plutonium previsualización en los archivos
i love you/te amo
[ZM] Backgrounds for zm\fondos para zombiesEnglish: hello GUYS after so much tears,retrys and fails i had this day new backgrounds for you in a zombie mode with 1 extra background!
preview!(use winrar) shot0132.jpg
spanish: ok depues de muchas lagrimas, fallas e intentos yo traigo este dia fondos para ti en el modo zombies
previsualización(usa winrar)
i love you\te amo [link a drive
IWI fast convert doesnt workedyep, when i try create iwi archive the app dont work and this happen when i open iwi fast convert¿how solucionate this problem? thx
Convert archives to IWIGuys ¿what i can do to convert DDS archives to IWI for easy mode?
How i do custom backgrounds and perks icons (helpe me plis)English: guys i need know how do custom backgrounds for zm, i had so much images, i see this video for background but when i need create iwi archive the app dont work, i need know how convert archives DDS to IWI and you can help talk me the other mode to convert DDS archives to IWI, and how to do custom perks icons plis, thanks guys
Spanish: chicos necesito saber como hacen los fondos custom para el modo zombies, yo vi este video pero cuando necesitaba hacer el archivo IWI la aplicacion no sirve, entonces necesito saber si hay otro modo de hacer archivos iwi, tengo muchas imagenes, i tambien hacer imagenes custom perks gracias chicos
i love you/te amo
[Release] [ZM]Bo4 perks icons\iconos de perksLappen.exe thanks when i do other topic i sure write "guys" and not "gays" thanks bro
[Release] [ZM]Bo4 perks icons\iconos de perksenglish: hello gays my english isn't good but i retry for you, ok i see this zm-tentha-s-last-gen-bo3-the-giant-perk-pack?_=1676948281415 and i customize the custom perks icons for me and after for you: ok
this had 2 version the only difference is stronger cola is juggernogvictorious tortoise is juggernog
spanish:hola vi este post zm-tentha-s-last-gen-bo3-the-giant-perk-pack?_=1676948281415 y mejore mis iconos para ustedes solo tienen 2 diferencias 1.strongercola es titan
y victorius tortoise es titan y yacreditos de las imagenes, images credits : Tentha ok i guess dont be funated ok archives , espero no me funen
V.2: i love you \te amo